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                   Saturday 14 March 2020

            Trump declares virus pandemic a national emergency

            Continued from Front         speaker's  balcony  at  the
                                         Capitol  ahead  of  Trump's
            Trump also waived interest  news  conference  at  the
            on  federally  held  student  White  House,  as  the  pow-
            loans  and  moved  to  prop  er  centers  of  Washington
            up  energy  markets,  by  di-  were shuttered to visitors.
            recting  the  Department  of  "Our  nation,  our  great  na-
            Energy to buy oil to fill the  tion  has  faced  crisis  be-
            strategic petroleum reserve  fore,"  Pelosi  said.  "And
            "'right up to the top."      every  time,  thanks  to  the
            Trump said he was also giv-  courage  and  optimism  of
            ing Secretary of Health and  the  American  people,  we
            Human  Services  Alex  Azar  have prevailed. Now, work-
            emergency  authorities  to  ing  together,  we  will  once
            waive  federal  regulations  again prevail."
            and  laws  to  give  doctors  Trump  has  not  yet  pub-
            and  hospitals  "flexibility"  in  licly backed the package,
            treating patients.           making its outcome uncer-
            "Through  a  very  collective  tain in Congress.
            action  and  shared  sacri-  Central  to  the  package
            fice,  national  determina-  is  free  testing  for  the  virus
            tion, we will overcome the  and  guaranteed  sick  pay
            threat  of  the  virus,"  Trump  for workers who are taking
            said.                        time away from jobs, along   Queues are prepared for tourists at the Capitol Visitor Center amid reports that organized visits
            He also announced a new  with  an  infusion  of  dollars   may be shut down soon, in Washington, Thursday, March 12, 2020.      Associated Press
            public-private  partnership  to  handle  unemployment
            to expand coronavirus test-  benefits  and  boost  food  enormous  pressure,  deal-    In one welcome announce-     "people should understand
            ing  capabilities,  as  his  ad-  programs for children, fami-  ing  with  the  crisis  on  multi-  ment,  the  administration  the  numbers  are  going
            ministration  has  come  un-  lies and seniors.           ple fronts as it encroached  said Friday it was awarding  to  go  up  before  they  go
            der fire for being too slow in  Pelosi  and  Treasury  Secre-  ever  closer  on  the  presi-  $1.3 million to two compa-  down."
            making  the  test  available.  tary Steven Mnuchin, whom  dent.                        nies trying to develop rapid  Pelosi  and  Mnuchin  con-
            The partnership will include  Trump tapped to negotiate  The virus has swept in alarm-  COVID-19  tests  that  could  tinued their constant cross-
            drive-thru  testing  in  some  for the administration, have  ing  ways  across  American  detect  within  an  hour  town  phone  calls  through-
            locations  and  an  online  engaged  in  around-the-      life,  sending  the  financial  whether a person is positive  out  a  tense  morning  of
            portal to screen those seek-  clock negotiations.         markets  into  a  dangerous  for the new coronavirus.     negotiations to firm up and
            ing to get tested.           But  Republican  leaders  in  slide and shuttering schools  For  most  people,  the  new  salvage the emerging deal
            Still, Trump said that officials  Congress slowed the deal,  and  sporting  events  and  coronavirus  causes  only  that  has  widespread  sup-
            don't  want  people  taking  wanting  assurances  that  limiting  everyday  interac-   mild  or  moderate  symp-    port  from  Democrats  and
            the  test  unless  they  have  Trump  would  publicly  sup-  tions in communities across  toms,  such  as  fever  and  some in the business com-
            certain  symptoms.  "It's  to-  port the agreement before  the country.                cough. For some, especial-   munity seeking certainty.
            tally  unnecessary,"  Trump  signing  off  on  it  ahead  of  The administration's federal  ly older adults and people  Providing sick pay for work-
            said.  He  added,  "This  will  any  vote,  according  to  a  task  force  managing  the  with  existing  health  prob-  ers  is  a  crucial  element  of
            pass."                       top congressional aide un-   crisis  was  working  furiously  lems, it can cause more se-  federal  efforts  to  stop  the
            Trump made no reference  authorized  to  discuss  the  to  break  a  bottleneck  in  vere illness, including pneu-  rapid  spread  of  the  infec-
            to  negotiations  between  private  talks  and  speaking  the nation's ability to test for  monia.                  tion. Officials warn that the
            the White House and Con-     on condition of anonymity.   the  new  virus,  and  weigh-  The vast majority of people  nation's  healthcare  system
            gress  on  a  broader  aid  GOP  leader  Kevin  McCa-     ing what sort of emergency  recover.  According  to  the  could   quickly   become
            package, as House Demo-      rthy of California, the House  powers Trump would need  World Health Organization,  overwhelmed  with  gravely
            crats  prepare  to  vote  on  minority  leader,  huddled  to invoke to provide need-   people  with  mild  illness  re-  sick  patients,  as  suddenly
            their own measure Friday.    with  Mnuchin  and  Trump  ed  aid  to  overwhelmed  cover in about two weeks,  happened  in  Italy,  one  of
            Speaker  Nancy  Pelosi  said  at  the  White  House  earlier  state  and  local  govern-  while  those  with  more  se-  the countries hardest hit by
            Friday the House would ap-   Friday.                      ments.                       vere illness may take three  the virus.
            prove  its  coronavirus  aid  "We  can  only  defeat  this  And  a  personal  health  to six weeks to be over it.   The  ability  to  ensure  pay-
            package,  imploring  the  outbreak if we have an ac-      scare  intensified  as  White  Earlier   Friday,   Mnuchin  checks will keep flowing —
            Trump  administration  and  curate determination of its  House  officials  worked  to  sounded    an    optimistic  for people who stay home
            congressional  Republicans  scale  and  scope,  so  that  determine  the  level  of  ex-  note.  "I  think  we're  very  as a preventative measure
            to  "put  families  first"  by  we can pursue the precise  posure  by  the  president  close to getting this done,"  or  because  they're  feeling
            backing  the  effort  to  pro-  science-based   response  and senior aides to several  he said in an appearance  ill or caring for others — can
            vide Americans with relief.   that  is  necessary  to  put  foreign  officials  who  have  on CNBC.                 help assure Americans they
            The   House    Democratic  families first," Pelosi said.  since tested positive for the  On  the  COVID-19  illness,  will  not  fall  into  financial
            leader  spoke  from  the  The  White  House  is  under  virus.                         Mnuchin  cautioned  that  hardship. q
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