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LOCAL           Thursday 26 March 2020

            S&P Global Ratings:

            Stress Scenario: The Sovereigns Most Vulnerable To a COVID-19-

            Related Slowdown in Tourism

            NEW YORK, US — Standard & Poor's (S&P) is a leading index provider and
            data source of independent credit ratings. It is the provider of the popular
            S&P 500 Index as well as several other global market indices. With the
            following scenario analysis they give a general estimate of how a slow-
            down in tourism--in isolation from other coronavirus effects-- might affect
            the sovereigns we rate. The full article is to be read on:

            Key takeaways:
            •  COVID-19 will take a major toll on the world's largest tourism export-
            •  S&P  has  run  122  of  their  rated  sovereigns  through  three  scenarios-
                -"limited",  "extensive",  and  "extreme"--under  which  tourism  receipts
                decline by 11%, 19%, and 27% as per similar stresses modelled by the
                International Air Transport Association (IATA).
            •  Despite the uncertainty, under their baseline expectation that this is
                a one-year shock, most sovereign ratings would be resilient to a tem-
                porary slide in tourism flows.
            •  Their scenario analysis suggests "Sun, Sea, and Sand"-focused island     growth (excluding second-round effects).
                economies  in  the  Caribbean  and  elsewhere  would  be  the  most  •  Even larger more diversified exporters of tourism, such as Portugal,
                heavily exposed to a uniform slowdown in global tourist footfall.       Turkey, Spain, and Australia could see negative GDP contributions to
            •  The second heaviest-affected region globally would be the Balkans,       tourism of between 0.9-2.5 ppts from full-year GDP growth under the
                where  even  under  the  lower  stress  scenario,  falling  tourism  arriv-  extreme shock scenario, which is less unrealistic than a few weeks
                als would shave 1.9-2.2 percentage points (ppts) off headline GDP       ago in light of national quarantines and travel bans. q

              Send us your positive message from home                                                                     “My  wife  and  I  have  been

                                                                                                                          coming to Aruba for the last
                                                                                                                          fifteen years, and we are very
              ORANJESTAD — In these difficult times we would like   “Aruba  to  me  is  the  most  wonderful  place  in  the   sad  to  learn  that  your  won-
              to reach out to our friends abroad who were sup-     world. It is truly my island of love.  We have visited 6   derful island is essentially shut
              posed to spend their tropical vacation on Aruba or   fabulous  times  and  we  were  planning  our  seventh   down.
              who had to break up their vacation due to the CO-    visit on May 16.  We are so very saddened that we
              VID-19 situation. Aruba Today invites you to send    had to cancel our trip that we have so been looking    We know how important tour-
              us your picture and words expressing your memory     forward to. We had started our countdown 220 days      ism  is  to  your  One  Happy  Is-
              of our island or your dream vacation for the future.   ago.  The only thing that makes this disappointment   land, and we hope you can
              You may also just say hello and show us how you      slightly tolerable, but only slightly, is that we will re-  find  the  strength  and  safety
              feel because we are all in the same boat right now.  book and visit your beautiful island in October.  So   to make it through this.
                                                                   as we begin another long countdown to visit Aruba,
              Send  us  your  picture(s)  together  with  completing   we will keep our memories in our hearts and look for-  Since you have always been
              the sentence: Aruba to me is …….. (Email: news@      ward to creating more very soon!                       so warm and friendly to us, I’m
      Please  do  note:  By  submitting                                                         sure  those  positive  qualities
              photos, text or any other materials, you give per-   Aruba is the Best!”                                    will  help  you  all  get  through
              mission to The Aruba Today newspaper, Caribbean      Paula Hutchinson                                       this.
              Speed Printers and any of its affiliated companies
              to use said materials, as well as names, likeness, etc.                                                     We  plan  on  returning  next
              for promotional purposes without compensation.                                         Well, we were
                                                                                                     supposed to          January  -  our  trip  is  already
              Take a look at the pictures we received from our                                       leaving this Friday   booked  -  and  in  the  mean-
                                                                                                                          time  all  of  us  worldwide  will
              readers these last days. Thank you for sharing and                                     for a week. We       do what it takes to get to the
              do keep them coming.                                                                   are sooooo
                                                                                                     disappointed!        other side of the corona virus.

              Last but not least: check out our website and Face-                                    We’ll be back        Masha danki,
              book page! Thank you for supporting our free news-                                     soon!
              paper, we strive to make you a happy reader every                                                           Flip Brown & Sandy Post form
              day again and look forward to have you here with                                       John Goodey          Burlington”
              us soon again! Stay healthy and keep safe! q
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