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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 5 June 2020

            In  this  photo  taken  Tuesday,  June  2,  2020,  migrants  dry  their
            clothes aboard a tourist boats some 20 kilometers from Malta.
                                                     Associated Press

            Europe rights body urges

            action for migrants

            stuck off Malta

                                                                      Signs requesting people keep their distance from each other are displayed on ticket barriers to
            VALLETTA, Malta (AP) — Eu-   barkation, has substantially   help stop the spread of coronavirus in Waterloo station, London, Thursday, June 4, 2020.
            rope's leading human rights  increased,''  she  said  Thurs-                                                                    Associated Press
            organization  is  calling  for  day.
            immediate action to bring  SOS  Mediterranee,  a  hu-     Face coverings to be mandated on
            to shore some 400 migrants  manitarian  group  that  has
            transferred  to  chartered  the  Mediterranean  Sea,  public transport in England
            that the Malta government  operated  rescue  boats  in
            pleasure boats at sea.       earlier this week lamented
            The  Council  of  Europe,  that  the  migrants  being     LONDON (AP) — Passengers  be  mandated  on  planes  mandatory.
            based     in    Strasbourg,  held on the chartered tour-  on  England's  buses,  sub-  and  ferries,  though  usage  London Mayor Sadiq Khan
            France, said in a statement  ist  boats  were  being  used   ways and trains will have to  of both is not expected to  said  the  government  has
            Thursday  that  the  situation  as political pawns.       wear  face  coverings  from  pick up as fast as domestic  "finally seen sense," adding
            ''is  unsustainable  and  re-  An  Associated  Press  pho-  June  15  when  most  shops  modes  of  transport,  espe-  that there is "a large body
            quires immediate action.''   tographer captured imag-     reopen,  the  British  govern-  cially  after  the  change  of  of  evidence"  showing  that
            The migrants have been liv-  es  of  the  migrants  walking   ment said Thursday.      policy on quarantining.      face  coverings  can  help
            ing  aboard  the  boats  just  on the decks of the boats,   It's  the  second  time  in  as  "We  need  to  ensure  every  stop the spread of the virus.
            out of Malta's territorial wa-  their laundry hung from im-  many  days  that  the  gov-  precaution  is  taken,  on  Transport  unions  had  also
            ters, many for weeks, after  provised  clotheslines.  Mal-  ernment  has  adopted  a  buses,  trains,  aircraft  and  been  urging  the  govern-
            having been rescued from  tese  armed  forces  were       measure that it didn't insist  ferries," Shapps said.     ment to make face cover-
            human  traffickers'  unsea-  arrayed  in  boats  nearby,   on  when  the  coronavirus  He  also  said  face  cover-  ings  compulsory  after  the
            worthy  boats  in  the  Medi-  keeping watch on the four   pandemic  swept  through  ings  will  be  a  "condition  deaths  of  dozens  of  work-
            terranean Sea.               vessels  usually  used  for   the  U.K.  in  March  before  of  travel"  and  failure  to  ers.
            Malta  chartered  the  plea-  pleasure excursions to ferry   the  lockdown  was  im-   abide  by  the  requirement  Mick  Cash,  general  secre-
            sure  cruise  vessels  after  tourists to the tiny Mediter-  posed. On Wednesday, the  could  potentially  lead  to  tary  of  the  Rail,  Maritime
            closing its ports due to the  ranean  island  nation's  at-  government  said  it  would  fines.  Young  children  and  and  Transport  union,  also
            coronavirus    emergency  tractions.                      require  anyone  flying  into  people with disabilities and  said  the  announcement
            and says it is waiting for oth-  France  hasn't  said  how   the  U.K.  from  abroad  to  breathing difficulties will be  was "long overdue."
            er  European  Union  mem-    many  migrants  it  will  take   quarantine  for  14  days  af-  exempt.               Last month, Shapps said 42
            ber nations to step up and  in, but has insisted it is up to   ter their arrival.      Currently  passengers  are  people  working  at  Trans-
            take in the migrants. So far,  the EU's executive commis-  Transport  Secretary  Grant  advised  to  wear  a  face  port  for  London  and  10
            only France has agreed.      sion to organize with other   Shapps said face coverings  covering   but   are   not  mainline rail staff had died
            The  Council  of  Europe's  countries.                    will be mandatory from the  stopped  from  travelling  after  being  infected  by
            human  rights  commission-   The  European  Commission    date  nonessential  stores,  without one.                 coronavirus.
            er,  Dunja  Mijatovic,  has  has confirmed it is facilitat-  such as department stores  The new policy only applies  On  Thursday,  the  govern-
            stressed  in  recent  months  ing talks among EU nations   and  electronics  retailers,  to  England,  but  Shapps  ment  also  reported  that
            that  migrants  should  be  to  identify  potential  desti-  are  scheduled  to  reopen.  said it may not be long be-  another  176  people  who
            brought  to  shore  safely  nations  for  the  passengers   That  easing  of  the  lock-  fore the other nations of the  tested  positive  for  the
            and  promptly  despite  the  stuck on the boats off Mal-  down  will,  he  said,  likely  U.K. — Scotland, Wales and  coronavirus  had  died  in
            coronavirus pandemic. The  ta.                            lead to an increase in traf-  Northern  Ireland  —  adopt  the U.K. in all settings. That
            commissioner  also  has  un-  ''There is an urgent need for   fic from the near-negligible  the  measure.  Scottish  First  takes  the  U.K.'s  total  to
            derlined  that  human  lives  cooperation  and  solidarity   levels  since  the  lockdown  Minister  Nicola  Sturgeon  39,904, the world's second-
            should  not  be  put  at  risks  between member states to   was imposed on March 23.   said  her  government  was  highest  death  toll  in  the
            due  to  disagreements  be-  find  solutions  for  those  on   "The  evidence  suggests  also  considering  making  it  pandemic.q
            tween EU member states.      board the Captain Morgan     wearing  face  coverings
            "I am concerned that since  boats,'' European Commis-     offers  some,  albeit  limited,
            then, additional ships have  sion  spokesman  Adalbert    protection   against   the
            been  rented  and  that  the  Jahnz said Thursday.        spread of the virus," he said
            number  of  people  kept  ''They  need  to  be  dis-      at  the  government's  daily
            on  them,  without  a  clear  embarked  as  soon  as      briefing.
            prospect of prompt disem-    possible.''q                 Face  coverings  will  also
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