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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 20 Juli 2022

                         UK breaks record for highest temperature as Europe sizzles

            (AP)  —  Britain  shattered  scientist Stephen Belcher said  Tuesday,  half  of  them  grass
            its record for highest tem-  such temperatures in Britain  fires. Images showed several
            perature  ever  registered  were  “virtually  impossible”  houses engulfed in flames as
            Tuesday amid a heat wave  without  human-driven  cli-     smoke  billowed  from  burn-
            that  has  seared  swaths  of  mate change.               ing  fields  in  Wennington,  a
            Europe,  as  the  U.K.’s  na-                             village  on  the  eastern  out-
            tional  weather  forecaster  He warned that “we could see  skirts of London.
            said  such  highs  are  now  temperatures  like  this  every
            a fact of life in a country  three  years”  without  serious  Sales  of  fans  at  one  retailer,
            ill-prepared  for  such  ex-  action on carbon emissions.  Asda,  increased  by  1,300%.
            tremes.                                                   Electric  fans  cooled  the  tra-
                                         The  sweltering  weather  has  ditional  mounted  troops  of
            The  typically  temperate  na-  disrupted  travel,  health  care  the  Household  Cavalry  as
            tion was just the latest to be  and  schools.  Many  homes,  they  stood  guard  in  central
            walloped  by  unusually  hot,  small  businesses  and  even  London in heavy ceremonial
            dry  weather  that  has  trig-  public  buildings,  including  uniforms. The length of the
            gered  wildfires  from  Por-  hospitals,  in  Britain  don’t  changing  of  the  guard  cer-
            tugal to the Balkans and led  have  air  conditioning,  a  re-  emony at Buckingham Palace  north,  remained  under  the  pre-industrial era.
            to  hundreds  of  heat-related  flection of how unusual such  was  shortened.  The  capital’s  country’s  first  “red”  warn-
            deaths. Images of flames rac-  heat  is  in  the  country  bet-  Hyde  Park,  normally  busy  ing for extreme heat Tuesday,  The head of the U.N. weath-
            ing  toward  a  French  beach  ter known for rain and mild  with walkers, was eerily quiet  meaning  there  is  danger  of  er  agency  expressed  hope
            and  Britons  sweltering  —  temperatures.                — except for the long lines to  death  even  for  healthy  peo-  that  the  heat  gripping  Eu-
            even  at  the  seaside  —  have                           take  a  dip  in  the  Serpentine  ple.                   rope would serve as a “wake-
            driven home concerns about  The intense heat since Mon-   lake.                                                     up  call”  for  governments  to
            climate change.              day  has  damaged  the  run-                              Such dangers could be seen in  do more on climate  change.
                                         way  at  London’s  Luton  air-  “I’m  going  to  my  office  be-  Britain and across Europe. At  Other  scientists  used  the
            The U.K. Met Office weath-   port,  forcing  it  to  shut  for  cause it is nice and cool,” said  least six people were reported  milestone moment to under-
            er agency registered a provi-  several  hours,  and  warped  geologist  Tom  Elliott,  31,  to have drowned while trying  score that it was time to act.
            sional reading of 40.3 degrees  a main road in eastern Eng-  after taking a swim. “I’m cy-  to cool off in rivers, lakes and
            Celsius (104.5 degrees Fahr-  land, leaving it looking like a  cling around instead of taking  reservoirs across the U.K. In  “While still rare, 40C is now
            enheit) at Coningsby in east-  “skatepark,” police said. Ma-  the Tube.’’              Spain  and  neighboring  Por-  a reality of British summers,”
            ern England — breaking the  jor train stations were shut or                            tugal, hundreds of heat-relat-  said  Friederike  Otto,  Senior
            record  set  just  hours  earlier.  near-empty Tuesday, as trains  Ever  the  stalwart,  Queen  ed deaths have been reported  Lecturer  in  Climate  Science
            Before  Tuesday,  the  high-  were  canceled  or  ran  at  low  Elizabeth II carried on work-  in the heat wave.    at  Imperial  College  Lon-
            est  temperature  recorded  in  speeds  out  of  concern  rails  ing.  The  96-year-old  mon-                       don’s Grantham Institute for
            Britain  was  38.7  C  (101.7  could buckle.              arch  held  a  virtual  audience  Climate  experts  warn  that  Climate  Change.  “Whether
            F),  set  in  2019.  By  later  af-                       with  new  U.S.  ambassador  global warming has increased  it  will  become  a  very  com-
            ternoon, 29 places in the UK  London  faced  what  Mayor  Jane Hartley from the safety  the  frequency  of  extreme  mon  occurrence  or  remains
            had broken the record.       Sadiq  Khan  called  a  “huge  of Windsor Castle.         weather events, with studies  relatively  infrequent  is  in
                                         surge” in fires because of the                            showing  that  the  likelihood  our hands and is determined
            As  the  nation  watched  with  heat.  The  London  Fire  Bri-  A  huge  chunk  of  England,  of temperatures  in  the U.K.  by  when  and  at  what  global
            a combination of horror and  gade  listed  10  major  blazes  from London in the south to  reaching 40 C (104 F) is now  mean  temperature  we  reach
            fascination, Met Office chief  it was fighting across the city  Manchester and Leeds in the  10  times  higher  than  in  the  net zero.”

                         Putin, in Tehran, gets strong support from Iran over Ukraine

            (AP)  —  Russian  Presi-     sia  hadn’t  sent  troops  into  weapons to help counter the  even  sold  lethal  drones  that  it’s good that there has been
            dent  Vladimir  Putin  won  Ukraine, it would have faced  Russian attack.              Ukrainian  forces  have  used  some progress,” Putin added.
            staunch support from Iran  an attack from NATO later, a                                to attack Russian troops. But
            on  Tuesday  for  his  coun-  statement that echoed Putin’s  “If  the  road  would  have  Ankara hasn’t imposed sanc-  U.N.,  Russian,  Ukrainian
            try’s  military  campaign  own  rhetoric  and  reflected  been open to NATO, it will  tions  on  the  Kremlin,  mak-  and  Turkish  officials  had
            in Ukraine, with Supreme  increasingly  close  ties  be-  not  recognize  any  limit  and  ing it a sorely needed partner  reached  a  tentative  agree-
            Leader Ali Khamenei say-     tween Moscow and Tehran as  boundary,”  Khamenei  told  for Moscow. Grappling with  ment  on  some  aspects  of  a
            ing  the  West  opposes  an  they both face crippling West-  Putin. Had Moscow not act-  runaway inflation and a rap-  deal  to  ensure  the  export  of
            “independent and strong”  ern  sanctions.  NATO  allies  ed first, he added, the Western  idly  depreciating  currency,  22  million  tons  of  desper-
            Russia.                      have  bolstered  their  military  alliance “would have waged a  Turkey also relies on the Rus-  ately needed grain and other
                                         presence  in  Eastern  Europe  war”  to  return  the  Crimean  sian market.            agricultural products trapped
            Khamenei  said  that  if  Rus-  and  provided  Ukraine  with  Peninsula  that  Russia  seized                       in Ukraine’s Black Sea ports
                                                                      from  Ukraine  in  2014  back  Erdogan  made  Putin  wait  by  the  fighting.  Reaching
                                                                      to Kyiv’s control.           for  nearly  a  minute  before  the  agreement  would  mark
                                                                                                   entering  the  room  for  talks  a major step toward alleviat-
                                                                      In only his second trip abroad  and then praised what he de-  ing a food crisis that has sent
                                                                      since  Russia  launched  the  scribed as Russia’s “very, very  prices  of  vital  commodities
                                                                      military  action  in  February,  positive  approach”  during  like wheat and barley soaring.
                                                                      Putin  conferred  with  Irani-  last  week’s  grain  talks  in  Is-
                                                                      an  President  Ebrahim  Raisi  tanbul. He voiced hope a deal  The trip to Tehran has sym-
                                                                      and Turkish President Recep  will be made, and “the result  bolic  meaning  for  Putin’s
                                                                      Tayyip Erdogan on  the  con-  that  will  emerge  will  have  a  domestic  audience  as  well,
                                                                      flict in Syria, and he used the  positive impact on the whole  showing off Russia’s interna-
                                                                      trip to discuss a U.N.-backed  world.”                    tional clout even as it grows
                                                                      proposal  to  resume  exports                             increasingly   isolated   and
                                                                      of Ukrainian grain to ease the  Speaking  to  Erdogan  as  plunges deeper into confron-
                                                                      global food crisis.          their  meeting  began,  Putin  tation with the West. It comes
                                                                                                   thanked  him  for  his  media-  just days after U.S. President
                                                                      Turkey,  a  NATO  member,  tion to help “move forward”  Joe Biden’s visited Israel and
                                                                      has  found  itself  opposite  a  deal  on  Ukrainian  grain  Saudi Arabia — Tehran’s pri-
                                                                      Russia  in  bloody  conflicts  exports.  “Not  all  the  issues  mary rivals.
                                                                      in  Syria  and  Libya.  It  has  have  been  resolved  yet,  but
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