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U.S. NEWS Wednesday 10 april 2024
GOP’s Marjorie Taylor Greene delivers fresh threats of ousting
Speaker Johnson in scathing rebuke
By LISA MASCARO But Greene, during a rousing
AP Congressional Corre- town hall late Monday in her
spondent home district in Georgia and
WASHINGTON (AP) — Hard- in the scathing letter deliv-
right Rep. Marjorie Taylor ered Tuesday as lawmakers
Greene is escalating her returned to work, left clear
criticism of House Speaker the threat that hangs over
Mike Johnson, blistering his Johnson if he seeks any part-
leadership in a lengthy letter nership with Democrats.
to colleagues and renewing In the letter, she outlined the
threats of a snap vote that promises she said Johnson
could remove him from of- made to Republicans during
fice. the fight to become speaker,
As lawmakers returned to and listed ways she said he
work Tuesday from a two- had broken them — for ex-
week spring recess, the fresh ample, by passing the spend-
onslaught from the Georgia ing bills needed to fund the
congresswoman dragged government with existing poli-
the still-new speaker back cies many Republicans op-
into the Republican chaos pose, or by failing to include
that has defined GOP House legislation with Republican
control and threatens to proposals for securing the
grind work to a halt. Johnson Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., arrives for an interview in Laconia, N.H., Jan. 22, 2024. U.S.-Mexico border. q
Associated Press
may very well be unable to
execute the basics of his job. post, it is political payback
“Today, I sent a letter to my for his efforts to keep gov-
colleagues explaining ex- ernment running by com-
actly why I filed a motion promising with Democrats
to vacate against Speaker on must-past legislation to
Johnson,” Greene said on fund federal operations and
social media about the pro- prevent a shutdown.
cedural tool that could force Partnership with Democrats
the quick vote. is about the only way John-
Greene in stark terms warned son can pass any bills in the
Johnson not to reach across face of a thin majority and
the aisle to Democrats for staunch resistance from his
votes he would need to pass right flank. He can lose barely
pending legislation that hard- more than a single Repub-
right Republicans oppose, lican from his ranks on most
particularly aid to Ukraine. votes.
That aid package as well as Greene, who filed the mo-
other agenda items are in tion to vacate the speaker
grave doubt. before lawmakers left for
“I will not tolerate this type spring break in March, has
of Republican ‘leadership,’” stopped short of saying she
wrote Greene, a top ally of would call it up for the vote
presumptive presidential and her next steps are un-
nominee Donald Trump, certain.
in the five-page letter first Other Republicans, even
reported by The New York some of the eight who voted
Times. to oust McCarthy, the Cali-
The standoff threatens to fornia Republican who has
mire the House in another since retired from Congress,
standstill, saddling the Re- have cooled on Greene’s ef-
publican majority with a do- fort, trying to prevent another
nothing label after months spectacle. McCarthy’s ouster
of turmoil that has sent some left the House essentially shut-
seasoned lawmakers head- tered for almost a month last
ing for the exits. fall as Republicans argued
It comes during what is typi- over a new leader.
cally a springtime legislative And Democrats led by Rep.
push in Congress to notch Hakeem Jeffries of New York
a few priorities before law- have signaled they may lend
makers turn their attention their votes to Johnson, a
toward the November elec- courtesy they did not extend
tion campaigns. to McCarthy, which could
For Johnson, who took the save the Louisiana Republi-
helm just six months ago af- can’s job in a bipartisan effort
ter the House ousted Kevin to keep the House open and
McCarthy from the speaker’s functioning.