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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 23 March 2020

            New York to shut down as it becomes next virus hot spot

            Continued from Front                                                                                                in cases was likely coming.
                                                                                                                                The  world  kept  shutting
            But Fauci and other emer-                                                                                           down  too.  The  long-haul
            gency officials did not give                                                                                        airline  Emirates  —  a  major
            hard  figures  on  the  num-                                                                                        East-West  carrier  —  said  it
            ber  of  masks  or  anything                                                                                        will  suspend  all  passenger
            else  on  their  way.  New                                                                                          flights  beginning  Wednes-
            York  Gov.  Andrew  Cuomo                                                                                           day over the outbreak. Sin-
            urged  federal  officials  to                                                                                       gapore said it will fully shut
            step  in  quickly  as  hard-hit                                                                                     its  borders  beginning  Tues-
            states  outbid  each  other                                                                                         day.  Sunday was Mother's
            for  ever  scarcer  supplies,                                                                                       Day  in  Britain  and  the  go-
            sometimes  doubling  or  tri-                                                                                       vernment had a stark mes-
            pling prices.                                                                                                       sage  for  millions:  Visiting
            In  Washington,  negotia-                                                                                           your  mother  could  kill  her.
            tors  from  Congress  and                                                                                           Instead  of  parties,  lunch
            the  White  House  resumed                                                                                          or  tea,  Prime  Minister  Boris
            top-level  talks  on  a  $1.4                                                                                       Johnson implored Britons to
            trillion  economic  rescue                                                                                          call Mom on a video chat.
            package,  urged  by  Presi-                                                                                         Doctors in Britain made ur-
            dent Donald Trump to strike                                                                                         gent pleas for more protec-
            a  deal  to  steady  a  nation                                                                                      tive equipment as the num-
            upended by the coronavi-                                                                                            ber of coronavirus patients
            rus  pandemic.  Trump  ap-   A subway customer wears protective gloves and a face mask due to COVID-19 concerns while   in  U.K.  hospitals  soared  to
            peared  confident  about     walking along an empty train platform at the Cortlandt Street station, Saturday, March 21, 2020, in   more  than  5,000.  Almost
            the nation's ability to defeat   the Brooklyn borough of New York.                                                  4,000  medical  workers  sig-
            the  pandemic  soon  even                                                                          Associated Press   ned a letter to the Sunday
            as health leaders acknow-    double the current number.   Elsewhere in the world, the  In   Croatia,   a   strong  Times  saying  front-line  staff
            ledged  that  the  U.S.  was   Meanwhile, de Blasio urged  coronavirus raged on. Italy  earthquake  measuring  5.3  felt  like  "cannon  fodder."
            nowhere near the peak of     New York City to shut down  and  Iran  reported  soaring  near  Zagreb  caused  the  They  warned  that  medics
            the outbreak.                at 5 p.m. Sunday except for  new death tolls.             evacuation  of  hospitals  would die if they did not re-
            Worldwide,    more    than   essential services and wor-  Italian  Premier  Giuseppe  and  widespread  damage.  ceive better equipment.
            316,000 people have been     kers.  But  with  the  danger  Conte  went  on  live  TV  to  Health  Minister  Vili  Beros  In  Spain,  Europe's  hardest-
            infected and nearly 13,600   an invisible virus instead of  announce  that  he  was  warned      people    fleeing  hit  country  after  Italy,  in-
            have  died,  according  to   billowing smoke or blowing  tightening  the  country's  their  homes  to  avoid  con-  tensive  care  units  in  some
            Johns  Hopkins  University.   snow, New Yorkers were still  lockdown.  Italy  now  has  gregating in public places.  areas  were  close  to  their
            About  150  countries  now   gathering in large groups in  more  than  59,000  cases  "Earthquakes  are  dange-     limits even before Sunday's
            have confirmed cases, and    parks, playing basketball or  and 5,476 deaths.           rous,  but  coronavirus  is  new  tally  of  more  than
            deaths  have  been  repor-   having block parties. Similar  ''We  are  facing  the  most  even  more  so,"  Beros  said.  28,500 infections and 1,750
            ted in more than 30 Ameri-   scenes  played  out  around  serious crisis that the coun-  Seventeen  injuries  but  no  deaths.  A  field  hospital
            can states.                  the country.                 try  has  experienced  since  deaths were reported.       with 5,500 beds was going
            There  were  more  than      Cuomo     said   he    was  World  War  II,''  Conte  told  In  the  rest  of  the  United  up  in  a  convention  center
            27,000  cases  across  the   stunned  and  offended  as  Italians during a broadcast  States, parts of the country  in  Madrid  and  health  of-
            U.S.  and  375  deaths.  New   he  toured  the  city  Satur-  at midnight.             found  themselves  moving  ficials  warned  more  than
            York  state  accounted  for   day  and  gave  local  offi-  Iran's supreme leader refu-  toward  the  kind  of  pro-  10% of the country's health
            114  deaths,  mostly  in  New   cials a day to figure out a  sed U.S. assistance Sunday  blems seen in New York.    workers were now infected
            York City, where there were   plan  whether  it  be  closing  to  fight  the  virus,  citing  an  There  was  a  unified  mes-  with coronavirus.
            more  than  4,400  infecti-  parks,  closing  playgrounds  unfounded conspiracy the-   sage  to  stay  away  from  "We  can't  just  repeat  the
            ons,  but  officials  warned   or opening streets, typical-  ory  that  it  could  be  made  large  gatherings.  Officials  slogans  that  we  will  get
            the concentration may be     ly  teeming  with  traffic  but  by  America.  Ayatollah  Ali  called them different things  through this together," said
            more  because  of  incre-    now quiet, only to pedestri-  Khamenei's     comments  —  social  distancing,  shel-   Dr.  German  Peces-Barba,
            ased testing.                ans.                         came  as  Iran  faces  cru-  tering  in  place,  or  in  the  a lung specialist at Funda-
            On Sunday, New York pas-     "It's insensitive. It's arrogant.  shing U.S. sanctions over its  case  of  Nashville,  Tennes-  ción  Jiménez  Díaz  hospital
            sed  Washington  state,  the   It's  self-destructive.  It's  dis-  nuclear  actions.  Iran  says  see,  a  "safer  at  home"  or-  in Madrid.
            initial  epicenter  of  the  U.S.   respectful to other people,"  it  has  1,685  deaths  and  der. Enforcement of any of  But  there  were  some  signs
            outbreak,  in  the  number   Cuomo said. "It has to stop  21,638  confirmed  cases  of  these orders is still up in the  of  hope.  The  Chinese  city
            of fatal cases. Only China,   and it has to stop now."    the  virus  —  a  toll  that  ex-  air.  Most  locations  simply  of Wuhan — where the glo-
            Italy and Spain have repor-  Along  with  the  staggering  perts from the World Health  broke  up  large  gatherings  bal pandemic was first de-
            ted  more  COVID-19  cases   numbers,  there  were  indi-  Organization  say  is  almost  and sent people home be-  tected and the first city to
            than the U.S. Cuomo spent    vidual  reminders  Sunday  certainly under-reported.      cause one of the last things  be locked down — went a
            Saturday  scouting  places   of  the  reach  of  the  virus.  For   most   people,   the  health officials wanted was  fourth  consecutive  day  on
            to build makeshift hospitals   Republican  Rand  Paul  of  new  coronavirus  causes  putting people in confined  Sunday  without  reporting
            and  told  existing  hospitals   Kentucky  became  the  first  only  mild  or  moderate  spaces  like  jails.  Many  go-  any new or suspected ca-
            to figure out ways to incre-  U.S.  senator  to  announce  symptoms,  such  as  fever  vernments  were  releasing  ses.
            ase their current beds by at   he  was  infected.  Opera  or coughing. For some, es-   non-violent inmates.         Parks and other public ga-
            least 50% because predic-    superstar Plácido Domingo  pecially  older  adults  and  Nearly  40  inmates  had  thering places were reope-
            tions  from  health  officials   announced  he  has  CO-  people  with  existing  he-  been  diagnosed  as  of  Sa-  ning  in  China  as  people
            are  COVID-19  cases  nee-   VID-19 and German Chan-      alth problems, it can cause  turday  with  COVID-19  in  return to work and busines-
            ding  advanced  medical      cellor  Angela  Merkel  put  more  severe  illness,  inclu-  the New York prison system  ses resumed. However, the
            care will top 100,000 in New   herself  into  quarantine  af-  ding  pneumonia.  Some  including the notorious Rik-  country  has  placed  incre-
            York state in the next month   ter a doctor who gave her  93,800  people  have  reco-  ers Island complex and of-   asing  restrictions  on  those
            or  so,  which  is  more  than   a vaccine tested positive.  vered, mostly in China.   ficials warned a huge jump  coming from overseas.q
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