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P. 32

A32    sports
                  Dialuna 1 augustus 2022

                              England beats Germany in extra time to win Euro 2022

            (AP) — Just when it seemed Eng-     day, beating Germany 2-1.           Then  Kelly  prodded  in  a  loose  ball  leading scorer with six goals — after
            land  might  again  be  weighed                                         at  the  second  attempt  in  the  110th  she  reported  a  muscle  problem  in
            down by expectations and histo-     By  the  time  Kelly  scored,  England  minute after Germany failed to clear  the warmup. She was replaced in the
            ry,  Chloe  Kelly  made  the break-  looked  to  be  tiring,  even  with  the  a corner. Cue the celebrations, chants  lineup by Schüller while Svenja Huth
            through.                            boost of the home crowd, and strug-  on Trafalgar Square, and congratula-  took over as captain.
                                                gling  to  deal  with  Germany's  fresh  tions from the queen.
            Kelly's goal in the second half of ex-  substitute players. The game had fin-                               The game was goalless after a physical
            tra time — the first time she had ever  ished 1-1 after 90 minutes at Wem-  "I always believed I'd be here, but to  first half in which Ellen White shot
            scored in a competitive international  bley  Stadium  with  Lina  Magull  for  be here and score the winner, wow.  narrowly  over  the  bar  for  England,
            game — propelled England to its first  Germany canceling out Ella Toone's  These girls are amazing," said Kelly,  while Marina Hegering nearly forced
            major women's soccer title on Sun-  goal for England.                   who returned from a serious knee in-  the ball in for Germany at a corner
                                                                                    jury in April. "This is amazing, I just  before  Williamson  and  Earps  inter-
                                                                                    want to celebrate now."             vened.
                                                                                    Kelly  took  her  shirt  off  to  celebrate
                                                                                    her  goal,  earning  a  yellow  card  but  Either team could have had a penalty
                                                                                    also a shout-out from Brandi Chas-  in  the  opening  half,  first  when  the
                                                                                    tain,  who  celebrated  in  similar  style  ball  seemed  to  touch  Williamson's
                                                                                    when her penalty kick won the World  arm  as  she  cleared,  and  later  when
                                                                                    Cup for the U.S. in 1999. "Enjoy the  Hegering dived to clear the ball and
                                                                                    free rounds of pints and dinners for  collided with Lucy Bronze.
                                                                                    the rest of your life from all of Eng-  Ella  Toone  latched  onto  a  long  pass
                                                                                    land.  Cheers!"  Chastain  wrote  on  from Keira Walsh to get in behind the
                                                                                    Twitter.                            German defense in the 62nd minute
                                                                                                                        and cleverly sent a lobbed shot over
                                                                                    After  the  final  whistle,  the  England  goalkeeper  Merle  Frohms  and  into
                                                                                    players  danced  and  the  crowd  sang  the net for the opening goal.
                                                                                    their anthem "Sweet Caroline." The  Toone's  goal,  six  minutes  after  she
                                                                                    good-natured atmosphere inside the  entered  the  game  from  the  bench,
                                                                                    stadium Sunday drew contrasts with  sparked celebrations as England man-
                                                                                    the violent scenes when the England  ager Sarina Wiegman — the winning
                                                                                    men's team lost its European Cham-  coach with the Netherlands in 2017
                                                                                    pionship final to Italy at the same sta-  — raised both arms in joy.
                                                                                    dium a year ago.                    Facing its first defeat in nine Europe-
                                                                                    The  tournament-record  crowd  of  an finals, Germany came close when
                                                                                    more  than  87,000  underlined  the  Lea  Schüller  hit  the  post  and  then
                                                                                    growth of women's soccer in Europe  leveled  the  score  in  the  79th  when
                                                                                    since the last time England and Ger-  Lina Magull knocked a low cross past
                                                                                    many played for a continental title 13  England goalkeeper Mary Earps, tak-
                                                                                    years ago.                          ing the game to extra time.

                                                                                    On  that  occasion,  Germany  surged  When  the  game  went  to  extra  time
                                                                                    to  a  6-2  win  over  an  England  team  there were echoes of another Euro-
                                                                                    which still relied on part-time players.  pean Championship final at the same
                                                                                    Two years later, England launched its  venue the year before, when the Eng-
                                                                                    Women's  Super  League,  which  has  land  men's  team  had  a  1-0  lead  but
                                                                                    professionalized the game and grown  lost on penalties to Italy, but Kelly's
                                                                                    into  one  of  the  main  competitions  goal  changed  all  that.  England  took
                                                                                    worldwide.                          control of the game in the final min-
                                                                                                                        utes, denying Germany chances for a
                                                                                    That has meant increasing competi-  second equalizer.
                                                                                    tion for Germany, which was a pio-
                                                                                    neering nation in European women's  After  the  final  whistle,  Popp  joined
                                                                                    soccer  and  increasingly  faces  well-  her teammates on the field and, with
                                                                                    funded rivals like England, Spain and  midfielder Lena Oberdorf, was com-
                                                                                    France.                             forted by England's Georgia Stanway.
                                                                                    England's  title  comes  56  years  after
                                                                                    the  nation's  only  major  men's  title  Wiegman  remains  unbeaten  in  12
                                                                                    which was also an extra-time win at  games  as  coach  at  the  European
                                                                                    Wembley over Germany at the 1966  Championships  after  winning  the
                                                                                    World  Cup.  Queen  Elizabeth  II's  tournament  first  with  the  Nether-
                                                                                    congratulatory  message  called  the  lands  and  now  with  England.  One
                                                                                    England team an "inspiration for girls  of her first moves after England won
                                                                                    and women today, and for future gen-  was to share a hug with 35-year-old
                                                                                    erations."                          midfielder Jill Scott, the only remain-
                                                                                                                        ing player on either team from Eng-
                                                                                    The  players,  too,  are  conscious  of  land's 2009 loss to Germany.
                                                                                    how their success has important con-
                                                                                    sequences.                          The  game  was  refereed  by  Ukrai-
                                                                                    "We talked and talked and finally we  nian Kateryna Monzul, who fled her
                                                                                    did  it,"  England  captain  Leah  Wil-  home  country  after  Russia  invaded.
                                                                                    liamson  said.  "It's  the  proudest  mo-  One  of  Europe's  leading  referees,
                                                                                    ment of my life so I'm going to lap  Monzul left her home in Kharkiv --
                                                                                    it up and take every single second in.  a major city which has been heavily
                                                                                    The  legacy  of  this  tournament  and  bombarded by Russian forces -- and
                                                                                    this team is a change in society. We've  spent five days living in a basement
                                                                                    brought everyone together."         at  her  parents'  house  before  leaving
                                                                                                                        the country and eventually living and
                                                                                    On  Sunday,  Germany  was  without  working in Italy.
                                                                                    captain Alexandra Popp — the team's
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