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A28    u.s. news
                     Diaranson 20 Juli 2022

                       Jury selection for ex-Trump adviser Bannon heads for 2nd day

                                                                                                   shared his opinion.          notified  the  committee  that
                                                                      Monday’s  session  before                                 he  is  now  willing  to  testify.
                                                                      U.S.  District  Judge  Carl  The  high-profile  and  divi-  His  former  lawyer,  Robert
                                                                      Nichols was entirely focused  sive nature of the case hung  Costello, said the change was
                                                                      on  jury  selection  in  a  slow-  over Monday’s session, with  because  Trump  had  waived
                                                                      moving  process  known  as  Corcoran  seeking  to  block  his  executive  privilege  claim
                                                                      voir  dire.  By  the  end  of  the  jurors  who  expressed  strong  preventing the testimony.
                                                                      day, 22 prospective jurors had  opinions  about  Bannon  or
                                                                      been identified. The trial will  Trump, or who had any sort  Bannon, 68, had been one of
                                                                      resume  Tuesday  morning  as  of  personal  connection  to  the  most  prominent  of  the
                                                                      lawyers  for  Bannon  and  the  Jan. 6 or the Capitol.    Trump-allied holdouts refus-
                                                                      government  whittle  the  list                            ing to testify before the com-
                                                                      down to 14 — with 12 jurors  At one point, Judge Nichols  mittee.  He  had  argued  that
                                                                      and two alternates.          agreed  to  disqualify  a  wom-  his  testimony  was  protected
                                                                                                   an whose mother is a staffer  by  Trump’s  claim  of  execu-
                                                                      Much of Monday’s question-   for Democratic Florida Rep.  tive  privilege,  which  allows
                                                                      ing of potential jurors by Ban-  Lois Frankel. In another case  presidents  to  withhold  con-
                                                                      non’s lawyer, Evan Corcoran,  Corcoran argued successfully  fidential  information  from
                                                                      centered on how much of the  to disqualify a man who said  the courts and the legislative
                                                                      wide  coverage  of  the  Jan.  6  the Jan. 6 committee’s work  branch.
                                                                      hearings they’ve watched and  was “important” and he was
            (AP)  —  Former  Trump  Bannon, an unofficial adviser  whether  they  have  opinions  closely  tracking  its  develop-  Trump  has  repeatedly  as-
            adviser  Steve  Bannon’s  to  President  Donald  Trump  about the committee and its  ments.                         serted executive privilege —
            contempt-of-Congress  at  the  time  of  the  Capitol  work.                                                        even  though  he’s  a  former,
            trial  will  stretch  into  a  attack  is  charged  in  federal                        “He  comes  into  it  with  a  not  current  president  —  to
            second  day  after  lawyers  court with defying a subpoe-  In one case, a prospective ju-  frame  of  mind  where  he’s  try to block witness testimo-
            labored  through  a  long  na from the Jan. 6 committee  ror told Nichols that remain-  highly  focused  on  Jan.  6,”  ny  and  the  release  of  White
            Monday  session  trying  to  that  sought  his  records  and  ing  impartial  would  be  “a  Corcoran  said.  “I  just  don’t  House   documents.   The
            select a jury without pre-   testimony. He was indicted in  challenge” for him since “I do  think he can be fair.”  Supreme  Court  in  January
            conceived  opinions.  Ban-   November on two counts of  believe (Bannon) is guilty.”                                ruled against Trump’s efforts
            non  is  facing  criminal  criminal  contempt  of  Con-                                Bannon  attended  the  entire  to stop the National Archives
            charges  after  refusing  for  gress,  one  month  after  the  That  admission,  in  addition  session, but never spoke.  from  cooperating  with  the
            months to cooperate with  Justice  Department  received  to disqualifying the potential                             committee after a lower court
            the  House  committee  in-   a congressional referral. Each  juror,  prompted  additional  The  trial  follows  a  flurry  of  judge — Ketanji Brown Jack-
            vestigating the Jan. 6, 2021,  count carries a minimum of  questioning  of  others  who  activity in the case since July  son,  now  on  the  Supreme
            Capitol insurrection.        30 days of jail and as long as a  had sat next to the man to de-  9. Over a week ago, the for-  Court  —  noted,  in  part,
                                         year behind bars.            termine  how  widely  he  had  mer  White  House  strategist  “Presidents are not kings.”

                          Election 2022: Maryland voting for successor to Gov. Hogan

            (AP) — With Maryland Gov. Lar-      candidates include Comptroller Peter  cause Maryland law prohibits coun-  races  to  be  the  state’s  tax  collector,
            ry Hogan term-limited, the high-    Franchot,  former  Attorney  General  ties  from  opening  mail  ballots  until  brings  significant  name  recognition
            ly competitive contest to replace  Doug Gansler and former U.S. Edu-    the Thursday after election day.    to  the  primary.  Gansler,  a  longtime
            him  has  drawn  the  attention  of  cation Secretary John B. King Jr.                                      prosecutor,  is  running  as  a  moder-
            former President Donald Trump,                                          Ten candidates are seeking the Demo-  ate. King served in President Barack
            House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and  The  big-name  endorsements  in  cratic nomination for governor. Perez  Obama’s Cabinet.
            even Oprah Winfrey.                 Maryland’s  governor’s  race  illus-  has support from labor unions, while
                                                trate the high stakes for both parties.  Moore, the former CEO of the Rob-  Voter  Laura  Kretchman,  a  41-year-
            As voters on Tuesday choose nomi-   Democrats see the contest as one of  in Hood Foundation, an anti-poverty  old high school teacher, said Moore’s
            nees  in  statewide,  legislative  and  their best chances nationwide to flip  organization,  has  been  endorsed  by  endorsement  by  the  Maryland  State
            congressional races, the pivotal gov-  a  governor’s  mansion  in  this  year’s  the  state’s  teachers  union  and  the  Education  Association  helped  her
            ernor’s race takes top billing. Hogan,  midterm  elections,  while  Republi-  two top Maryland legislative leaders,  choose him. She said she’s impressed
            a rare two-term Republican governor  cans want to cement the party’s hold  House  Speaker  Adrienne  Jones  and  by  Moore’s  accomplishments  after
            in  a  Democratic-leaning  state,  won  on the office.                  Senate President Bill Ferguson.     rising  above  childhood  challenges
            plaudits from both sides of the aisle                                                                       and being raised by a single mom.
            for  his  bipartisan  approach  and  his  The  Republican  primary  provides  a  Franchot, who comfortably won four
            willingness to challenge Trump.     potential 2024 preview of the appeal
                                                of candidates in the mold of Hogan
            His  legacy  on  the  line,  Hogan  has  and Trump, who offer competing vi-
            endorsed Kelly Schulz in the Repub-  sions for the future of the party.
            lican  gubernatorial  primary.  Schulz,
            who  served  as  labor  and  commerce  Other top races Tuesday include con-
            secretaries  in  Hogan’s  administra-  tests for U.S. Senate, U.S. House and
            tion, faces a challenge from Dan Cox,  attorney  general.  Democratic  Sen.
            a Trump-backed state legislator who  Chris Van Hollen is facing a primary
            sued Hogan over his pandemic poli-  challenger  two  months  after  suffer-
            cies  and  later  sought  unsuccessfully  ing a minor stroke, but is expected to
            to impeach him.                     win renomination. The state’s eight-
                                                member congressional delegation has
            On the Democratic side, Tom Perez,  an open seat in the Washington sub-
            a former U.S. labor secretary and for-  urbs. And the daughter of the state’s
            mer Democratic Party chair, has the  former attorney general  is vying  for
            backing of Pelosi, a native daughter of  her father’s old job.
            Baltimore,  while  bestselling  author
            Wes Moore has the support of Win-   It could take days, or even longer, to
            frey and U.S. Rep. Steny Hoyer, the  determine  the  winners  in  the  most
            No.  2  House  Democrat.  Other  top  closely  contested  races.  That’s  be-
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