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                                                                                                  business Thursday 26 March 2020
            Aetna waives patient payments for coronavirus hospital stays

            By TOM MURPHY                                                                                                       lems, it can cause more se-
            AP Health Writer                                                                                                    vere illness, including pneu-
            One of the nation's biggest                                                                                         monia and death.
            health insures is waiving pa-                                                                                       A recent study put togeth-
            tient payments for hospital                                                                                         er  by  researchers  with  the
            stays  tied  to  the  coronavi-                                                                                     Covered  California  health
            rus.                                                                                                                insurance exchange found
            CVS  Health's  insurer  Aet-                                                                                        that a lengthy hospital stay
            na  said  Wednesday  that                                                                                           of 12 days could cost a to-
            many  of  its  customers  will                                                                                      tal  of  $72,000  on  average
            not  have  to  make  copay-                                                                                         nationally,  depending  on
            ments or other forms of cost                                                                                        factors like how long a pa-
            sharing if they wind up ad-                                                                                         tient  stays  in  an  intensive
            mitted  to  a  hospital  in  the                                                                                    care unit.
            insurer's provider network.                                                                                         Insured patients would only
            The move could save those                                                                                           pay a slice of that bill, but
            patients  thousands  of  dol-                                                                                       that slice could amount to
            lars,  depending  on  their                                                                                         as much as $6,000 depend-
            coverage  and  how  much                                                                                            ing  on  their  coverage.
            health  care  they've  used                                                                                         Many  plans  have  deduct-
            so far this year.                                                                                                   ibles that patients must pay
            The  waiver  lasts  through                                                                                         before most of their cover-
            June 1. It applies to the in-  In this Dec. 4, 2017 file photo, the CVS Health logo appears above a trading post on the floor of   age starts.
            surer's 3.6 million customers   the New York Stock Exchange.                                                        They  also  have  out-of-
            who have fully-insured cov-                                                                        Associated Press  pocket maximums, or limits
            erage,  which  is  usually  of-  wide,  crippled  economies  and  affordable  access"  to  tend a payment waiver to  for how much each patient
            fered through a small busi-  and  forced  restrictions  on  treatment  during  the  pan-  the  bills  many  patients  will  has to spend on care each
            ness.  Big  employers  that  the movement of millions of  demic.                       fear  most  if  they  become  year.  Experts  say  one  hos-
            offer Aetna coverage also  people in an effort to stop  Many insurers have waived  sick.                            pital stay could easily push
            can  chose  to  waive  those  the  virus  from  spreading  patient  costs  for  testing  or  For  most  people,  the  new  a  patient  up  to  the  plan's
            payments,  a  spokesman  further  and  overwhelming  doctor visits and telemedi-       coronavirus causes mild or  limits.
            for the insurer said.        health care systems.         cine to encourage people  moderate  symptoms,  such  "If  you  end  up  in  a  hospi-
            The  new  coronavirus  has  CVS Health Executive Vice  to  get  help  with  coronavi-  as  fever  and  cough  that  tal  you  are  going  to  blow
            caused a global pandem-      President Karen Lynch said  rus symptoms.                 clear  up  in  two  to  three  through  your  deductible,"
            ic  that  has  infected  more  in  a  statement  the  com-  But  Aetna,  which  covers  weeks. For some, especially  said Peter Lee, the Califor-
            than  428,000  people  and  pany is trying to ensure that  nearly  23  million  people,  is  older  adults  and  people  nia  exchange's  executive
            killed  over  19,000  world-  its  customers  have  "simple  the first major insurer to ex-  with  existing  health  prob-  director.q

              Stocks jump, heading for first back-to-back gain in 6 weeks

              By STAN CHOE, DAMIAN J.                                                             lasting  confidence.  The  too  much  uncertainty,"
              TROISE and ALEX VEIGA                                                               Federal Reserve and cen-     said Tony Rodriguez, head
              AP Business Writers                                                                 tral banks are also offering  of fixed income strategy at
              NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Stocks                                                          tremendous aid by cutting  Nuveen.
              are  leaping  to  more  big                                                         interest rates and support-  "The bottom implies it's not
              gains  on  Wednesday,  as                                                           ing  lending  markets,  but  going  lower,  and  I  don't
              Congress  moves  closer  to                                                         investors  say  they  need  think  that,"  he  said.  "For  it
              approving a $2 trillion res-                                                        to see the number of new  to become a bottom, you
              cue plan for the economy.                                                           infections  peak  before  would  need  to  see  much
              The S&P 500 was up more                                                             they can feel comfortable  better  news  coming  out
              than 3% in afternoon trad-                                                          knowing  how  deep  the  on the health care side of
              ing  and  was  on  track  for                                                       looming economic down-       this."
              its  first  back-to-back  gain                                                      turn will be.                The  number  of  known  in-
              since the coronavirus out-                                                          "There's a lot of bad news,  fections  has  leaped  past
              break set off a brutal sell-                                                        there's  very  little  tangible  450,000 people worldwide,
              off  five  weeks  ago.  The                                                         good  news  and  there's  a  and  more  than  20,000
              big  gains  mean  the  stock   In this image provided by Jonathan Corpina, Jonathan Corpina,   lot  of  uncertainty  in  be-  have  died,  according  to
              market  is  now  down  by   Senior Managing Partner at Meridian Equity Partners Inc., who   tween,"  said  Jack  Ablin,  Johns  Hopkins  University.
              about  a  quarter  from  its   normally works on the New York Stock Exchange trading floor,   chief investment officer at  Overall, more than 112,000
                                          works in his home office in Armonk, NY., Wednesday, March
              record high set last month   25, 2020.                                              Cresset.                     have recovered.
              after  earlier  being  down                                         Associated Press  Investors are also still wait-  For most people, the new
              by more than a third.                                                               ing  to  see  the  details  of  coronavirus causes mild or
              The White House and Sen-    the blow to the economy  open  up  economic  ac-        Washington's  plan,  which  moderate symptoms, such
              ate leaders announced an  as  businesses  shut  down  tivity,"  said  Darrell  Cronk,  will  include  direct  pay-  as  fever  and  cough  that
              agreement on the aid bill  to  slow  the  spread  of  the  chief investment officer of  ments  to  most  Americans  clear  up  in  two  to  three
              early  Wednesday,  and  a  coronavirus.                 Wells Fargo Wealth and In-  and aid for hard-hit indus-  weeks. For some, especial-
              vote was expected in the  "They're  hitting  on  all  the  vestment Management.     tries. It's unclear when the  ly older adults and people
              Senate by the end of the  right elements of what the  But even optimists say the  House  of  Representatives  with  existing  health  prob-
              day.  Investors  were  anx-  U.S.  economy  needs  dur-  package provides just the  could vote on the plan.      lems,  it  can  cause  more
              iously  waiting  for  this  kind  ing the shutdown to bridge  second  leg  of  three  that  "It's too early to call a bot-  severe  illness,  including
              of aid, which will help blunt  itself  to  the  other  side  to  markets  need  to  regain  tom  because  there's  way  pneumonia and death. q
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