Page 27 - bon-dia-aruba-20200323
P. 27
WORLD NEWS Monday 23 March 2020
Croatia quake injures 17 amid partial coronavirus lockdown
By DARKO BANDIC Footage from the scene
Associated Press showed mothers dressed
ZAGREB, Croatia (AP) — A in nightgowns hugging
strong earthquake in Cro- their newborn babies in a
atia on Sunday caused parking lot as they evacu-
panic, the evacuation of ated a damaged mater-
hospitals and widespread nity hospital amid freezing
damage including to the temperatures. The women,
capital's iconic cathedral newborn babies and incu-
— all amid a partial coro- bators were being moved
navirus lockdown. to a new location with the
A 15-year-old was reported help of the army.
to be in critical condition Zagreb's iconic cathedral
and 16 others were injured, was also damaged, with
authorities said. the top of one of its two
The European seismologi- spires collapsing. The ca-
cal agency, EMSC, said thedral was rebuilt after it
the earthquake measured toppled in the 1880 earth-
5.3 and struck a wide area quake. Power was cut as
north of the capital, Za- people ran out of their
greb, at 6:23 a.m. (0523 homes. Several fires were
GMT) Sunday. The epicen- also reported. Residents Firefighters carry a person on a stretcher after an earthquake in Zagreb, Croatia, Sunday, March
ter was seven kilometers shared photos of belong- 22, 2020. A strong earthquake shook Croatia and its capital on Sunday, causing widespread
(four miles) north of Zagreb ings falling off shelves, bro- damage and panic.
at a depth of 10 kilometers ken bottles and glass inside Associated Press
(6 miles). homes.
There were at least for Officials first said a 15-year- had little choice as they Croatia. "Earthquakes are who lives in Zagreb, told a
weaker temblors after the old was killed, but doctors fled their residences. dangerous, but coronavi- local TV station. He gave
initial quake. later said that she was in Up to five people are al- rus is even more so," Beros only his first name.
Prime Minister Andrej Plen- critical condition and that lowed to be together while said, as people rushed out For most people, the new
kovic said the earthquake they were fighting to save keeping a distance. of their homes to congre- coronavirus causes only
was the biggest in Zagreb her life. They gave no im- Health Minister Vili Beros gate in city parks. mild or moderate symp-
in the last 140 years. mediate details on the ex- warned people to keep Some of Zagreb residents toms, such as fever or
Many buildings in the capi- tent of other injuries. a two-meter (around sev- disagreed. coughing. For some, es-
tal cracked and walls and The earthquake struck en-foot) "social distance" "Earthquakes are more im- pecially older adults and
rooftops were damaged. amid a partial lockdown of as requested by decrees portant than the coronavi- people with existing health
Downtown streets were lit- the capital because of the passed by the government rus. If the earthquake hits, problems, it can cause
tered with debris. Concrete spread of the coronavirus. in an attempt to prevent and you are under a door, more severe illness, includ-
slabs fell on cars and chim- People were told to avoid the spread of COVID-19. you worry about yourself ing pneumonia. Some
neys landed in front of en- public areas, such as parks There are 235 coronavirus first and then the mask lat- 93,800 people have recov-
trances. and public squares, but cases confirmed so far in er," Paul, a man from Peru ered, mostly in China.q
Merkel in quarantine after doctor tests
positive for virus
By FRANK JORDANS curb the spread of the vi- Seibert said in a statement
Associated Press rus, her spokesman Steffen that Merkel would undergo
BERLIN (AP) — German Seibert said. "regular tests" in the com-
Chancellor Angela Merkel For most people, the new ing days and continue with
has gone into quarantine coronavirus causes only her work from home for the
after being informed that mild or moderate symp- time being.
a doctor who administered toms, such as fever or Merkel had earlier ex-
a vaccine to her has tested coughing. For some, es- pressed her gratitude to
positive for the new coro- pecially older adults and Germans who were follow-
navirus. people with existing health ing the rules on social dis-
Merkel, 65, was informed problems, it can cause tancing, saying it was im-
about the doctor's test more severe illness, includ- portant to remain at least
shortly after holding a news ing pneumonia. About 1.5 meters (about five feet) German Chancellor Angela Merkel speaks at a press conference
conference Sunday an- 93,800 people have recov- apart to reduce the likeli- about coronavirus, in Berlin, Sunday, March 22, 2020.
nouncing new measures to ered, mostly in China. hood of infection.q Associated Press