Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20200421
P. 32

a32    local
                     Tuesday 21 april 2020

                                                            From Aruba Tourism Authority (A.T.A.):

                                                            Adapting to the New Normal

                                                            has required us to shift gears from a cross-chan-  veloped our Tourism Recovery Marketing Plan
                                                            nel marketing campaign to limited messaging  (TRMP).  This  plan  represents  opportunities  sur-
                                                            through only social, PR and email marketing.    rounding  various  scenarios  and  what  we  can
                                                                                                            achieve together, as sheltering in place orders
                                                            As  a  result,  we’ve  implemented  a  COVID-19  around the world lift and our borders reopen.
                                                            global digital strategy to transform Aruba’s so-  However, our future unfolds, it is crucial that we
                                                            cial channels from a place that inspires book-  rebuild our brand to stimulate demand and at-
                                                            ings to a community that lifts people’s spirits and  tract high-value visitors.
                                                            shows  how  we  can  be  #TogetherWhileApart
                                                            and that happiness will prevail. Aruba’s owned  Helping Our Partners
                                                            channels  (Social,  ECRM,  YouTube,  Working closely with our partners, is our priority.
                                                            and the Forum) now provide content that up-     To help prepare for the road ahead, we’ll be
                                                            lifts  and  offers  a  healthy  distraction  with  “mo-  presenting a series of webinars over the coming
                                                            ments  of  happiness”  that  keep  us  connected  weeks dedicated to providing crisis and recov-
            Dear Partner,                                   to our returners and fans, keeps Aruba top-of-  ery plan updates, an outline of our global mar-
            Today marks one month since Aruba made the  mind, and adds a little joy to the world.           keting strategy and actions adopted so far, as
            difficult but necessary decision to close our bor-                                              well as proactive opportunities. One of our ses-
            ders  in  response  to  the  Coronavirus  outbreak.  What Comes Next                            sions will be hosted by our airport partner, the
            Together,  we  are  all  feeling  the  incredible  ef-  While the timeline remains unclear, we do know  Aruba  Airport  Authority,  to  provide  the  latest
            fects the pandemic has had on the travel in-    Aruba will open back up for business. As tourism  update on air service developments. (Record-
            dustry, our economy, and the lives we all lead.  is the lifeline of our economy, A.T.A. will contin-  ings of each webinar will be shared for anyone
            As we navigate these uncharted waters, I want-  ue to play an integral part of the Economic Re-  who cannot attend.)
            ed to personally reach out to say that the Aru-  covery process, which is being highly prioritized.
            ba Tourism Authority remains fully committed to  We must challenge ourselves to prepare to hit  We’re All in This Together
            supporting our work together.                   the ground running in order to rebuild our visitor  Now, more than ever, we appreciate your tire-
                                                            base and ensure tourism dollars flow back into  less efforts as we work together to see that Aru-
            Action to Date                                  our economy. We are also launching specific  ba comes back stronger than ever — this would
            As  part  of  the  national  crisis  team,  we  have  programs to ensure future travelers trust and feel  not be possible without you. I am truly grateful
            been primarily focused on handling this health  safe visiting Aruba. A new program focused on  for your unwavering support and dedication.
            outbreak together with the respective authori-  advanced hygiene and sanitation protocols to  Echoing  the  message  of  the  team,  happiness
            ties. This includes crisis communications and pro-  address COVID-19 concerns will be introduced.  will prevail.
            tecting the reputation of Aruba. We have also  Additionally,  Aruba  Certification  Program  free
            taken the necessary measures to safeguard the  online courses, focusing on tourism service and  Sincerely,
            A.T.A. organization on a financial and human  product knowledge, are currently available.       Ronella Tjin Asjoe-Croes
            resources  level.  The  pandemic’s  global  reach  Together with our industry partners, we’ve de-  CEO, Aruba Tourism Authority

               Stop the blame-shame pandemic game

               OHIO,  U.S.  —  Disasters  bring  out  hurl insults at improper pandemic  are going to publicly shame them
               the worst in some humans. Hateful  practices.                        digitally—take the time to recon-
               online comments by snarky peo-      It’s  one  thing  to  throw  well-de-  sider. Maybe they have a reason
               ple is just plain wrong. Expressing  served  and  rational  comments  to  be  there  or  maybe  it's  none
               an assertive opinion has its place,  at asinine attorneys, prickly politi-  of  your  business,”  surmises  Sue
               but tantrum Tweeting is ridiculous.  cians,  and  power-hungry  police,  Scheff, author of a 2020 article in
               And like poison ivy, toxic tongues  but  leave  regular  citizens  alone.  Psychology Today and the book,
               spread their irate rashes.        Government  messages  are  con-    Shame  Nation:  The  Global  Epi-
                                                 fusing  and  most  of  us  are  doing  demic of Online Hate (2017).
               People, you are not the self-dep-  the best we can during the quar-  Scheff  continues,  “Living  in  an
               utized  pandemic  police.  So  stop  antine confinement.             aim-and-shame society. Maybe a
               naming  and  shaming  others  on  “Faultfinders usually are not con-  person is in a public place such as
               the  internet.  Stop  the  digital  dis-  tent with their own situations in life  a bar (though people are being
               grace. Stop the coronavirus cat-  and therefore try to make others  told to stay home) waiting to pick   Melissa  Martin,  Ph.D.  is  an  author,
               erwauling.                        miserable  by  judging  them.”  ―  up food? Maybe they are deliver-   columnist,  educator,  and  therapist.
               “We live our lives supposing things  Greg Gordon                     ing supplies to the establishment.   She lives in U.S.
               are  as  they  appear  to  be  when  While  some  criticize  out  of  fear,  Could someone have been hired  Shaming,  naming,  and  blaming
               that  is  almost  never  the  case.”  others  operate  out  of  revenge.  to fix a broken pipe? A person do-  via the world wide web during the
               ―  Richelle  E.  Goodrich,  Slaying  COVID-19  is  a  serious  coronavi-  ing  a  good  deed  could  poten-  pandemic  will  not  motivate  oth-
               Dragons                           rus and we must be cautious and  tially  be  cyber-shamed  because  ers  to  be  more  diligent.  We  can
               The term “covidiot” was authored  concerned,  but  not  panicked.  someone  was  quick  to  make  a  provide  information,  education,
               by a judgmental individual calling  Citizens  are  not  germ  agents—  rash judgment, thinking they were  and knowledge, but snarky is out
               out  social  distancing  violations.  spying on strangers or neighbors.  saving the world.” Visit www.psy-  of line. Type and text with a man-
               On Twitter, #covidiot whirled with  Citizens  are  the  foundation  of  a            aged  mouth,  a  tamed  tongue,
               vicious  vibes.  Pandemic  sham-  community.                         By  all  means,  report  price  goug-  and forthright fingers.
               ing  and  COVID-19  blaming  has  “If you are someone who is quick  ing  and  criminal  wrongdoing  to  “If  anyone  should  change  their
               flooded  the  internet.  A  public  to  judge  others  for  their  behav-  authorities. Scammers crawl from  behavior, I thought, it ought to be
               finger-pointing  frenzy  continues  ior—maybe  they  are  in  a  bar  or  underneath  their  rocks  to  take  those doing the shaming.” ― Jon
               to  spread  across  social  media.  any  public  area  where  you  be-  advantage  during  declared  di-  Ronson,  So  You've  Been  Publicly
               Throwing  stones,  tiresome  trolls  lieve  they  shouldn't  be,  and  you  sasters.                    Shamedq
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