Page 7 - aruba-today-20230120
P. 7

                                                                                                           local Friday 20 January 2023

            Community invited to give our royal

            family a warm welcome during royal visit

            Various opportunities to greet the royal family in

            Oranjestad and San Nicolas

            ORANJESTAD – Prime Minis-    to  the  Whilhelmina  Park  San Nicolas. The first visit will
            ter of Aruba, Evelyn Wever-  where  there  will  be  differ-  be at Filomena College for
            Croes  had  a  meeting  with  ent activities and members  a  presentation  of  a  mural
            the commission installed to  of the military. Here, school  honoring  our  World  War  II
            prepare  for  the  royal  visit.  children  and  other  mem-  hero, Boy Ecury.         Following the walk the del-  The  program  for  the  royal
            King  of  the  Netherlands,  bers  of  the  community  will  Afterwards they will visit the  egation will visit the Visitors’  visit  will  end  with  a  visit  to
            Willem-Alexander,  Queen  be  present  to  greet  and  Industrial Museum of Aruba.  Center  of  the  park  and  Fort  Zoutman,  which  will
            Maxima  and  Crown  Prin-    welcome the royal family.    Following  this  visit,  the  del-  see  the  center  of  farm-  begin on Plaza Padu.
            cess  Amalia  are  visiting  After  Whilhelmina  Park  the  egation will get to see the  ing  where  certain  special  Afterwards  they  will  enter
            Aruba  on  January  30  and  delegation will walk to the  murals and art in San Nico-  plants  are  being  grown  Fort  Zoutman  where  they
            31. On the first of February  Ceremonial  House  of  the  las.                         and  will  be  introduced  to  will experience a portion of
            they depart for Curaçao.     Governor  for  a  meeting  This  visit  will  conclude  in  the project.               Bon Bini Festival.
                                         with  the  Governor  of  Aru-  Nicolaas  Store,  where  the  Following  the  park,  the
            Wever-Croes  said  that  the  ba.  After  this  they  will  be  royal guests will be delight-  royal  delegation  will  visit  Prime Minister Wever-Croes
            beautiful   program    pre-  walking  on  the  main  road  ed  with  a  cultural  demon-  Aruba Aloe, which recently  indicated  that  during  the
            pared for the visit to Aruba  towards  the  Parliament  of  stration.                  received the title “royal”.   two-day visit, the royal fam-
            includes  many  opportuni-   Aruba.                                                    Afterwards  they  will  enjoy  ily wants to be in touch with
            ties for the people of Aruba                              After   leaving   Nicolaas  a lunch at the Whilhelmina  the  people  and  experi-
            – and our beloved visitors! –  Following this visit the royal  Store, the delegation will ar-  Restaurant,  and  continue  ence Aruba.
            can meet the royal family,  delegation  will  walk  to-   rive at the Marinierskazerne  on to the University of Aru-  The  Government  of  Aruba
            particularly Princess Amalia  wards  the  main  center  of  – the marine barracks.     ba,  where  they  will  meet  invites our entire communi-
            since it will be her first time  the government, Cocolishi.                            with lecturers and students.  ty to prepare and bring the
            visiting Aruba.              Afterwards  the  delegation  The  second  day  on  Tues-                               children  to  meet  the  royal
                                         will depart for the hotel for  day  will  begin  early  morn-  Following  this  visit  the  King  family  of  the  Netherlands.
            On  January  30,  when  the  a short break.               ing  with  a  hike  in  Aruba’s  and  princess  will  depart  “Let’s show them the cordi-
            king,  queen  and  princess                               nature,  starting  at  the  for the Frans Figaroa Sports  ality that we know in Aruba
            arrive  in  Aruba,  they  will  Following  the  break,  the  Franse  Pas,  the  gold  mine  Center. The Queen will visit  and let’s give them a warm
            leave the airport and head  entire delegation will go to  ruins.                       Qredits Aruba.               welcome.”q

            MoU signed for project enhancing Eagle Beach Strip

            ORANJESTAD  –  This  week,  According  to  a  press  re-
            minister of Tourism and Pub-  lease,  this  is  a  beautiful
            lic Health, Mr. Dangui Odu-  project  where  the  public
            ber made an important an-    and  private  sector  will  be
            nouncement regarding the  working together. The pub-
            enhancement of our prod-     lic  sector  will  make  invest-
            uct Aruba. This time, it is the  ments and the private sec-
            project to improve the strip  tor  is  committing  to  carry
            of  Eagle  Beach  from  the  out  the  necessary  mainte-
            roundabout  at  Amsterdam  nance  in  the  years  ahead
            Manor to the roundabout of  of us.
                                         Monday night during a cer-
            This project will be financed  emony,  minister  Oduber
            by the Tourism Product En-   together  with  all  General
            hancement  Fund  (TPEF)  Managers of the properties
            and Aruba Tourism Author-    on  the  strip  where  the  en-  the board of TPEF, Mr. Ma-  the  private  sector  to  also  formed with flora and white
            ity (ATA).                   hancement will take place,   rio  Arends,  signed  a  MoU  actively  participate  in  the  stones  in  order  for  it  to  be
                                         as well as the president of
                                                                      where all parties are com-   maintenance  of  different  better organized and struc-
                                                                      mitted to each other.        projects.  This  makes  the  tured. The idea is for the en-
                                                                                                   project unique and a good  tire  strip  to  look  the  same,
                                                                      This  project  will  be  real-  model  for  the  future.  It  is  creating  a  better  feeling
                                                                      ized in two phases. The first  proof  that  by  cooperating  for  our  visitors.  More  trash
                                                                      phase will begin in the up-  and working together more  bins will also be installed on
                                                                      coming  days.  In  total,  the  can be achieved.          the strip in order to improve
                                                                      public  sector  is  investing  a  This way we can guarantee  waste management in the
                                                                      significant  amount  in  this  that the project will be sus-  area.
                                                                      project  while  the  private  tainable  and  will  elevate
                                                                      sector will invest in mainte-  the product Aruba.         Finally,   minister   Oduber
                                                                      nance of the project.                                     thanked the board of TPEF,
                                                                      According  to  the  press  re-  The project will see the en-  ATA  and  all  the  General
                                                                      lease  this  is  a  new  model  hancement  of  the  entire  Managers of the properties
                                                                      chosen  by  the  ministry  of  strip of Eagle Beach, where  for their collaboration in the
                                                                      Tourism  in  order  to  allow  the  landscape  will  be  uni-  project.q
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