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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 20 January 2023

             EU border chief pledges transparency, no illegal pushbacks

            By SAMUEL PETREQUIN                                                                                                 actually support the mem-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ber  states,”  she  said,  add-
            BRUSSELS  (AP)  —  The  new                                                                                         ing  that  the  agency  last
            executive director of Euro-                                                                                         year carried out the return
            pean Union border agency                                                                                            of 25,000 people.
            Frontex  pledged  Thursday                                                                                          Johansson   added     that
            to ensure that illegal push-                                                                                        she  will  next  week  present
            backs  of  migrants  trying                                                                                         a  new  strategy  on  returns
            to  reach  Europe  wouldn’t                                                                                         next  week  before  a  sum-
            take place under his watch.                                                                                         mit  of  EU  leaders  in  Febru-
            Hans  Leijtens  was  ap-                                                                                            ary.  She  also  exhorted  EU
            pointed  as  a  replacement                                                                                         countries  to  step  up  their
            for  Fabrice  Leggeri,  who                                                                                         cooperation  with  Frontex
            resigned  last  year  follow-                                                                                       for  a  better  management
            ing  media  allegations  that                                                                                       of returns.
            the  agency  was  involved                                                                                          Johansson cited a rise in ar-
            in  that  practice.  A  report                                                                                      rivals  to the EU by Bangla-
            by  EU  anti-fraud  watch-                                                                                          deshis,  with  most  of  them
            dog OLAF into Frontex later                                                                                         not in need of international
            concluded  that  employ-                                                                                            protection.  She  said  that
            ees from the agency were                                                                                            after  Bangladesh  was  put
            involved  in  covering  up                                                                                          on  a  list  of  visas  sanctions,
            pushbacks of migrants from   European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson, right, and new Executive Director of the   local  authorities  improved
            Greece to Turkey.            European Border and Coast Guard, FRONTEX, Hans Leijtens, left, address a media conference at   their  cooperation  and  are
            Pushbacks    forcing  would-  EU headquarters in Brussels, Thursday, Jan. 19, 2023.                     Associated Press  now  open  to  taking  back

            be  refugees  away  from  a                                                                                         their citizens.
            border  before  they  can  with  Ylva  Johansson,  the  Leijtens said “there is noth-  more than two years ago.     “But we are also in a situa-
            reach a country and claim  EU  commissioner  for  home  ing  secret  about  Frontex”  The  number  of  attempts  tion  where  member  states
            asylum    are  considered  affairs.  “I’m  responsible  for  and that he would promote  by  migrants  to  enter  the  only  do  readmission  re-
            violations  of  international  the  fact  that  my  people  a  nothing-to-hide  attitude  EU  without  authorization  quests  for  approximately
            refugee  protection  agree-  don’t participate in ... push-  while  improving  transpar-  reached  around  330,000  10%  to  20%  of  the  return
            ments,  which  say  people  backs.”                       ency and putting an end to  last year, the highest num-   decisions”  she  said.  “And
            shouldn’t be expelled or re-  Leijtens will start his new job  “defensive attitudes.”  ber  since  2016,  the  EU’s  when  Frontex  are  flying
            turned to a country where  on March 1.                    “We  can’t  do  our  work  border  and  coast  guard  the  planes  to  Bangladesh
            their  life  and  safety  might  According to the OLAF re-  when  we  are  not  trusted,”  agency said last week.   (...), they are not full. When
            be  in  danger  because  of  port  made  public  in  Oc-  he  said.  Leijtens’  nomina-  Johansson  said  the  in-  we  have  a  political  mo-
            their  race,  religion,  nation-  tober,  top  managers  at  tion  comes  as  the  EU’s  27  crease is mainly due to the  mentum with a third coun-
            ality or being members of a  Frontex committed “serious  member countries struggle  arrivals of citizens likely not  try,  it’s  important  that  we
            social or political group.   misconduct  and  other  ir-  to make progress in discus-  in  need  of  international  work  together:  (the  Euro-
            “Pushbacks by Frontex offi-  regularities” in covering up  sions  over  a  long-delayed  protection,  who  need  to  pean)  Commission,  Fron-
            cers are not legal. They are  pushback  incidents,  not  overhaul of the bloc’s asy-   be returned to their country  tex,  all  member  states,  to
            forbidden,”  Leijtens  said  investigating  them  or  not  lum  system  proposed  by  of origin.                    really  make  these  returns
            during a news conference  handling them correctly.        the  EU’s  executive  arm  “Frontex is well equipped to  happen.”q

             ‘Help’: Colombia rescues sailor adrift in Caribbean 24 days

             BOGOTA,  Colombia  (AP)  authorities  that  his  ordeal  a  cloth.  He  said  Francois
             —  The  Colombian  navy  began in December when  was found in good health,
             rescued a man from Domi-    currents  swept  the  sail-  but told official he had lost
             nica who says he survived  boat  out  to  sea  while  he  weight.
             24 days adrift in the Carib-  was making repairs off the  Francois said on the video-
             bean on a sailboat by eat-  island  of  St.  Martin  in  the  tape  that  he  had  to  con-
             ing ketchup, garlic powder  Netherlands Antilles, where  stantly remove water from
             and seasoning cubes.        he lives.                    the boat to prevent it from
             Elvis  Francois,  47,  had  “I  called  my  friends,  they  sinking. He also tried to light
             scrawled  the  word  “help”  tried  to  contact  me,  but  a fire to send a distress sig-
             in English on the boat’s hull,  I  lost  the  signal.  There  was  nal without success.
             which officials said was key  nothing  else  to  do  but  sit  Finally,  a  plane  passed  by
             to his rescue.              and  wait,”  Francois  re-   and he signaled with a mir-
             The  sailboat  was  spotted  called in a video released  ror.  He  said  the  navy  told
             from  the  air  120  nautical  by the navy.              him  that  he  was  spotted
             miles northwest of La Gua-  He said subsisted on a bot-  when  the  plane  passed
             jira peninsula and Francois  tle of ketchup, garlic pow-  again.
             was  taken  to  the  port  city  der and Maggi cubes.    “At some point I lost hope   In this photo provided by Colombia’s Navy press office, castaway
             of Cartagena by a passing  Cmdr.                         and  thought  about  my      Elvis Francois is attended by Colombian Navy members after he
             container ship, the Colom-  Carlos Urbano Montes told  family, but I thank the coast   was rescued near the department of La Guajira, in the extreme
                                                                                                   north of Colombia, as he sits on board the merchant ship CMA
             bian  navy  said  in  a  state-  The  Associated  Press  on  guard. If it weren’t for them   CGM Voltario at the port of Cartagena, Colombia, Monday, Jan.
             ment Wednesday.             Thursday that Francois said  I  wouldn’t  be  telling  the   16, 2023.
             Francois  told  Colombian  he collected rainwater with  story,” Francois said.q                                                Associated Press
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