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a4   local
                 Thursday 23 January 2025

             Don’t miss out on L’Avenue’s Early Bird Special!

                                                                                                                          guest,  which  includes  a  selec-
                                                                                                                          tion of their fine in-house wine.

                                                                                                                          L’Avenue honors and takes pride
                                                                                                                          in serving the traditional Belgian
                                                                                                                          and French flavors, but does not
                                                                                                                          shy away from offering a flexible
                                                                                                                          menu  for  their  guests’  needs.
                                                                                                                          That’s right, L’Avenue also offers
                                                                                                                          to cater for their guests’ dietary
                                                                                                                          restrictions,  making  sure  that
                                                                                                                          each guest gets well taken care

                                                                                                                          More information
                                                                                                                          L’Avenue is situated at The Cove
                                                                                                                          Mall in Palm Beach and is open
                                                                                                                          every  day  from  11am  to  10pm
                                                                                                                          for  lunch  and  dinner.  To  book
              (Oranjestad)—Up  to  grab  an       taurant,  accompanied  by  the      But  that’s  not  all!  L’Avenue  is   a reservation or ask for more in-
              early dinner after a day of shop-   warm lights and chic design that    offering  their  guests  their  Early   formation,  please  contact  their
              ping  or  cruising?  Take  advan-   emphasizes the restaurant’s laid-   Bird  Special,  available  every    phone  line  at  +297  6996400,
              tage  of  L’Avenue’s  Early  Bird   back,  yet  sophisticated  ambi-    day  from  4pm  to  7pm.  Enjoy     send  an  e-mail  info@lavenuea-
              Special, and experience their in-   ence.                               this  affordable  and  delecta-,  or  visit  their  website
              novative  twist  of  traditional  Bel-                                  ble  3-course  meal  special  at  a   at q
              gian cuisine!                       Lunch includes a variety of sand-   comfortable price of $29.50 per
                                                  wiches—with a healthy selection
              Located  in  a  cozy  nook  at  The   of  bread  options—if  you’re  go-
              Cove  Mall—a  short  walking  dis-  ing for a light meal, but just like
              tance from the Holiday Inn and      their  dinner  selection,  also  in-
              Paseo  Herencia,  this  Belgian     cludes  steak,  chicken,  fish,  and
              and  French  bistro  offers  a  deli-  even mussels and rabbit if you’re
              cious  and  rich  menu  available   craving a bit more of L’Avenue’s
              through  lunch  and  dinner  from   exquisite menu. And let’s not for-
              11am to 10pm. Enjoy your lunch      get  their  wide  selection  of  Bel-
              and/or dinner in a cool, air-con-   gian beer and European wine to
              ditioned interior area of the res-  complete the tasty experience!

                                                            Visit the historic museum at Fort Zoutman!

                                                            ings that, over the years, have been merged:  had  functioned  as  different  government  cen-
                                                            the fort and the tower. That’s right, the iconic  ter points, including a tax and stamps office. For
                                                            5-story, squared tower was not part of the origi-  some  time  these  two  buildings  also  housed  a
                                                            nal structure of the fort, and is actually called  police precinct and jail, and even experienced
                                                            “Willem III Toren”. Constructed in 1867, this tow-  abandonment until the Cultural Center Aruba
                                                            er  was  named  after  the  then-reigning  king  of  Foundation (CCA) petitioned for its renovation
                                                            The Netherlands, Willem III. Willem III Toren was  in 1964, turning the site into the Historic Museum
                                                            originally a light tower, but after a request from  it currently is.
                                                            Lieutenant Governor Jan Helenus in 1866, it also  Despite  its  small  size,  The  Historic  Museum
                                                            became a bell tower.                            guards  a  rich  depository  of  the  commercial,
            (Oranjestad)—Located in the middle of down-     The fort itself was originally constructed to pro-  military and social history of Oranjestad, offer-
            town Oranjestad, situated right next to the gov-  tect the commerce bay of Paardenbaai from  ing a glance into how the social culture of the
            ernment building “Cocolishi”, is one of the old-  pirates  and  other  disreputable  characters  town came to be. If you are interested in history
            est buildings of Aruba: Fort Zoutman. First con-  roaming the Caribbean Sea. Unlike the Willem  and want to learn more about Aruba, then Fort
            structed in 1796, this site has been used (or left  III Toren, Fort Zoutman had a more tumultuous  Zoutman should definitely be included into your
            unused) in many ways and have survived eras  past, including the on-and-off reception of un-    itinerary.
            of war and attempted dismantling.               wanted members of the English military several  The  museum  is  open  Monday  to  Friday  from
                                                            times  (The  Netherlands  was  at  constant  war  9am-6pm, and Saturday from 10am-2pm. q
            When  anyone  refers  to  Fort  Zoutman,  they  with England back in the colonial era).
            are  actually  referring  to  two  separate  build-  Over  the  years,  both  the  fort  and  the  tower   Source: The Old Fort of Aruba by Jan Hartog.
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