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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diaranson 20 Juli 2022

                             Mississippi clinic ends challenge of near-ban on abortion

            (AP)  —  The  Mississippi  effect in Indiana after a judge
            abortion clinic that was at  lifted a hold on them.
            the center of the U.S. Su-
            preme Court decision that  The Mississippi clinic — best
            overturned  Roe  v.  Wade  known  as  the  Pink  House
            ended  a  lawsuit  Tuesday  because  of  its  bright  paint
            in which it had sought to  job — stopped offering med-
            block  the  state  from  en-  ication-induced  and  surgi-
            forcing  a  law  that  bans  cal abortions July 6, the day
            most abortions.              before  Mississippi  enacted  a
                                         law that bans most abortions.
            Jackson Women’s Health Or-   Mississippi  was  one  of  sev-
            ganization dropped its litiga-  eral states with a trigger law
            tion a day after clinic owner  that went into effect after the
            Diane Derzis told The Asso-  Supreme Court ruling.
            ciated Press that she sold the
            facility and had no intention  The  Mississippi  trigger  law,
            to  reopen  it,  even  if  a  state  passed in 2007, says abortion
            court allowed her to do so.  is  legal  only  if  the  pregnant
                                         woman’s life is in danger or
            “If the clinic is not in a po-  if  a  pregnancy  is  caused  by
            sition  to  reopen  in  Missis-  a  rape  reported  to  law  en-
            sippi,  it  no  longer  has  a  ba-  forcement.  It  does  not  have
            sis to pursue this case in the  an exception for pregnancies
            courts,” Rob McDuff, a Mis-  caused by incest.
            sissippi Center for Justice at-                           a judge on Monday blocked  ever.”                         the  old  law  is  void  because
            torney who was among those  On July 5, a state court judge  enforcement  of  the  state’s                           it  has  not  been  enforced  in
            representing  the  clinic,  said  rejected  a  request  by  the  150-year-old abortion ban.  West Virginia has a law dating  more  than  50  years  and  has
            in  a  statement.  Derzis  said  clinic’s attorneys to block the                       back to the 1800s that makes  been  superseded  by  a  slew
            the  clinic’s  furniture  and  trigger  law  from  taking  ef-  The clinic’s executive direc-  performing  or  obtaining  an  of  modern  laws  regulating
            equipment have been moved  fect. The clinic appealed the  tor,  Katie  Quiñonez,  called  abortion a felony punishable  abortion  that  acknowledge
            to a new abortion clinic she  ruling  to  the  state  Supreme  the judge’s decision “a sigh of  by up to a decade in prison.  West Virginians’ right to the
            will open soon in Las Cruces,  Court,  citing  a  1998  ruling  relief.”               It  provides  an  exception  for  procedure.  One  example  is
            New Mexico.                  that  said  the  state  constitu-                         cases  in  which  a  pregnant  a 2015 law that allows abor-
                                         tion invokes a right to privacy  “The impacts of abortion be-  person’s life is at risk.  tions until the 20th week of
            Court  battles  over  access  that  “includes  an  implied  ing  pushed  out  of  reach  for                        pregnancy.
            to  abortion  are  playing  out  right  to  choose  whether  or  the last month have been dev-  Women’s  Health  Center  of
            in  multiple  states  follow-  not to have an abortion.”  astating,” she said in a state-  West  Virginia  suspended  Kanawha  County  Circuit
            ing  the  Supreme  Court’s                                ment. “Make no mistake: Es-  abortion  services  June  24,  Court Judge Tera L. Salango
            June  24  ruling,  which  gave  Because  the  clinic  is  drop-  sential  health  care  shouldn’t  and  dozens  of  abortion  ap-  granted a preliminary injunc-
            states  the  authority  to  set  ping  its  lawsuit,  the  Missis-  depend  on  the  whims  of  a  pointments  were  canceled  tion against the ban.
            their  own  laws  on  abortion.  sippi Supreme Court will not  court or politicians, it should  out of fear that providers or
            On  Tuesday,  West  Virginia’s  issue a new ruling.       be based on compassion and  patients could be prosecuted  West Virginia Attorney Gen-
            only abortion clinic resumed                              what’s best for one’s life and  under the old statute.    eral  Patrick  Morrisey  called
            scheduling patients for abor-  In  West  Virginia,  Women’s  future. We won’t stop fight-                           the  ruling  “a  dark  day  for
            tions, after a judge ruled in its  Health Center began sched-  ing for the ability to serve our  During Monday’s court hear-  West  Virginia.”  He  said  his
            favor.  And  new  restrictions  uling  patients  for  abortions  patients  with  the  care  they  ing, lawyers for the Women’s  office will appeal.
            on  some  abortions  were  in  for as early as next week after  need  —  not  now,  and  not  Health  Center  argued  that

                        House to vote on same-sex marriage, responding to high court

            (AP)  —  The  U.S.  House  marriages  amid  concerns  could  jeopardize  other  With  a  robust  but  lopsided  nine openly gay members of
            prepared  to  vote  Tuesday  that  the  Supreme  Court  rights  criticized  by  many  debate,  Democrats  argued  the House.
            on  legislation  to  protect  ruling  overturning  Roe  conservative Americans.        intensely in favor of enshrin-
            same-sex  and  interracial  v.  Wade  abortion  access                                 ing marriage equality in fed-  “Imagine  telling  the  next
                                                                                                   eral  law,  while  Republicans  generation  of  Americans,
                                                                                                   steered  clear  of  openly  re-  my generation, we no longer
                                                                                                   jecting gay marriage. Instead,  have  the  right  to  marry,”  he
                                                                                                   leading GOP lawmakers por-   said.  “Congress  can’t  allow
                                                                                                   trayed the bill as unnecessary  that to happen.”
                                                                                                   amid  other  issues  facing  the
                                                                                                   nation.                      While  the  Respect  for  Mar-
                                                                                                                                riage Act is expected to pass
                                                                                                   Tuesday’s      election-year  the  House,  with  a  Demo-
                                                                                                   roll  call  was  partly  political  cratic  majority,  it  is  almost
                                                                                                   strategy,  forcing  all  House  certain to stall in the evenly
                                                                                                   members,  Republicans  and  split Senate, where most Re-
                                                                                                   Democrats,  to  go  on  the  publicans  would  likely  join
                                                                                                   record  with  their  views.  It  a  filibuster  to  block  it.  It’s
                                                                                                   also  reflected  the  legislative  one  of  several  bills,  includ-
                                                                                                   branch  pushing  back  against  ing  those  enshrining  abor-
                                                                                                   an  aggressive  court  that  has  tion  access,  that  Democrats
                                                                                                   sparked  fears  it  may  revisit  are proposing to confront the
                                                                                                   apparently settled U.S. laws.  court’s  conservative  major-
                                                                                                                                ity.  Another  bill,  guarantee-
                                                                                                   “For  me,  this  is  personal,”  ing  access  to  contraceptive
                                                                                                   said Rep. Mondaire Jones, D-  services, is set for a vote later
                                                                                                   N.Y., who said he was among  this week.
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