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                         Friday 5 June 2020
            China easing airline access amid conflict with Washington

            BEIJING  (AP)  —  Chinese                                                                                           U.S. airlines from competing
            regulators  said  Thursday                                                                                          fairly against Chinese carri-
            more foreign airlines will be                                                                                       ers.
            allowed  to  fly  to  China  as                                                                                     The  four  airlines  affected
            anti-coronavirus   controls                                                                                         by the order are Air China,
            ease,  but  it  was  unclear                                                                                        China Eastern Airlines, Chi-
            whether  the  change  will                                                                                          na  Southern  Airlines  and
            defuse a fresh conflict with                                                                                        Xiamen Airlines.
            the  Trump  administration                                                                                          The  Chinese  ministries  of
            over air travel.                                                                                                    commerce  and  transpor-
            The  announcement  came                                                                                             tation  didn't  immediately
            after   Washington     said                                                                                         respond to questions about
            Wednesday  it  would  bar                                                                                           how Beijing might react.
            four  Chinese  airlines  from                                                                                       Before the pandemic, there
            the United States because                                                                                           were about 325 passenger
            Beijing  was  failing  to  allow                                                                                    flights a week between the
            United  Airlines  and  Delta                                                                                        United States and China, in-
            Air Lines to resume flights to                                                                                      cluding  ones  operated  by
            China.                                                                                                              United,  Delta  and  Ameri-
            Airlines  that  were  flying  to                                                                                    can Airlines. While U.S. carri-
            China  when  controls  were                                                                                         ers stopped flying, Chinese
            imposed  in  March  were                                                                                            airlines  made  20  weekly
            allowed  to  keep  making                                                                                           flights  in  mid-February  and
            one flight per week. United   In this March 18, 2020 file photo, a Southern China Airlines flight from Guangzhou, China passes   34 by mid-March.
                                         in front of the sun as it arrives at Vancouver International Airport in Richmond, British Columbia,
            and  Delta  had  suspended   Canada.                                                                                The  Transportation  Depart-
            their flights before that and                                                                      Associated Press   ment  said  it  objected  to
            asked  permission  to  re-                                                                                          China's March limit but Bei-
            sume.                        Chinese  regulators  about  ment of Transportation.       of passengers who test pos-  jing  responded  last  week
            Airlines  that  aren't  on  the  its  status,  United  said  in  a  "Some progress has already  itive reaches five.   that it was not violating the
            March  list  can  make  one  statement,  "We  look  for-  been made in the arrange-    Ahead  of  the  Chinese  an-  air-travel  treaty  because
            flight  per  week  starting  ward  to  resuming  passen-  ments.  China  has  also  an-  nouncement,  the  Trans-   the  same  one-flight  limit
            Monday,  the  Civil  Aviation  ger  service  between  the  nounced  adjustments  of  portation  Department  ac-     applies to Chinese airlines.
            Administration  of  China  United  States  and  China  its  policies,"  said  a  ministry  cused  Beijing  of  violating  United   and   Delta   an-
            said on its website.         when  the  regulatory  envi-  spokesman,  Zhao  Lijian.  a  1980  agreement  on  air  nounced  last  month  that
            The  announcement  ap-       ronment allows us to do so."  "We hope the United States  travel.  It  said  in  response,  they  hoped  to  resume
            peared  to  open  the  door  The  dispute  adds  to  U.S.-  will not create obstacles for  Chinese  carriers  would  be  flights  to  China  in  June,
            to  United  and  Delta  but  Chinese  strains  over  trade,  solving the problem."     allowed the same number  as  air  travel  has  begun  to
            CAAC  gave  no  indication  technology,  Taiwan,  hu-     Foreign  carriers  will  be  al-  of  flights  as  Beijing  permit-  recover  recently.  United
            which  carriers  were  af-   man rights and the status of  lowed  to  increase  flights  ted U.S. airlines.         wants to fly from San Fran-
            fected. An employee who  Hong Kong.                       to two per week if they go  The department said Presi-    cisco to Shanghai and Bei-
            answered  the  phone  at  The Chinese foreign ministry  three  weeks  with  no  pas-   dent  Donald  Trump  could  jing and from Newark, New
            CAAC said she had no de-     expressed regret at the U.S.  sengers  testing  positive  for  put  the  order  into  effect  Jersey,  to  Shanghai.  Delta
            tails.  She  would  give  only  announcement  and  said  the virus, CAAC said. It said  before June 16. The depart-  seeks  to  resume  flights  via
            her surname, Yan.            CAAC was "making solemn  a  route  will  be  suspended  ment protested last month  Seoul to Shanghai from Se-
            Asked  what  it  heard  from  complaints" to the Depart-  for one week if the number  that Beijing was preventing  attle and Detroit. q

            U.N. rights official: Philippine anti-terror bill worrying

                                                                      lation passed by the Philip-  replace  a  2007  anti-terror  principle  of  legality  under
                                                                      pine  Congress  that  allows  law  called  the  Human  Se-  international law."
                                                                      the  detention  of  suspects  curity Act which was rarely  "You add to this the context
                                                                      for  up  to  24  days  without  used,  largely  because  law  in  the  Philippines  where  a
                                                                      warrants  and  relaxes  hu-  enforcers  can  be  fined  lot  of  human  rights  orga-
                                                                      man  rights  safeguards  is  500,000  pesos  ($9,800)  for  nizations  are  routinely  la-
                                                                      "very worrying," a U.N. rights  each  day  they  wrongfully  beled  as  terrorists,  this  is
                                                                      official said Thursday.      detain a terrorism suspect.  very worrying," Shamdasani
                                                                      The  House  of  Representa-  Lawmakers  removed  such  said in an online news con-
                                                                      tives passed the Anti-Terror-  safeguards in the new leg-  ference on a new U.N. Hu-
                                                                      ism Act of 2020 on Wednes-   islation,  which  increases  man  Rights  Office  report
                                                                      day  night  after  President  the  number  of  days  that  about  threats  to  human
                                                                      Rodrigo  Duterte  urgently  suspects  can  be  detained  rights in the Philippines.
                                                                      endorsed     the    legisla-  without warrants from three  The  report  said  the  legisla-
                                                                      tion,  despite  fears  it  could  to 24.                  tion was among proposed
            In  this  May  28,  2020,  file  photo  provided  by  the  Malacanang   threaten human rights and  Ravina  Shamdasani  of  the  new  laws  and  amend-
            Presidential Photographers Division, Philippine President Rodrigo   be  used  against  his  politi-  U.N.  Human  Rights  office  ments "with the stated aim
            Duterte, talks during his speech at the Malacanang presidential
            palace in Manila, Philippines.                            cal opponents. The Senate  said  the  legislation  defines  of  strengthening  public  or-
                                                     Associated Press   passed its version in Febru-  terrorism  broadly  and  al-  der  and  countering  terror-
                                                                      ary.                         lows  officials  to  designate  ism," but "which risk eroding
            By JIM GOMEZ                 MANILA,  Philippines  (AP)  Once  signed  into  law  by  people as terrorists in provi-  constitutional and other le-
            Associated Press             —  New  anti-terrorism  legis-  Duterte,  the  legislation  will  sions that "may violate the  gal protections."q
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