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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 23 January 2025

            EU needs to end its military dependency on the U.S. and arm itself

            ‘to survive,’ says Tusk

            By LORNE COOK                                                                                                       at  least  until  Russia  backs
            Associated Press                                                                                                    down.
            BRUSSELS  (AP)  —  The  Eu-                                                                                         “It is today that we need to
            ropean     Union   cannot                                                                                           radically  increase  our  de-
            rely  on  the  United  States                                                                                       fense  spending  (but)  not
            to  defend  it  and  must  in-                                                                                      forever and ever.”
            crease  military  spending                                                                                          In Brussels, EU foreign policy
            and security preparedness                                                                                           chief  Kaja  Kallas  warned
            to  help  Ukraine  and  de-                                                                                         of the dangers that Russia
            ter  Russia  from  targeting                                                                                        already  poses,  laying  out
            any  more  of  its  neighbors,                                                                                      a  list  of  acts  of  sabotage,
            top EU officials warned on                                                                                          cyber-attacks,     disinfor-
            Wednesday.”Ask  not  of                                                                                             mation  campaigns  and
            America  what  it  can  do                                                                                          electronic  GPS  jamming
            for  our  security.  Ask  your-                                                                                     that  she  accuses  Moscow
            selves  what  we  can  do                                                                                           of  underwriting.  “Many  of
            for  our  own  security,”  Pol-                                                                                     our  national  intelligence
            ish  Prime  Minister  Donald                                                                                        agencies  are  giving  us
            Tusk,  whose  country  holds                                                                                        the information that Russia
            the  EU  presidency,  said,                                                                                         could  test  the  EU’s  readi-
            paraphrasing a quote from    Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk delivers his speech during the presentation of the programme   ness to defend itself in 3 to
            U.S. President John F. Ken-  of activities of the Polish Presidency, at the European Parliament, Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2025 in   5 years,” she said at a Eu-
            nedy’s  inaugural  address   Strasbourg, eastern France.                                                            ropean  Defense  Agency
            in 1961.                                                                                           Associated Press   gathering. q
            In  an  address  to  EU  law-  budgets.
            makers,  Tusk  urged  the    “We need to believe again
            27-nation  bloc  to  “take   in our power,” Tusk told the
            control” of its own security   assembly,  in  Strasbourg,
            and  to  identify  its  weak-  France.  “We  are  strong,
            nesses. “If Europe is to sur-  we are equal to the great-
            vive, it must be armed,” he   est powers in the world. The
            said.  Anxiety  is  mounting   only thing we have to do is
            that  U.S.  President  Donald   believe in it.”
            Trump might seek to quick-   Tusk said that his country is
            ly end the war in talks with   spending close to 5% of its
            Russian  President  Vladimir   gross domestic product on
            Putin  on  terms  that  are   its  defense  budget,  more
            unfavorable to Ukraine, or   than any NATO ally includ-
            once  again  refuse  to  de-  ing  the  United  States.  He
            fend  European  allies  who   urged  his  European  part-
            do  not  boost  their  military   ners  to  match  that  rate

             Colombia reactivates arrest

             orders for top rebels blamed

             for deadly violence in

             cocaine turf war

             BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) — Colombia’s government is
             reactivating arrest orders for the top leadership of the
             nation’s  largest  rebel  group  following  attacks  on  civil-
             ians as part of a deadly turf war with dissident guerrillas
             from another armed group for control of a coca-grow-
             ing region bordering Venezuela.
             President  Gustavo  Petro’s  leftist  government  in  2022
             suspended  warrants  against  top  commanders  of  the
             National Liberation Army, or ELN, as part of an effort to
             coax the 60-year-old insurgency into a peace deal.
             Among the 31 rebel leaders whose arrest was ordered
             Wednesday  by  the  chief  prosecutor’s  office  is  Pablo
             Beltrán, the lead ELN negotiator in those halting peace
             talks,  as  well  as  the  group’s  top  military  commander,
             best known by his alias, Antonio García.
             Petro    himself  a  former  member  of  the  M-19  guerrilla
             group  has also suspended the peace talks in response
             to the violence.q
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