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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 1 augustus 2022

                                Pelosi confirms trip to Asia, but no mention of Taiwan

            (AP)  —  The  speaker  of  Taiwan  since  then-Speaker  Washington’s  “One  China
            the U.S. House of Repre-     Newt Gingrich in 1997.       policy” says it takes no posi-
            sentatives,  Nancy  Pelosi,                               tion on the status of the two
            confirmed  Sunday  she  The  Biden  administration  sides but wants their dispute
            will visit four Asian coun-  didn’t explicitly urge Pelosi to  resolved   peacefully.   Bei-
            tries  this  week  but  made  avoid Taiwan but tried to as-  jing  promotes  an  alternative
            no  mention  of  a  possible  sure Beijing there was no rea-  “One  China  principle”  that
            stop in Taiwan that has fu-  son to “come to blows” and  says they are one country and
            eled tension with Beijing,  that if such a visit occurred,  the  Communist  Party  is  its
            which  claims  the  island  it would signal no change in  leader.
            democracy as its own ter-    U.S. policy.
            ritory.                                                   Members  of  Congress  pub-
                                         “Under the strong leadership  licly  backed  Pelosi’s  interest
            Pelosi said in a statement she  of President Biden, America  in  visiting  Taiwan  despite
            is leading a congressional del-  is firmly committed to smart,  Chinese  opposition.  They
            egation to Singapore, Malay-  strategic  engagement  in  the  want  to  avoid  being  seen  as
            sia, South Korea and Japan to  region,  understanding  that  yielding to Beijing.
            discuss trade, the COVID-19  a  free  and  flourishing  Indo-
            pandemic,  climate  change,  Pacific  is  crucial  to  prosper-  Beijing  has  given  no  details  spokesman  Col.  Shen  Jinke
            security  and  “democratic  ity in our nation and around  of how it might react if Pelosi  said  on  Sunday,  referring  to  A  visit  to  Taiwan  would  be
            governance.”                 the globe,” Pelosi’s statement  goes to Taiwan, but the Min-  Taiwan.                  a  career  capstone  for  Pelosi,
                                         said.                        istry  of  Defense  warned  last                          who increasingly uses her po-
            Pelosi  has  yet  to  confirm                             week the military would take  Pelosi  said  her  delegation  sition in Congress as a U.S.
            news  reports  that  she  might  Taiwan  and  China  split  in  “strong  measures  to  thwart  includes  U.S.  Reps.  Grego-  emissary on the global stage.
            visit  Taiwan.  Chinese  Presi-  1949  after  the  communists  any  external  interference.”  ry  Meeks,  chairman  of  the  She  has  long  challenged
            dent  Xi  Jinping  warned  won a civil war on the main-   The  foreign  ministry  said,  House Foreign Affairs Com-  China  on  human  rights  and
            against meddling in Beijing’s  land. Both sides say they are  “those who play with fire will  mittee;  Mark  Takano,  chair-  wanted to visit Taiwan earlier
            dealings with the island in a  one country but disagree over  perish by it.”           man  of  the  House  Com-    this year.
            phone call Thursday with his  which government is entitled                             mittee  on  Veterans’  Affairs;
            American  counterpart,  Joe  to  national  leadership.  They  The  ruling  party’s  military  Suzan DelBene, vice chair of  In 1991, as a new member of
            Biden.                       have no official relations but  wing,  the  People’s  Libera-  the  House  Ways  and  Means  Congress,  Pelosi  irked  Chi-
                                         are linked by billions of dol-  tion  Army,  has  flown  grow-  Committee;   Raja   Krish-  nese  authorities  by  unfurl-
            Beijing  sees  official  Ameri-  lars of trade and investment.  ing numbers of fighter planes  namoorthi, a member of the  ing  a  banner  on  Tiananmen
            can  contact  with  Taiwan  as                            and bombers around Taiwan  House  Permanent  Select  Square  in  central  Beijing
            encouragement  to  make  its  The  United  States  switched  to intimidate the island.  Committee  on  Intelligence  commemorating those killed
            decades-old  de  facto  inde-  diplomatic  recognition  from                           and chair of the Subcommit-  when  the  Communist  Party
            pendence  permanent,  a  step  Taipei to Beijing in 1979, but  “The  Air  Force’s  multi-type  tee  on  Economic  and  Con-  crushed pro-democracy pro-
            U.S.  leaders  say  they  don’t  maintains  informal  relations  fighter  jets  fly  around  the  sumer  Policy  of  the  House  tests two years earlier.
            support.  Pelosi,  head  of  one  with  the  island.  Washington  treasured island of the moth-  Committee  on  Oversight
            of  three  branches  of  the  is obligated by federal law to  erland,  tempering  and  en-  and Reform, and Andy Kim,  “It’s important for us to show
            U.S.  government,  would  be  see that Taiwan has the means  hancing  the  ability  to  main-  a  member  of  the  House  support  for  Taiwan,”  Pelosi,
            the  highest-ranking  elected  to defend itself.          tain national sovereignty and  Armed Services and Foreign  a Democrat from California,
            American  official  to  visit                             territorial  integrity,”  military  Affairs Committees.   told reporters this month.

                          Italians ask if immigrant’s slaying could have been stopped

            (AP)  —  Italians  debated  shopping street in Civitanova                              peddled packets of tissues or
            Sunday  whether  a  Nige-    Marche,  an  Italian  town  on  Video  footage  of  the  attack  cigarette  lighters  to  custom-  Some  radio  listeners  were
            rian  street  vendor  could  the Adriatic Sea, Alika Ogor-  has circulated on Italian news  ers, local shopkeepers said.  indignant  that  two  bystand-
            have  been  saved  from  a  chukwu, 39, was left for dead  websites and social media.                               ers used their phones to film
            fatal attack by an enraged  after  first  being  struck  with                          During  a  popular  talk  show  the attack and no one appar-
            Italian  man  that  played  his  own  crutch  and  then  A judge on Monday will rule  on Italian state radio Sunday,  ently tried to pull the suspect
            out  in  public  as  bystand-  pummeled  furiously  by  the  if  the  alleged  attacker,  iden-  listeners called in to decry the  off  his  victim.  The  police
            ers  watched.  Mourners  suspect.                         tified  by  police  as  Filippo  indifference  of  at  least  two  said  some  did  call  to  report
            left  flowers  and  placards                              Claudio  Giuseppe  Ferlazzo,  bystanders  who  filmed  the  an attack in progress, but by
            denouncing  the  violence  “Four-minute  long  horror,″  32, should remain jailed dur-  event and the fear the attack  the time help arrived, Ogor-
            and  the  indifference  of  headlined    Corriere   della  ing the investigation.      generated..                  chukwu was dead.
            those nearby.                Sera, noting that other Nige-
                                         rian immigrants in the town  Police   investigator   Mat-  One listener recalled a young  One  caller  asked  the  host
            On  Saturday,  as  strollers  had  decried  the  indifference  teo Luconi said the assailant  man  beaten  to  death  by  a  what would he have done if
            promenaded along a bustling  and racism seen in the killing.  went after the vendor follow-  gang  of  Italian  youths  near  he were there.
                                                                      ing  “insistent”  requests  by  Rome in 2020 when he tried
                                                                      Ogorchukwu  to  the  suspect  to  defend  a  friend  and  sub-  “I  would  have  kicked  him,”
                                                                      and  his  female  companion  due a fight. A court recently  replied  Mario  Sechi,  direc-
                                                                      for pocket change. The slain  convicted  four  Italians,  sen-  tor of the Italian news agency
                                                                      man’s lawyer said he was at-  tencing  two  of  them  to  life  AGI.
                                                                      tacked  after  complimenting  in  prison,  for  the  killing  of
                                                                      the woman’s beauty.          Willy  Monteiro  Duarte,  a  The  attack  comes  as  Italian
                                                                                                   cook whose family originated  politicians  begin  campaign-
                                                                      An  autopsy  will  help  deter-  from Cape Verde.         ing for an early parliamentary
                                                                      mine  if  Ogorchukwu  died                                election on Sept. 25. The an-
                                                                      from the beating or possibly  On Sunday, people paused at  ti-migrant head of the right-
                                                                      was strangled as he lay on his  the spot where Ogorchukwu  wing  League  party,  Matteo
                                                                      back,  his  attacker  on  top  of  died, leaving flowers and ty-  Salvini,  has  made  immigra-
                                                                      him and striking him.        ing placards to a tree, includ-  tion as well as protecting citi-
                                                                                                   ing  one  denouncing  “vio-  zens  from  violent  crime  his
                                                                      Ogorchukwu       frequently  lence, racism, indifference.”  top issues.
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