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                                                                                         world news Diasabra 5 Maart 2022

                                Suicide bombing kills 56 at Shiite mosque in Pakistan

            (AP)  —  A  suicide  bomb-   suicide vest.                                                                          His national security adviser,
            er  struck  inside  a  Shiite                                                                                       Moeed Yusuf, said the bomb-
            Muslim  mosque  in  Paki-    The  suicide  bomber  had                                                              ing  was  a  “heinous  terrorist
            stan’s  northwestern  city  strapped a powerful explosive                                                           attack”  and  promised  that
            of Peshawar during Friday  device  to  his  body,  packed                                                           those  behind  the  carnage
            prayers, killing at least 56  with 5 kilograms (12 pounds)                                                          would “be brought to justice.
            worshippers  and  wound-     of explosives, said Moazzam
            ing  194  people,  hospital  Jah Ansari, the top police of-                                                         “We will not allow our gains
            officials said.              ficial for Khyber Pukhtunkh-                                                           against  terrorism  &  our  in-
                                         wa province where Peshawar                                                             ternal  security  to  be  com-
            No  militant  group  imme-   is the capital.                                                                        promised at any cost,” Yusuf
            diately  claimed  responsibil-                                                                                      tweeted.
            ity  for  the  attack.  Both  the  The  device  was  hidden  be-
            Islamic  State  group  and  the  neath  a  large  black  shawl                                                      Retired  army  officer  Sher
            Pakistani  Taliban  —  a  mili-  that covered much of the at-                                                       Ali who had been inside the
            tant group separate from the  tacker’s  body,  according  to                                                        mosque at the time of the ex-
            Taliban  in  Afghanistan  —  CCTV  footage  seen  by  The                                                           plosion was injured by flying
            have  carried  out  similar  at-  Associated Press. The footage  saldar  Mosque  for  Friday  gency  department,  many  of  shrapnel. He made a impas-
            tacks in the past in the area,  showed the bomber moving  prayers.  There  are  fears  the  them  wailing  and  beating  sioned  plea  to  the  Pakistani
            located near the border with  quickly  up  a  narrow  street  death toll could still rise fur-  their chests, pleading for in-  government  for  better  pro-
            Afghanistan.                 toward the mosque entrance.  ther, he added.              formation  about  their  loved  tection  of  the  country’s  mi-
                                         He fired at the police protect-                           ones.                        nority Shiites.
            According to the spokesman  ing the mosque before enter-  Ambulances rushed through
            at  Peshawar’s  Lady  Reading  ing inside.                congested narrow streets car-  Outside the mosque, Shiites  “What is our sin? What have
            Hospital,  Asim  Khan,  many                              rying  the  wounded  to  Lady  pressed  through  the  cor-  we done? Aren’t we citizens
            of  the  wounded  were  in  Within  seconds,  a  powerful  Reading  Hospital,  where  doned-off streets. Kucha Ri-  of this country?” he said from
            critical  condition.  Scores  of  explosion  occurred  and  the  doctors worked feverishly.  saldar Mosque is one of the  inside the emergency depart-
            victims  were  peppered  with  camera  lens  was  obscured                             oldest  in  the  area,  predating  ment, his white clothes splat-
            shrapnel,  several  had  limbs  with  dust  and  debris.  An-  Shayan  Haider,  a  witness,  the  creation  of  Pakistan  in  tered with blood.
            amputated  and  others  were  sari  said  the  crudely  made  had  been  preparing  to  enter  1947 as a separate homeland
            injured by flying debris.    device  was  packed  with  ball  the mosque when a powerful  for the Muslims of the Indian  Iran’s Foreign Ministry con-
                                         bearings, a deadly method of  explosion  threw  him  to  the  subcontinent.            demned  the  attack,  saying
            Peshawar  Police  Chief  Mu-  constructing  a  bomb  to  in-  ground.  “I  opened  my  eyes                         the  perpetrators  were  intent
            hammed Ejaz Khan said the  flict the most carnage spray-  and there was dust and bod-  The prayer leader, Allama Ir-  on  “sowing  discord  among
            violence  started  when  an  ing a larger area with deadly  ies everywhere,” he said.  shad Hussein Khalil, a prom-  Muslims.”  In  a  statement
            armed  attacker  opened  fire  projectiles. The ball bearings                          inent  up  and  coming  young  on  the  ministry’s  website,
            on police outside the mosque  caused  the  high  death  toll,  At the Lady Reading Hospi-  Shiite leader, was among the  spokesman  Saeed  Khatiza-
            in  Peshawar’s  old  city.  One  Ansari said.             tal  Emergency  department,  dead.  Throughout  the  city,  deh  expressed  his  hope  that
            policeman  was  killed  in  the                           there  was  chaos  as  doctors  ambulance  sirens  could  be  Pakistan’s  government  puts
            gunfight, and another police  Local  police  official  Waheed  struggled to move the many  heard.                   an  end  to  such  attacks  with
            officer  was  wounded.  The  Khan  said  the  explosion  oc-  wounded into operating the-                           “firm actions,” without elab-
            attacker  then  ran  inside  the  curred  as  worshippers  had  aters.  Hundreds  of  relatives  Prime Minister Imran Khan  orating.
            mosque  and  detonated  his  gathered  in  the  Kucha  Ri-  gathered  outside  the  emer-  condemned  the  bombing.

                           Russia to punish ‘fake’ war reports with 15 years in prison

            (AP) — Russian President  of  Russian  parliament,  said  Facebook,  citing  its  alleged  Radio  Free  Europe/Radio  numbers of losses of the Rus-
            Vladimir  Putin  on  Friday  the new measure “will force  “discrimination” of the Rus-  Liberty,  German  broadcaster  sian Federation Armed Forc-
            signed  a  bill  introducing  those  who  lied  and  made  sian media and state informa-  Deutsche  Welle  and  Latvia-  es and victims among the ci-
            a prison sentence of up to  statements  discrediting  our  tion  resources.  The  agency  based  website  Meduza.  To-  vilian population.”
            15 years for those spread-   armed  forces  to  bear  very  said  in  a  statement  that  the  gether,  they  are  among  the
            ing information that goes  grave punishment.”             restrictions  introduced  by  most  influential  and  often  The BBC said Friday it was
            against  the  Russian  gov-                               Facebook owner Meta on the  critical  foreign  media  pub-  temporarily  stopping  the
            ernment’s  narrative  on  The new law envisages sen-      Russian  news  channel  RT  lishing in Russian.           work of all its journalists and
            the war in Ukraine.          tences  of  up  to  three  years  and  other  state-controlled                         support staff in Russia while
                                         or  fines  for  spreading  what  media  violate  the  Russian  Roskomnadzor  said  those  it assessed the implications of
            The bill criminalizing the in-  authorities  deem  to  be  false  law.                 media  had  published  “false  the new law. BBC Director-
            tentional  spreading  of  what  news about the military, but                           information” on subjects in-  General  Tim  Davie  said  the
            Russia  deems  to  be  “fake”  the  maximum  punishment  Nick  Clegg,  Meta’s  presi-  cluding “the methods of car-  legislation “appears to crimi-
            reports  about  the  war  was  rises  to  15  years  for  cases  dent of global affairs, said in  rying  out  combat  activities  nalize  the  process  of  inde-
            quickly  rubber-stamped  by  deemed to have led to “severe  a  tweet  in  response  to  Rus-  (attacks  on  civilians,  strikes  pendent journalism.”
            both houses of the Kremlin-  consequences.”               sia’s  action  that  “millions  of  on  civil  infrastructure),  the
            controlled  parliament  earlier                           ordinary  Russians  will  find
            in the day.                  Also  Friday,  the  state  com-  themselves  cut  off  from  re-
                                         munications watchdog, Ros-   liable  information,  deprived
            Russian  authorities  have  re-  komnadzor,  blocked  Face-  of  their  everyday  ways  of
            peatedly  decried  reports  of  book and five foreign media  connecting  with  family  and
            Russian  military  setbacks  or  organizations  based  abroad  friends  and  silenced  from
            civilian deaths in Ukraine as  which publish news in Rus-  speaking out.”
            “fake” news. State media out-  sian  in  a  sweeping  action  to
            lets refer to Russia’s invasion  establish  even  tighter  con-  The  Russian  media  blocks
            of Ukraine as a “special mili-  trols  over  the  information  also  affected  five  foreign
            tary operation” rather than a  about  the  Russian  invasion  media  organizations  based
            “war” or an “invasion.”      of Ukraine reaching ordinary  abroad which publish news in
                                         Russians.                    Russian.  They  included  the
            Vyacheslav   Volodin,   the                               BBC, the U.S. government-
            speaker  of  the  lower  house  Roskomnadzor,    blocked  funded Voice of America and
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