Page 9 - aruba-today-20230120
P. 9
LOCAL Friday 20 January 2023
Aruba to me
ORANJESTAD — You are Please do note: By submit- reader every day again. memories with our nieces sure to have the wonder-
back and we would like to ting photos, text or any oth- For today we received who each year grow big- ful feeling of vacation and
portrait you! By inviting you er materials, you give per- a lovely message from ger and more beautiful the wonderful pictures and
to send us your favorite va- mission to The Aruba Today Griseldy Gross and Janet gives Aruba an irreplace- memories to bring home
cation picture while enjoy- Newspaper, Caribbean Spits-Gross, who were born able spot in our hearts. and brag about with our
ing our Happy Island. Speed Printers and any of in the Dominican Republic We never forget to eat friends.
its affiliated companies to but are now living in Bel- our mother’s homecooked
Complete the sentence: use said materials, as well gium and The Netherlands. meals and the amazing We would change it for
Aruba to me is ……. Send as names, likeness, etc. for food that Aruba offers that anything in the world!”
your picture with that text promotional purposes with- They wrote to us saying; we can’t find elsewhere.
(including your name and out compensation. Aruba to us means.. HOME! Thank you for sending us
where you are from) to: Last but not least: check Coming back every year to Being able to visit Aruba this beautiful message shar- out our website, Instagram Aruba to spend time with year after year and seeing ing with our readers what
and we will publish your and Facebook page! our family means the world the amazing nature and Aruba means to you. We
vacation memory. Isn’t Thank you for supporting to us. Being able to hug beauty the Island offers us hope you enjoyed your
that a special way to keep our free newspaper, we mom and dad, laugh with brings us great joy. And of- stay and we can’t wait to
your best moments alive? strive to make you a happy our sisters and make new course, it’s an added plea- have you back!q