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P. 5
local Thursday 23 January 2025
Aruban snacks and where to find them
ORANJESTAD — Want to taste some- “batido”? Batidos are fruit shakes,
thing different for a change? How typically made with added milk for
about some Aruban snacks that you some creaminess. However, you can
can find all around the island? Hop also ask to hold the milk. Batidos are
in your car, and go to these loca- commonly found in snack shops too.
tions to find some of the most popular You may find some batido shops
and tasty snacks that are beloved next the flee markets downtown, or
by our locals. if you’re on your way to San Nicolas,
at Mauchi Smoothies and Juice Bar Beach.
One of the staples of Aruban cuisine in Savaneta (located at the side of 2. Along the main road next to the
and snacks is the Pastechi. Pastechi the main road). airport field.
is a Caribbean fried pastry that is ing on the side of the main road 3. At the California Light House.
filled with cheese, meat, chicken, that stretches from San Nicolas to If you are looking for something a 4. At the Alto Vista Chapel.
veggies and sometimes even fish! the Hotel Area. You can also find bit more fresh and healthy, why not
Or perhaps you might want to try a pastechis and krokets at local baker- try some coconuts, or shaved ice These vendors may also sell other
croquette, locally called a “kroket,” ies and snack shops, like Bright Bak- from local vendors? These vendors delights, like the beloved coconut-
which is a crusty fried snack with typi- ery in Piedra Plat, Huchada in Santa carry their little shop at the back of based dessert “cocada” or peanuts.
cally a meat and dough mix filling. Cruz or Pastechi House in the city their truck, so they are ever-moving All in all, in Aruba, you can always
The Aruban kroket is based on its center. These places may also sell around the island. However, there find some place to take a break and
Dutch counterpart, the “bitterbal”. other snacks and sandwiches too, are a few spots where you can al- have a bite of something local, you
perfect for on-the-road lunch break. most always find a coconut/shaved maybe just might have to look for
These two snacks are typically found ice vendor: them! q
in all local snack trucks, which can While you’re at it, why not accom- 1. Right next to the Red Anchor in
be found all over the island, includ- pany your snack with a refreshing San Nicolas, on the way to Baby Photo credit:
Aruba’s most family-friendly beaches
(Oranjestad)—One of the biggest concerns that play in the shallow shores of the beach. Beside rise hotel areas, these beaches are the most
parents have when travelling with their children the relaxing atmosphere, there are also several accessible for visitors on foot. These beaches
is a guarantee of their safety and healthy enjoy- services that may accommodate your stay, also offer many palapas free to use, but you
ment. Therefore, we thought it would be a great like a parking lot, sun tent rentals, chairs, bath- can also rent chairs and tents. Much like Baby
help to travelling parents to list off some the rooms and a snack bar right at the far left of the Beach, these sites are one of the best beaches
most family-friendly beaches around the island. beach. for your children to play and build sand castles.
Baby Beach in San Nicolas Mangel Halto in Pos Chiquito Boca Catalina in Malmok
Baby Beach is one Aruba’s most popular and Mangel Halto is situated in the back streets of Boca Catalina is a small bay beach near the
visited beaches, and for good reason: This san- the Pos Chiquito city. Though there are several Malmok beach area further down the hotel ar-
dy and quiet lagoon is a great place for par- stairs on the sides of the beach cliff leading you eas. Though it may not be a very sandy beach,
ents to sit back and relax while their children down, the best spot for families to hang out is it is relatively quiet and tranquil. This is a great
across the bridge, passed the mangrove trees place for family to lay down a big blanket and
near the entrance sign. Here, there are small have a little picnic. This is also one of the best
and big palapas, perfect for big and small fam- places to snorkel, as this area is filled with little
ilies to set up their belongings. In this area, the fish and corals, even close to the shore.
shore is also shallow, falling right around your
knee before slowly getting deeper: perfect for Palm Island
kids to safely play. Ok, this one is technically not a beach, but a
must-visit attraction for family fun. This small wa-
Eagle Beach/Palm Beach in the hotel area ter park oasis is located further down the Man-
Yet another highly popular beach site, Eagle gel Halto Beach and is reachable by boat. This
Beach and Palm Beach is where most of our water park offers 6 hours of fun activities, food,
visitors go to tan, swim or play in the white sand. drinks, and a chance to see pink flamingoes up
Because they are near the low-rise and high- close! q