Page 32 - HOH
P. 32

                  Thursday 26 March 2020

              Boko Haram kills 92                                     Brazil's Bolsonaro again says
              soldiers in Chad in                                     coronavirus concern overblown

              country’s worst toll

              N'DJAMENA,  Chad  (AP)  —  Boko  Haram  extremists
              have killed at least 92 Chadian soldiers in the deadliest
              attack on the nation's forces, Chad's president said.
              The attack took place overnight Sunday into Monday
              in  the  village  of  Boma  in  the  Lac  province  near  the
              border with Nigeria and Niger.
              President Idriss Deby gave the toll on state television
              late Tuesday after visiting the site.
              "Never in our history have we lost so many men at one
              time," he said.
              Boko Haram extremists have killed tens of thousands
              and  forced  millions  from  their  homes  during  their
              more  than  decade-long  insurgency.  They  have  car-
              ried  out  numerous  attacks  in  the  Lake  Chad  region
              where  Cameroon,  Chad,  Nigeria  and  Niger  come

              Tsunami watch for
              Hawaii lifted after

              north Pacific quake

              MOSCOW  (AP)  —  A  7.5  The      Pacific   Tsunami
              magnitude  earthquake  Warning  Center  initially
              struck in the northern Pa-  warned hazardous waves
              cific on Wednesday and  were  possible  in  parts  of   Wearing  masks,  Brazil's  Health  Minister  Luiz  Henrique  Mandetta,  right,  applies  alcohol  gel  on
              forecasters  said  tsunami  the  Kurils,  but  later  said   hands of President Jair Bolsonaro's hands during a press conference on the new coronavirus, at
              waves  were  possible  for  based on further analysis   the Planalto Presidential Palace in Brasilia, Brazil, Wednesday, March 18, 2019.
              the nearest shores. A brief  that  waves  of  less  than                                                                      Associated Press
              tsunami watch for Hawaii  30  centimeters  (a  foot)    By DAVID BILLER              ians who are home in self-   two dozen members of Bol-
              was canceled.              above  tide  level  were     Associated Press             isolation  protested  what  sonaro’s  delegation  have
              The quake struck 219 kilo-  possible  in  the  northern   RIO  DE  JANEIRO  (AP)  —  they view as his blasé atti-  tested positive for the coro-
              meters  (136  miles)  south-  Pacific.                  President  Jair  Bolsonaro  tude toward the pandemic  navirus, according to local
              southeast  of  Severo  on  It  noted  that  the  wave   on  Tuesday  stuck  with  his  by  leaning  from  their  win-  media reports.
              Russia's far eastern Kuril Is-  height   and   potential   contention  that  concern  dows  to  bang  pots  and  Bolsonaro has said he test-
              lands, the U.S. Geological  hazard  may  vary  by  ge-  about the new coronavirus  pans.                          ed negative for the virus.
              Survey said. It was 56 kilo-  ography  and  other  local   is overblown, and accused  Bolsonaro  has  drawn  criti-  “In my particular case, with
              meters (37 miles) deep.    features.q                   Brazilian media of trying to  cism, initially for referring to  my history as an athlete, if I

              Mexico will receive                                     stoke nationwide hysteria.   the  virus  that  causes  CO-  were infected by the virus,
                                                                      Bolsonaro said in a nation-
                                                                                                                                I  wouldn’t  need to worry,”
                                                                                                   VID-19 disease as a “fanta-
              cruise ships, but                                       ally  televised  address  that  sy” and then, as authorities  Bolsonaro  said  in  the  ad-
                                                                      the  media  had  seized  on  including  his  own  health  dress Tuesday.
              fumigate passengers                                     the death toll in Italy, which  ministry  instructed  people  “I wouldn’t feel anything or,
                                                                      he  said  is  suffering  so  se-
                                                                                                   to  avoid  gatherings,  for  if very affected, it would be
                                                                      verely because of its elder-  going  to  a  March  15  rally  like a little flu or little cold.”
              MEXICO CITY (AP) — The  The      department     said    ly  population  and  colder  where  he  shook  support-   After the address, the head
              Mexican      government  Mexico's  position  is  that   climate.                     ers’  hands.  On  March  20,  of  Brazil’s  Senate,  Davi  Al-
              said Wednesday it would  "cruise  ships  can  disem-    “The  virus  arrived,  we  are  he called COVID-19 “a little  columbre,  said  that  the
              continue    to   receive  bark  for  strictly  humani-  confronting  it,  and  it  will  flu.”                    country  requires  “serious,
              cruise  ships  "for  humani-  tarian  reasons,  without   pass shortly. Our lives have  About 2,200 people in Brazil  responsible   leadership”
              tarian  reasons,"  but  that  endangering  the  port's   to continue, jobs should be  have been infected so far,  and that now isn’t the time
              passengers    would   be  population."                  maintained,” the president  with 46 dead.                 to attack the press or other
              "individually   fumigated"  It is unclear whether there   said.                      For  most  people,  the  virus  public officials.
              before being taken to air-  are  any  more  stranded    Bolsonaro added that cer-    causes only mild or moder-   Alcolumbre is in isolation at
              ports  for  return  flights  to  passengers aboard cruise   tain  Brazilian  states  should  ate  symptoms,  such  as  fe-  home himself, having been
              their home countries.      ships in Mexican waters.q    abandon  their  “scorched  ver  and  cough.  For  some,  diagnosed with the virus.

                                                                      earth”  policy  of  prohibit-  especially   older   adults  “We  consider  grave  the
                                                                      ing public transport, closing  and  people  with  existing  position  expressed  by  the
                                                                      business  and  schools,  and  health  problems,  it  can  president  today,  on  na-
                                                                      calling  for  mass  confine-  cause  more  severe  illness,  tional  networks,  of  attack-
                                                                      ment at home for their resi-  including  pneumonia,  and  ing COVID-19 containment
                                                                      dents.                       death.                       measures,”     Alcolumbre
                                                                      He  did  say  people  should  The vast majority of people  said.
                                                                      be  “extremely  worried”  recover.                        “The  position  runs  against
                                                                      about  transmitting  the  vi-  Bolsonaro  traveled  to  the  the  actions  adopted  by
                                                                      rus to others, particularly to  U.S.  earlier  this  month  and  other  countries  and  sug-
                                                                      parents and grandparents.    met  with  President  Donald  gested by the World Health
                                                                      As  he  spoke,  some  Brazil-  Trump. Since  then, roughly  Organization.q
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