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                                                                                                       sports Dialuna 1 augustus 2022

                           Red Sox double up on Brewers, salvage finale with 7-2 win

            (AP) — Xander Bogaerts,  Ex Red Sox outfielder Hunt-      Verdugo.  Bogaerts  drove  in
            J.D.  Martinez  and  Chris-  er  Renfroe  hit  a  two-run  two runs with a drive down
            tian Vázquez each had an  homer over the Green Mon-       the  left-field  line.  Verdugo's
            RBI  double  that  helped  ster  for  the  second  straight  hit was off Hoby Milner.
            the slumping Red Sox beat  day and went 4 for 4 for NL
            the  Milwaukee  Brewers  Central-leading  Milwaukee,  The inning was extended be-
            7-2  Sunday  for  just  their  which  lost  for  only  the  sec-  cause  second  baseman  Kol-
            fourth victory in 17 games  ond time in nine games since  ten Wong dropped shortstop
            as  the  trade  deadline  ap-  the All-Star break.        Willy  Adames'  throw  on  an
            proached.                    Josh  Winckowski  (4-5)  al-  attempted force play.
                                         lowed  two  runs  and  seven  The  Red  Sox  added  two
            Bogaerts,   Martinez    and  hits in five innings, becoming  more runs in the sixth when
            Vázquez all are in what could  Boston's first starter to win in  Jackie Bradley Jr. had an RBI
            be in their final season with  30 games — the majors' lon-  double  and  scored  on  Jaylin
            the  Red  Sox.  Bogaerts  can  gest streak since the Mariners  Davis' single.
            opt  out  of  his  contract  and  went 33 games in 1979.  Renfroe hit his 19th homer.
            the other two are eligible to                             He hit 31 last year in his only
            become free agents.          Trailing  2-0,  Boston  struck  season with Boston and was  feels  he's  fortunate  to  be
            Boston, which had a season-  with  five  unearned  runs  in  dealt to the Brewers in No-  back  in  baseball  after  being  Cora  shifted  his  batting  or-
            high  eight  doubles,  was  3-7  the fifth against Aaron Ashby  vember.                suspended for the 2020 sea-  der,  moving  Davis  to  the
            on a season-long homestand  (2-9) on consecutive two-out                               son for his part in the Astros'  leadoff  spot  and  Bogaerts  to
            and 8-19 in July.            RBI  doubles  by  Bogaerts,  Despite  his  team's  struggles,  2017  cheating  scandal  while  the  2-hole  in  front  of  Mar-
                                         Martinez, Vázquez and Alex  Red Sox manager Alex Cora  he was their bench coach.       tinez, with Vázquez cleanup.

                      Messi, Neymar score in 4-0 win as PSG wins Champions Trophy

                                                                      (AP)  —  Lionel  Messi  Neymar,  he  went  past  goal-    Neymar converted a penalty
                                                                      opened  the  scoring  and  keeper  Alban  Lafont  before  in the 82nd after being fouled
                                                                      Neymar     scored    twice  scoring with a fine finish.   by  Jean-Charles  Castelletto,
                                                                      as    French    champion                                  who was sent off.
                                                                      Paris      Saint-Germain  Neymar  expertly  guided  a
                                                                      beat  French  Cup  win-      free kick into the top left cor-  Galtier,  who  guided  Lille  to
                                                                      ner Nantes 4-0 to win the  ner in first-half injury time to  the  league  title  against  the
                                                                      Champions  Trophy  on  put coach Christophe Galti-        odds  in  2021,  now  has  his
                                                                      Sunday.                      er's side 2-0 up at Bloomfield  first  trophy  at  PSG.  He  re-
                                                                                                   Stadium  in  Tel  Aviv,  which  placed  Maurico  Pochettino
                                                                      Messi, the record seven-time  hosted the game for the sec-  after he was fired.
                                                                      Ballon  d'Or  winner,  netted  ond straight year.
                                                                      midway  through  the  first                               Antoine  Kombouare,  who
                                                                      half.                        Veteran defender Sergio Ra-  once  coached  PSG,  helped
                                                                                                   mos made it 3-0 in the 57th  Nantes win its first trophy in
                                                                      Taking a deflected pass from  minute from close range and  21 years when it won the cup.

                           Spin and win: Verstappen rallies to eighth win of F1 season

            (AP)  —  Formula  One                                     Vettel, who won his four F1  three days of racing in Hun-  F1 aware of rampant harass-
            champion  Max  Verstap-      Verstappen's  eighth  win  of  titles  with  Red  Bull  from  gary.  On  Saturday,  F1  re-  ment,  sexism,  racism,  and
            pen  overcame  a  spin  and  the season was the 28th of the  2010-13, is retiring at the end  leased  a  video  condemning  homophobia.
            his  worst  starting  spot  Dutchman's career.            of the season, by which point  all forms of abusive behavior.
            of  the  season  to  win  the  "Who  would  have  thought  Verstappen  may  well  have  Abusive behavior from spec-  After  a  month-long  break
            Hungarian Grand Prix on  when we woke up today we'd  beaten  his  F1  record  of  13  tators   overshadowed   the  the  season  resumes  with  a
            Sunday.  His  eighth  win  get  this  result?  Amazing,"  wins in a season from 2013.  Austrian  Grand  Prix  three  triple header in Belgium, the
            of the season pushed Ver-    Verstappen told his team, let-                            weeks  ago,  where  fans  —  Netherlands and Italy.
            stappen's lead to 80 points  ting out a laugh. "I was bat-  F1 said 290,000 attended the  particularly women — made
            over Charles Leclerc as F1  tling a lot of guys and it was a
            heads  into  its  midseason  lot of fun out there. That was
            break.                       a  crazy  race  but  (we)  stayed
                                         calm and we won."
            Even  though  his  advantage
            keeps  increasing,  Verstappen  He  qualified  a  season-worst
            is not thinking ahead.       10th  because  of  a  loss  of
                                         power  on  Saturday,  then  in
            Mercedes placed both its cars  Sunday's race Verstappen did
            on  the  podium  for  the  sec-  a 360-degree spin.
            ond straight race; seven-time  "Unbelievable   Max,   that
            F1  champion  Lewis  Hamil-  is  right  up  there  with  your
            ton carved his way from sev-  best," Red Bull team princi-
            enth  to  a  second-place  fin-  pal Christian Horner replied.
            ish, teammate and pole-sitter  "Fantastic."
            George Russell was third.
                                         Lando  Norris  finished  sev-
            Carlos  Sainz  Jr.  finished  enth for McLaren, Fernando
            fourth  in  another  disastrous  Alonso was eighth and his Al-
            day  for  Ferrari.  Leclerc  was  pine teammate Esteban Ocon
            sixth, one spot behind Sergio  was ninth. Sebastian Vettel of
            Perez of Red Bull.           Aston Martin was 10th.
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