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Saturday 16 May 2020
Aruba to me is …. Love for the stray animals
in 2019 I would see this boy
and as many as five other
stray dogs looking for food
and attention between
West Deck, the Renais-
sance, and Lucy’s. In July
2019, this beach dog found
me. I would get up before
sunrise sit on the beach
and watch the sunrise. He
met me every morning, sat
with me while I watched
the sunrise and would then
walk with me as I explored
Oranjestad. Every morning
I would have breakfast at
the Dutch Pancake House.
He just waited for me.
Smart boy he knew I would
have his morning break-
fast. In just a short week he
changed my mind about
waiting to retire to adopt a
dog. With the help of many
special people I was able
to rescue him. Kathy from
ARF Aruba made it possible
to help with the veterinary
and boarding needs, and
met me September 13th
in Miami with Scout. Scout
CALIFORNIA, U.S. — My big changes for the better us on day one. The sweet- of our resort. A young man
name is Teresa Romine- although there is still work ie put his head in my lap overheard my conversa- now lives in CT, everyone
Korman and I've been vis- to be done with educating and I fell in love. Little did I tion about the "puppy". He who hears his story says he
iting Aruba for 28 years. In spay and neuter responsi- know that because of him, came up to me and said, is such a lucky boy, the truth
those years, I've always bility and policing animal I would meet a brand new Steve is my father- in- law is I’m the lucky one! He is a
tried to help the stray ani- abuse. friend along with a few res- and he's the one adopting great companion and has
mals. Before there were cue personal, in person. I the puppy. I asked him, if brought me such joy. God
any rescues, I fed as many Last year, when I visited the spent the best part of my he could arrange for me to has given me a beautiful
as I could when visiting. island, the most adorable first few days reaching out meet Steve. He replied: “He soul!" q
Over the years, I've seen little puppy approached to different rescue/trapper is sitting right over there.”
groups to see if we could He walked me over and
help this fella. I was not introduced us. The buckets If you would like to know
aware that another Renais- of tears began to flow from more about Teresa and
sance owner (Steve) was us both. He thanked me for her goal to help Aruba’s
doing the same thing. helping him and I thanked stray animals you can
him for opening his home contact her through
I had reached out to Kathy up to this adorable soul. Facebook page:
of Animal Relief Foundation (Telling this story still makes #ArubaRaffle2021 and
(ARF) before I left California me cry). asking to join the group
to ask what they needed or via email teresakor-
like toys, treats, blankets, Steve and Scouts’ story
etc...I went to various stores Steve: "While vacationing
and filled a giant box of
supplies that I checked as
baggage. Although every-
thing in the box was safe,
unfortunately, customs
opened it and took or lost
a lot of the items. Neverthe-
less, I was still able to give
Kathy a BIG bag of supplies.
When she met me to pick
up the supplies, she told me
she was already talking to
"Steve" about adopting the
puppy (I named, Moses). I
was jumping with joy when
I heard that news.
The next day, I was talking
to someone in the lobby