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A28    u.s. news
                     Diasabra 5 Maart 2022

                      Backlash against Russian-branded gas stations hits Americans

                                                                      with  Ukraine  and  I’m  fully  states,  mainly  in  the  north-  It  wasn’t  immediately  clear
                                                                      in  support  of  Russian  sanc-  eastern U.S.             Thursday  when  the  New-
                                                                      tions,”  Verma  said  Wednes-                             ark  stations’  licenses  would
                                                                      day in front of Newark’s City  Newark  officials  said  going  be revoked, or if the city ad-
                                                                      Hall.  “But  I’m  baffled  and  after the Lukoil stations was  ministrator  might  halt  the
                                                                      confused  how  people  sitting  the moral thing to do, even if  suspension. Ramos, who in-
                                                                      in  these  positions  without  they are locally owned.    troduced the resolution, said
                                                                      having  any  of  their  facts  to-                        he  anticipated  it  would  still
                                                                      gether  and  without  having  “All of us are horrified by the  happen.
                                                                      full knowledge of how things  images  we’re  seeing”  from
                                                                      are  done  can  introduce  and  Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,  Under a typical Lukoil fran-
                                                                      change laws and change peo-  Council Member Anibal Ra-    chise agreement, the compa-
                                                                      ple’s lives just like that.”  mos  said  Wednesday.  “To-  ny acts as the station’s land-
                                                                                                   day  Newark  is  standing  in  lord.  The  station  pays  rent,
                                                                      In  some  places,  people  have  solidarity  with  a  number  of  taxes and utilities to the com-
                                                                      been  pouring  out  Smirnoff  countries  around  the  world  pany and also agrees to buy a
            (AP)  —  Outraged  by  the  Phillips 66 refinery.         vodka, not realizing that the  who  are  supporting  democ-  certain  amount  of  fuel  each
            invasion  of  Ukraine,  law-                              beverage is owned by an Eng-  racy  and  taking  sanctions  month.
            makers  in  New  Jersey’s  The  campaign  targeting  the  lish company and the bottles  against  the  Russian  federa-
            largest  city  lashed  out  at  gas  stations  is  one  example  consumed  in  the  U.S.  are  tion.”               Sal  Risalvato,  executive  di-
            one of the closest symbols  of  collateral  damage  from  distilled in Illinois.                                    rector  of  New  Jersey  Gaso-
            of  Russia  they  could  find  the  backlash  against  Russia,                         A  phone  message  couldn’t  line, Convenience Store and
            — a pair of Lukoil gas sta-  as  government  officials  and  Charlie  Tgibedes,  owner  of  be left at a listing for Lukoil  Automotive   Association,
            tions.                       customers race to show their  Box  Seats,  a  restaurant  and  Americas Corp. in New York.  called the crackdown on the
                                         support for Ukraine by boy-  sports  bar  in  North  Attle-                            stations  “nothing  more  than
            The  Newark  City  Council  cotting  products  and  com-  boro,  Massachusetts,  told  In  a  statement  posted  on  its  political theater.”
            voted unanimously Wednes-    panies — or things they per-  The Sun Chronicle newspa-   website  Thursday,  Lukoil’s
            day to ask the city’s business  ceive to be Russian.      per  he’s  not  ordering  more  board  of  directors  expressed  “All  of  the  station  owners
            administrator to suspend the                              vodka  from  Russian  com-   “its  deepest  concerns  about  condemn what Russia is do-
            service stations’ operating li-  Roger  Verma,  a  New  Jersey  panies  but  questioned  the  the tragic events in Ukraine”  ing  in  Ukraine,  but  do  not
            censes, citing Lukoil’s base in  resident  who  immigrated  wisdom  of  tossing  what  he  and  called  for  “the  soonest  deserve  to  lose  their  busi-
            Moscow.                      from  India  45  years  ago,  already has.                termination  of  the  armed  nesses and their investments
                                         has  owned  the  franchise  for                           conflict.”                   because  of  Russia’s  bad  be-
            In  doing  so,  however,  they  one of the Lukoil stations in  “It  looks  good  doing  it,  but                    havior,” Risalvato wrote in an
            may  have  predominantly  Newark since 2005. He said  the  stuff  is  already  in  the  “We express our sincere em-  email.
            been hurting Americans.      the  decision  to  yank  his  li-  building and paid for. You’re  pathy  for  all  victims,  who
                                         cense  left  him  baffled  and  just  hurting  yourself  dump-  are  affected  by  this  tragedy.  Ramos  said  the  license  sus-
            The  stations  are  franchises  concerned  that  he  could  be  ing  it  down  the  drain,”  he  We  strongly  support  a  last-  pension in Newark is meant
            owned  by  locals,  not  Rus-  put  out  of  business,  which  said.                   ing ceasefire and a settlement  to  be  temporary  and  his  of-
            sians.  They  employ  mostly  would affect his 16 employ-                              of problems through serious  fice  had  received  calls  from
            New  Jersey  residents.  And  ees.                        On social media, people have  negotiations and diplomacy,”  employers  offering  to  give
            the  gasoline  sold  at  the  sta-                        called for boycotts of Lukoil  it said.                   jobs  to  any  affected  gas  sta-
            tions  comes  from  a  local  “Let me be clear that I stand  stations, which operate in 11                          tion workers.

                        Peace Corps plans to start sending volunteers overseas again

            (AP)  -  The  Peace  Corps  recruiting for 24 posts.      will on helping communities  things  started  to  open  back
            will  start  sending  volun-                              overcome  issues  exacerbated  up. Now that things have, I  Since  those  evacuations,  the
            teers  overseas  again  in  “Over the past two years, our  by the pandemic, such as in-  am just over the moon about  Peace Corps has used volun-
            mid-March  after  it  evac-  primary goal has been to re-  creased school dropout rates,  it.”                      teers to help with the COV-
            uated  them  from  posts  turn  volunteers  to  the  more  literary  skills  and  preparing                         ID-19 response domestically
            around  the  world  two  than 60 countries that are en-   young adults for work.       The  Peace  Corps  marks  its  and  developed  a  virtual  ser-
            years ago due to the COV-    thusiastically  awaiting  their                           61th  anniversary  this  week.  vice  pilot  program.  Not  be-
            ID-19 pandemic, the U.S.  return. And, we have weath-     “I  was  absolutely  ecstatic.  Two  years  ago,  it  had  7,000  fore March 2020 had the or-
            government  program  an-     ered  the  waves  and  variants  This  has  been  a  dream  of  volunteers  in  62  countries,  ganization founded by Presi-
            nounced Thursday.            of  the  COVID-19  situation  mine  ever  since  I  finished  when  they  were  evacuated  dent John F. Kennedy needed
                                         at each post and reengineered  high  school,”  said  Campbell  and sent back to the United  to evacuate all its volunteers
            An initial group of new vol-  Peace  Corps  systems,  poli-  Martin, 23, of Sonoma, Cali-  States.                  at the same time.
            unteers and those who were  cies, and procedures to align  fornia, who applied last sum-
            evacuated  in  March  2020  with  today’s  reality,”  Peace  mer  after  graduating  from
            as  the  coronavirus  began  Corps  CEO  Carol  Spahn  UCLA and is scheduled be-
            to  spread  across  the  globe  said.                     gin serving in June as a pri-
            will  go  to  Zambia  and  the                            mary teacher/trainer in Gam-
            Dominican  Republic  this  Besides  their  primary  work  bia.  He  still  needs  medical
            month, according to a Peace  on  local  issues,  volunteers  and legal clearance.
            Corps statement.             will be be involved in COV-
                                         ID-19 response and recovery,  “I  want  a  career  in  foreign
            The Peace Corps plans to re-  the Peace Corps said.       service  and  I  knew  Peace
            turn volunteers to their posts                            Corps was a wonderful step,
            throughout the year, based on  In  Zambia,  volunteers  will  not only to serve as a global
            the  number  of  COVID-19  coordinate  with  local  lead-  citizen but also Peace Corps
            cases  and  hospital  capacity  ers and partner ministries to  — its mission, its intent — is
            in  the  host  country  and  the  provide  COVID-19  educa-  something  I  very  much  be-
            Peace  Corps’  ability  trans-  tion  and  promote  access  to  lieve in,” he said. “As COVID
            port  volunteers  to  medical  vaccinations  for  communi-  shut the world down, I knew,
            evacuation  centers  if  there’s  ties, officials said. In the Do-  so too, would those opportu-
            an emergency. It is currently  minican  Republic,  the  focus  nities shut down for me until
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