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A30    world news
                     Diasabra 5 Maart 2022

                          ‘I love Berlin’: Jewish refugee kids reach safety in Germany

            (AP) — Maxim and Shaul                                                                 Slovakia  and  the  Czech  Re-  lar group of kids on a school
            had spent the last 52 hours                                                            public,  before  finally  enter-  trip.  Only  the  sound  track
            on a bus full of dozens of                                                             ing  Germany  without  any  was much more international
            Jewish  refugee  children                                                              problems.                    — it was a Babylonian tangle
            that took them from war-                                                                                            of  Ukrainian,  Russian,  He-
            torn  Ukraine  in  the  dark                                                           More  than  1  million  people  brew,  English,  German  and
            of night and across six Eu-                                                            have fled since Russia invad-  even some Yiddish.
            ropean  borders  to  safety                                                            ed Ukraine last week. Several
            in Berlin.                                                                             thousand  have  reached Ger-  Baby Tuvia — only 5 weeks
                                                                                                   many.  Many  are  coming  to  old — cried a little as the kids
            Pale, tired and overwhelmed,                                                           Berlin, with hundreds arriv-  left the breakfast hall for their
            the  two  teenagers  looked                                                            ing daily on trains via Poland.  rooms.  Sada,  who  had  just
            around when they finally ar-                                                           The Berlin mayor, Frankziska  turned 5, proudly held onto
            rived  in  the  German  capital                                                        Giffey, said earlier this week  a big birthday balloon as she
            Friday morning. There were                                                             that  around  20,000  refugees  walked through the hallways
            lots of police officers in front                                                       from  Ukraine  are  expected  with  one  of  the  caretakers,
            of  their  hotel  who  had  cor-                                                       to reach the city in the near  and  Shoshana  Khusid,  18,
            doned  off  the  street  so  the                                                       future.                      and one of the oldest, stared
            105 children could exit their                                                                                       out of the window worrying
            buses as Jewish women from  rabbi and the head of the lo-  would have to travel through  Most  of  the  children  from  about her parents back home.
            Berlin’s  Chabad  community  cal  Chabad  community,  had  for  help  making  the  1,000-  the  Odesa  home  are  foster
            spontaneously  started  sing-  received a phone call from a  mile (1,700-kilometer) over-  kids, some are orphans and a  Asked  about  the  future,  she
            ing at the top of their voices  rabbi  in  the  Ukrainian  port  land trek come true.  few are members of the city’s  got monosyllabic.
            to give them a joyous and re-  city  of  Odesa  begging  him                           Chabad  community  who
            lieved welcome.              to help get the children and  They  raised  money  from  were sent out of the country  Nobody  really  knows  how
                                         teens  from  the  foster  care  Jewish  aid  groups  and  told  by parents who couldn’t flee  long the children will stay in
            His  friend  Shaul,  13,  nod-  home Mishpacha — Hebrew  the children to quickly pack  their homes. Not all teenag-  Berlin — it depends on when
            ded,  too  tired  to  say  much,  for  family  —  to  a  peaceful  warm  winter  clothes.  The  ers from the foster care home  the  war  ends  in  Ukraine  —
            straightened  his  red-check-  and secure place.          teenagers  also  took  along  could come along. Boys aged  but the community is deter-
            ered kippa and went over to                               their  cell  phones,  while  the  18 and older had to stay be-  mined  to  do  everything  to
            one  of  the  15  foster  home  They  soon  figured  out  that  little  ones  clutched  their  fa-  hind  as  men  of  military  age  make  them  feel  at  home  as
            staffers to make sure he and  traveling by plane would not  vorite stuffed animals tightly.  are  not  allowed  to  leave  the  long as needed.
            Maxim  would  be  sharing  a  be  an  option  since  about  40                         country.
            room  in  Berlin.  The  chil-  of the children had no pass-  Thanks to the joint interna-                           Alina  Chubattaya,  59,  the
            dren’s last names were with-  ports,  only  birth  certificates.  tional  diplomatic  efforts  the  After  their  first  breakfast  in  director  of  the  children’s
            held because they are minors.  So  they  talked  to  diplomats  buses  —  one  for  the  girls  Berlin, the children grabbed  home,  looked  concerned
                                         and security officials from Is-  and another for the boys —  their  backpacks  and  started  when asked about a possible
            Only three days earlier, Rab-  rael, Germany and other Eu-  crossed the borders of Mol-  arguing over who got to share  return date to Odesa.
            bi  Yehuda  Teichtal,  a  Berlin  ropean countries the children  dova,  Romania,  Hungary,  rooms — almost like a regu-

                          Russians take Ukraine nuclear plant; no radiation after fire

            (AP)  —  Russian  troops  on the war.                     for  everyone.  The  end  for  broke out as a result of Rus-  plants around the country.
            Friday  seized  the  biggest                              Europe.  The  evacuation  of  sian shelling of the plant and
            nuclear  power  plant  in  While  the  vast  Russian  ar-  Europe.”                    accused Moscow of commit-    Atomic  safety  experts  said  a
            Europe after a middle-of-    mored  column  threaten-                                  ting “an act of nuclear terror-  war fought amid nuclear re-
            the-night attack that set it  ing  Kyiv  remained  stalled  But  nuclear  officials  from  ism.”                    actors represents an unprece-
            on  fire  and  briefly  raised  outside  the  capital,  Putin’s  Sweden to China said no ra-                        dented and highly dangerous
            worldwide fears of a catas-  military  has  launched  hun-  diation  spikes  had  been  re-  Without producing evidence,  situation.
            trophe  in  the  most  chill-  dreds of missiles and artillery  ported, as did Grossi.  Russian  Defense  Ministry
            ing  turn  yet  in  Moscow’s  attacks  on  cities  and  other                          spokesman  Igor  Konashen-   Dr.  Alex  Rosen  of  Interna-
            invasion of Ukraine.         sites  around  the  country,  Authorities said that Russian  kov claimed that a Ukrainian  tional Physicians for the Pre-
                                         and  made  significant  gains  troops  had  taken  control  of  “sabotage group” had set the  vention of Nuclear War said
            Firefighters  put  out  the  on  the  ground  in  the  south  the  overall  site  but  that  the  fire at Zaporozhizhia.  the incident was probably the
            blaze,  and  no  radiation  was  in an apparent bid to cut off  plant  staff  continued  to  run                    result of military units over-
            released,  U.N.  and  Ukrai-  Ukraine’s access to the sea.  it. Only one reactor was op-  The  crisis  unfolded  after  estimating  the  precision  of
            nian officials said, as Russian                           erating,  running  at  60%  of  Grossi  earlier  in  the  week  their weapons, given that the
            forces  pressed  on  with  their  In the atttack on the Zapori-  capacity,  Grossi  said  in  the  expressed grave concern that  prevailing winds would have
            week-old offensive on multi-  zhzhia  nuclear  plant  in  the  aftermath of the attack.  the  fighting  could  cause  ac-  carried any radioactive fallout
            ple fronts and the number of  southeastern  city  of  Ener-                            cidental damage to Ukraine’s  straight toward Russia.
            refugees  fleeing  the  country  hodar, the chief of the U.N.’s  Two  people  were  injured  15  nuclear  reactors  at  four
            eclipsed 1.2 million.        International  Atomic  En-   in  the  fire,  Grossi  said.
                                         ergy Agency, Rafael Mariano  Ukraine’s state nuclear plant
            With    world   condemna-    Grossi,  said  a  Russian  “pro-  operator  Enerhoatom  said
            tion  mounting,  the  Kremlin  jectile”  hit  a  training  center,  three Ukrainian soldiers were
            cracked down on the flow of  not any of the six reactors.  killed and two wounded.
            information at home, block-
            ing  Facebook,  Twitter,  the  The  attack  triggered  global  In the U.S., Pentagon spokes-
            BBC  and  the  U.S.  govern-  alarm  and  fear  of  a  catas-  man John Kirby said the epi-
            ment-funded Voice of Amer-   trophe  that  could  dwarf  the  sode  “underscores  the  reck-
            ica.  And  President  Vladimir  world’s  worst  nuclear  disas-  lessness with which the Rus-
            Putin signed a law making it  ter,  at  Ukraine’s  Chernobyl  sians  have been perpetrating
            a crime punishable by up to  in  1986.  In  an  emotional  this  unprovoked  invasion.”
            15  years  in  prison  to  spread  nighttime speech, Ukrainian  At an emergency meeting of
            so-called  fake  news,  includ-  President  Volodymyr  Zelen-  the  U.N.  Security  Council,
            ing anything that goes against  skyy said he feared an explo-  Ukraine’s U.N. ambassador,
            the  official  government  line  sion that would be “the end  Sergiy Kyslytsya, said the fire
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