Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200516
P. 31
locAl Saturday 16 May 2020
Join the innovative SISSTEM programs and take charge of your future!
ORANJESTAD — The Uni- achieving this diversifica- environmental awareness,
versity of Aruba offers three tion in the 180 credits pro- sustainable technology,
innovative BSc. programs gram. The language of the and engineering, as well as
in the Sustainable Islands program is English. informatics and data sci-
Solutions through Science, ences.
Technology, Engineering SISSTEM provides the (re-
and Mathematics: Bio- search) skills and disci- For more information visit
environmental Sciences; plines, supported by its their website: http://www.
Information and Data Sci- research center and labo- Send an
ences; and Technology ratories, within the scope of email to and
and Engineering. achieving sustainable de- join in on their live Q&A ses-
velopment with a focus on sion on Tuesday, May 19th
The University of Aruba sustainable energies, bio- at 3:00-3:3:30 PM.q
offers this program in co-
operation with renowned
partners such as the KU
Leuven (Belgium). It fo-
cuses on sustainable de-
velopment within the con-
text of small islands states.
This three year, 180 credit
BA-STEM program is de-
signed to prepare the next
generation of engineers,
analysts, policymakers and
researchers for the chal-
lenges facing the achieve-
ment of sustainable devel-
opment. It is based on a
curriculum that combines
a thorough and broad
foundation in STEM-theory
with applied practice in
small island states.
In general, the graduates
will qualify for BA-level po-
sitions in laboratories, in-
dustry, the public sector as
well as environmental and
developmental agencies.
Due to the nature of the
program, the graduates
will have a background
that is sufficiently broad to
adapt to and develop in
a wide variety of medium
and high-level positions. At Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort, Aruba:
The specialization will co- Elements Restaurant is proud to announce
determine the graduates'
competitiveness for more ROOM SERVICE with free delivery to your
specialized positions.
The bachelor STEM with a
focus on sustainable de-
velopment in small island EAGLE BEACH — Elements ence for all of your spe- Celebrations and Brunch
states offers a broad basis Fine Dining Restaurant is cial occasions with ROOM menus, or Element’s Chef
for participating candi- now offering ROOM SER- SERVICE. can create a personal-
dates that allows the stu- VICE. Acclaimed by USA- ized menu specially de-
dents to develop knowl- TODAY’s Reader Choice Whether you are staying signed for your romantic can also order from their
edge and skills in STEM Award as the best restau- at B ucuti & Tara Beach dinner of two or your fes- ample and award winning
fields as well as to special- rant in the Caribbean, re- Resort (where the restau- tive celebration of 10. El- wine selection.
ize in one specific field of ceiver of a Wine Spectator rant is situated) or are at ements’ globally-inspired
study. The diversification Award of Excellence and home, Elements will deliv- meals range from sustain- Let Elements cater to you
of the program is primarily internationally recognized er your meal to your door- able seafood to natural so that you can have an
rooted in international and by TripAdvisor’s Travellers step with no additional meats and locally grown unforgettable experi-
regional exchange for lab- Choice Awards as one of delivery fee! produce. The menu is ence with ROOM SERVICE
work, specialization and the top 10 fine dining res- sourced with care and at your home. Pick one
for fieldwork in collabora- taurants in the Caribbean, You can make a choice includes dishes to impress of their set menus on el-
tion with the UA’s partners. is now offering an unfor- between their expan- vegetarian, vegan, and or call
Student mobility is key in gettable culinary experi- sive selection of Delivery, gluten-free guests. Guests them at +297 592 5868. q