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                                                                                                       sports Dialuna 8 november 2021

                         Álvarez stops Plant to become undisputed 168-pound champ

            (AP) — With a destructive  a  grueling  11-month  span,  and  an  inspirational  athlete
            barrage of power punches  Canelo  is  the  sixth  man  to  who  overcame  numerous
            in the waning minutes of  be a four-belt champion. He  personal  tragedies  to  earn  a
            a  difficult  fight,  Canelo  joined  junior  welterweight  shot at the pound-for-pound
            Álvarez  added  another  Josh  Taylor  as  the  only  cur-  champ,  but  the  Tennessee
            achievement  to  his  over-  rent  undisputed  champs  of  native  found  out  just  how
            flowing  list  of  boxing  ac-  their weight class.       big the gap remains between
            complishments.                                            Canelo  and  his  contempo-
                                         “I’m proud to be one of the  raries.
            The  Mexican  pound-for-     six,”  Álvarez  said  through  a
            pound  superstar  is  the  un-  translator  before  dedicating  Álvarez  landed  more  than
            disputed super middleweight  the win to his Mexican fans.  32%  of  his  361  punches,
            champion of the world.                                    while Plant connected on just
                                         After  stopping  three  of  his  23% of his 441 shots, which
            Álvarez  became  the  first  previous four opponents, Ál-  included  232  jabs  —  more
            four-belt world champion at  varez  had  to  grind  through  than twice as many as Cane-
            168 pounds in boxing history  a  challenging  matchup  with  lo. Álvarez excelled in power  and he expects to figure out  damage  in  the  fourth,  back-
            Saturday night, stopping Ca-  the  tenacious  Plant  (21-1),  punches, landing 40% of 251  his  next  move  by  January  ing him against the ropes and
            leb Plant in the 11th with two  who  usually  moved  back-  power  shots  while  wearing  when  he  was  rested  and  re-  letting combinations fly.
            dramatic knockdowns.         ward and worked behind his  down Plant.                   charged.
                                         jab to stay away from Cane-                                                            Álvarez showed little fear of
            Álvarez  (57-1-2,  39  KOs)  lo’s power.                  Álvarez  is  the  first  Mexican  “The  training  sessions,  try-  Plant’s  punches,  and  he  got
            added Plant’s IBF title to his                            fighter  to  reign  undisputed  ing  to  make  weight,  that’s  even less heedful as the bout
            own WBC, WBA and WBO  Álvarez  remained  persistent  atop a division, and every flag-  when  you  feel  the  tiredness  progressed. Álvarez gradually
            belts  with  a  steady  tactical  and  racked  up  a  volume  of  waving fan in the vehemently  of it all,” Álvarez said. “Right  landed  more  effectively  in
            performance  culminating  in  quality punches — and in the  pro-Canelo sellout crowd of  now, I feel great. My body is  the  middle  rounds,  moving
            a display of his vaunted pow-  opening seconds of the 11th,  16,586  seemed  aware  of  the  responding  splendidly.  Now  Plant backward and even dar-
            er  to  finish  the  previously  he sent Plant crashing to the  achievement. The champion,  I just need some time to rest  ing the cautious Plant to hit
            unbeaten Plant at the MGM  canvas with a vicious combi-   a  Guadalajara  native,  spoke  and  to  prepare  for  the  next  him in the seventh.
            Grand Garden Arena.          nation followed by an upper-  frequently before the fight of  challenge.”
                                         cut while Plant tried to duck  his determination to achieve                            Boxing  gets  frequent,  de-
            “It was truly a historic night,  away.                    the feat both for himself and  Álvarez and Plant had no per-  served criticism as an institu-
            and I’m so proud to be a part                             for Mexico.                  sonal  animus  until  Septem-  tion  for  the  promoter  rival-
            of it,” Álvarez said.        “This fight itself was exactly                            ber,  when  Álvarez  took  of-  ries and fractious sanctioning
                                         as  I  envisioned  it,”  Álvarez  Álvarez  extended  the  most  fense to an insult from Plant  bodies  that  prevent  the  best
            Canelo  is  generally  recog-  said.  “The  first  few  rounds,  successful  active  career  in  during a news conference in  fighters  from  meeting  each
            nized as the top fighter in the  they  were  tough,  but  then  boxing  with  his  eighth  con-  Beverly Hills to promote the  other  far  too  often.  But  Ál-
            world  regardless  of  weight  it  turned  out  just  how  we  secutive  victory  in  just  over  bout. Álvarez and Plant brief-  varez used his star power to
            class.  After  battering  the  expected.  We  were  able  to  three  years.  He  hasn’t  lost  ly  scrapped,  leaving  Plant  join an elite club by winning
            bigger  Plant  with  dozens  of  execute  our  game  plan,  and  in  16  fights  since  dropping  with a cut on his face and a  all four major belts.
            punches that finally accumu-  we’re really happy with how  a majority decision to Floyd  new avenue of motivation.
            lated to leave Plant crumpled  it turned out.”            Mayweather  in  2013,  with                               Only  five  men  had  ever
            on  the  canvas,  Álvarez  had                            only a draw against Gennady  Plant  opened  the  biggest  achieved  four-belt  undis-
            complete  dominance  at  168  Plant  got  up  unsteadily,  and  Golovkin blemishing his re-  bout of his career with a solid  puted champion status since
            pounds — just as he planned  Álvarez  dropped  him  again  cord.                       game  plan,  tapping  Álvarez  the feat became possible with
            when  he  came  out  of  the  with  two  big  right  hands,                            with a solid jab and moving  the  WBO’s  advent:  middle-
            pandemic  break  with  a  goal  forcing referee Russell Mora  After this uncommonly busy  away  from  his  opponent’s  weights  Bernard  Hopkins
            to  win  every  super  middle-  to end it at 1:05 of the 11th  11-month  stretch,  Canelo  superior  power,  frequently  and  Jermain  Taylor,  junior
            weight belt.                 round.                       had no immediate announce-   using a shoulder roll to avoid  welterweights Terence Craw-
                                                                      ment about his future. He is  trouble.   Álvarez   steadily  ford and Taylor, and cruiser-
            After  winning  four  fights  in  Plant  is  a  sturdy  champion  taking the rest of the year off,  walked  down  Plant  and  did  weight Oleksandr Usyk.

                       NBA to players, coaches, refs: Booster shots are recommended

            (AP) — The NBA told its  The league and the National  those who received the Pfizer  Some  teams  already  have
            players,  coaches  and  ref-  Basketball  Players  Associa-  and Moderna vaccine at least  been planning for players to  In some cases, those who are
            erees on Sunday that they  tion — working jointly based  six months ago.               receive  booster  shots  when  vaccinated  but  elect  to  not
            should  receive  booster  on guidance from the NBA’s                                   available. A small number of  receive  a  booster  would  be
            shots  against  the  coro-   public  health  and  infec-  The  league  recommenda-     previously  vaccinated  NBA  subjected  to  game-day  test-
            navirus,  with  particular  tious  disease  experts  —  said  tions, which were obtained by  players  have  tested  positive  ing again starting Dec. 1, the
            urgency  for  those  who  those who received Johnson  The  Associated  Press,  called  this  season  for  COVID-19  NBA said. That Dec. 1 date
            received  the  single-dose  &  Johnson  shots  more  than  for those who got Johnson &  and  entered  the  league’s  varies  depending  on  when
            Johnson  &  Johnson  vac-    two months ago should get a  Johnson  vaccines  originally  health and safety protocols.  the person was originally vac-
            cine.                        booster. The booster recom-  to seek a Pfizer or Moderna                               cinated and what type of vac-
                                         mendation also was made for  booster. Those who got Pfiz-  Among  those  sidelined  of  cine they received.
                                                                      er  or  Moderna  may  simply  late:  Philadelphia’s  Tobias
                                                                      get whatever booster is avail-  Harris,  who  had  symptoms,  About  97%  of  NBA  players
                                                                      able, the league said.       76ers coach Doc Rivers said.  were  believed  to  be  vacci-
                                                                                                                                nated when the season start-
                                                                      Data used to make the league’s  “He’s  doing  OK  but  not  ed  last  month.  In  the  U.S.,
                                                                      determinations  showed  that  great, honestly. ... It hit him  nearly  60%  of  the  popula-
                                                                      antibody levels for Pfizer and  for  sure,”  Rivers  said  last  tion  —  more  than  193  mil-
                                                                      Moderna recipients wane af-  week.  “A  lot  of  guys  have  lion people — are fully vacci-
                                                                      ter six months, and after two  had  this  and  they  are  mad,  nated. More than 21 million
                                                                      months for Johnson & John-   like ‘What the hell, I’m fine.’  have received a booster dose,
                                                                      son recipients.              Tobias is not in that category  and those numbers are soar-
                                                                                                   right now, I can tell you that.”  ing each day.
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