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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 8 november 2021

                          German rescue boat with 800 migrants reaches Sicilian port

            (AP)  —  A  German  hu-      rica, Egypt or Morocco, said  ship, Ocean Viking, with 306
            manitarian     ship   with  Giovanna  di  Benedetto,  an  migrants  aboard,  many  of
            more than 800 rescued mi-    official  from  Save  the  Chil-  them feeling ill in rough seas,
            grants,  including  15  very  dren in Italy.              was still awaiting assignment
            young  children,  steamed                                 of a port near Lampedusa, a
            into  a  Sicilian  port  on  Shouts  of  joy  from  those  tiny  Italian  island  south  of
            Sunday after being grant-    aboard  Sea-Eye  4  could  be  Sicily,  said  the  humanitarian
            ed  permission  by  Italian  heard on Trapani’s dock as the  organization SOS Mediterra-
            authorities following days  vessel  drew  near,  SkyTG24  nee, which operates the ship.
            of waiting in the Mediter-   TV reported.
            ranean Sea.                                               Earlier  Sunday,  in  waters
                                         About  half  of  the  migrants  off  Lampedusa,  an  Italian
            The  charity  group  Sea-Eye  were  rescued  from  a  sink-  Coast Guard boat pulled up
            said the vessel Sea-Eye 4 was  ing wooden boat on Nov. 4,  alongside  Ocean  Viking  to
            assigned  to  the  port  of  Tra-  while  the  other  passengers  evacuate  two  brothers,  both
            pani,  in  western  Sicily,  on  had  been  plucked  to  safety  minors,  whose  health  con-
            Saturday  evening.  Most  of  from the sea in separate op-  ditions  had  worsened,  SOS  ness and high blood pressure,
            the  adults  were  to  be  trans-  erations.              Mediterranee  tweeted.  Four  along with injuries consistent  The  number  of  migrants
            ferred to other ships for pre-                            others  were  evacuated  on  with torture.                crossing   the   dangerous
            ventative  quarantine  against  Sea-Eye  officials  lament-  Saturday.                                              central  Mediterranean  has
            COVID-19, while some 160  ed  that  Malta,  a  European                                U.N.  refugee  agencies  have  surged this year to more than
            minors, including babies and  Union  island  nation  in  On  Saturday,  Sea-Eye  4  re-  long  denounced  the  prac-  54,000. Still, the numbers are
            other children younger than  the  central  Mediterranean,  ceived  a  delivery  of  food  tice  of  torture  in  detention  dramatically  below  those  of
            4, were to be taken to shelters  hadn’t  responded  to  the  and blankets while it waited  camps  in  Libya,  where  the  2014-2017,  when  120,000-
            on land.                     wooden boat’s distress signal  to  learn  where  the  migrants  migrants live, often for weeks  180,000 people reached Italy
                                         in its own search area.      could  land.  Doctors  aboard  or months, until human traf-  each  year,  often  in  rickety
            Many of the passengers came                               Sea-Eye 4 had treated 25 peo-  fickers  arrange  their  passage  smugglers’ boats.
            from  countries  in  West  Af-  Meanwhile,  another  charity  ple for hypothermia, sea sick-  aboard flimsy boats.

                              Nicaragua’s Ortega seeks re-election in questioned vote

            (AP)     —     Nicaraguan  sario  Murillo,  his  “co-presi-  found her local voting center  outlets.                Ortega’s  inner  circle,  but
            President  Daniel  Ortega  dent.”                         at a school in Managua virtu-                             Ortega  responded  only  by
            sought  a  fourth  consecu-                               ally  empty.  “In  past  years  it  He  said  the  peaceful  vote  arresting  more  of  his  oppo-
            tive term in elections Sun-  In June, police arrested seven  was really full,” she said. “Be-  sends a message to the world  nents.
            day against a field of little-  potential  presidential  chal-  fore you had to (wait) in a big  powers that “Nicaraguans are
            known  candidates  while  lengers  on  charges  that  es-  line  to  come  here  and  now,  dignified patriots and we are  On Friday, a senior U.S. State
            those who could have giv-    sentially  amount  to  treason.  empty.”                  not  going  to  bend  to  their  Department  official,  who
            en him a real challenge sat  They  remained in  detention                              threats,  sanctions  and  non-  spoke  with  reporters  on  the
            in jail.                     on  election  day.  Some  two  Around   midday,   Ortega  recognition of the elections.”  condition of anonymity, said
                                         dozen other opposition lead-  spoke  live  on  television  af-                         the  U.S.  government  was
            More  than  13,000  polling  ers were also swept up ahead  ter voting — he held up his  Presidential candidate Guill-  willing to consider additional
            places opened Sunday morn-   of the elections.            inked finger.                ermo  Osorno  of  the  small  targeted  sanctions,  but  had
            ing  even  as  the  opposition                                                         Christian  Path  party  voted  tried  to  avoid  measures  that
            denounced  more  arrests  of  The  other  contenders  on  He blasted the United States  early  Sunday.  He  promised  would  more  broadly  impact
            its leaders in activists around  Sunday’s  ballot  were  little  for  interference  in  Nicara-  that if he defeated Ortega he  the Nicaraguan people.
            the county in the hours lead-  known  politicians  from  mi-  gua,  noted  there  had  been  would  “change  the  electoral
            ing up to the vote and Ortega  nor  parties  seen  as  friendly  alleged fraud in the last U.S.  system”  and  allow  election  “It  is  very  hard  when  you
            railed against alleged interfer-  with  Ortega’s  Sandinista  election, reminded that those  observers.             have  a  government  that  has
            ence from the United States.  Front.                      who stormed the U.S. Capi-                                very  minimal  goals  that  in-
                                                                      tol were called terrorists and  Meanwhile  in  Costa  Rica,  clude remaining in power at
            The  opposition  called  on  On  Saturday,  the  Blue  and  remain  jailed.  He  repeated  hundreds  of  Nicaraguans  any cost and disregarding the
            Nicaraguans to stay home in  White  National  Union,  an  his claim that the U.S. gov-  living  in  exile  there  protest-  will of their own citizens or
            protest of an electoral process  opposition  alliance,  issued  ernment  supported  huge  ed  against  Ortega’s  govern-  the  needs  of  the  citizens  to
            that  has  been  roundly  criti-  an alert after at least eight of  protests in Nicaragua in April  ment,  calling  Sunday’s  vote  retain  that  power,”  the  offi-
            cized as not credible by for-  its leaders were “abducted by  2018, which he has called an  an “electoral circus” and de-  cial said.
            eign powers.                 the  regime  in  illegal  raids”  attempted coup.         manding the release of politi-
                                         Saturday afternoon and eve-                               cal prisoners.               The Organization of Ameri-
            The  election  will  determine  ning.                     “They have as much right as                               can  States  has  condemned
            who  holds  the  presidency                               we  do  to  open  trials  against  “We are protesting against the  Nicaragua’s  holding  of  po-
            for  the  next  five  years,  as  The  Civic  Alliance,  another  terrorists,” Ortega said.  fraud  and  asking  for  justice  litical  prisoners  and  unwill-
            well as 90 of the 92 seats in  opposition  coalition,  report-                         for  those  killed,”  said  Kevin  ingness  to  hold  free  and
            the congress and Nicaragua’s  ed “harassment, surveillance,  “The  immense  majority  of  Monzón, a young influencer  fair  elections,  but  Ortega’s
            representation in the Central  intimidation, assault, attacks,  Nicaraguans  are  voting  for  who fled to Costa Rica in late  government  has  only  railed
            American  Parliament.  More  illegal  and  arbitrary  deten-  peace and not for war or ter-  September  after  receiving  against foreign interference.
            than 4.4 million Nicaraguan  tions” of some of its leaders  rorism,” he said.          threats.
            age 16 and above were eligi-  around Nicaragua.                                                                     The regional body will hold
            ble to vote.                                              One of the first to vote Sun-  With  little  doubt  as  to  the  its  annual  general  assembly
                                         The heads of the police and  day  was  Foreign  Minister  presidential  election  result,  in Guatemala later this week.
            Ortega’s Sandinista Front and  army said the vote was occur-  Denis Moncada at a second-  focus  is  already  turning  to  Guatemala,  Honduras  and
            its allies control the congress  ring without incident.   ary school in the capital. “The  what  the  international  re-  Mexico  were  among  sev-
            and  all  government  institu-                            majority  of  Nicaraguans  are  sponse will be as Ortega seeks  en  countries  that  abstained
            tions.  Ortega  first  served  as  Voting  through  the  morn-  going  to  elect  today  Com-  to tighten his grip on power.  from  a  vote  on  a  resolution
            president from 1985 to 1990,  ing appeared to be calm and  mander  Daniel  (Ortega),                                last month in the OAS con-
            before returning to power in  without long lines.         comrade  Rosario  (Murillo)  The  United  States  and  Eu-  demning  the  repression  in
            2007.  He  recently  declared                             and  the  deputies,”  Moncada  ropean Union have imposed  Nicaragua.
            his wife, Vice President Ro-  Voter   Mayela   Rodríguez  said to pro-government news  sanctions  against  those  in
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