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a30 people & arts
Tuesday 21 april 2020
Stepping up: Mets PA announcer offers kind voice amid virus
By BEN WALKER and provide their info, plus listened for a few seconds
AP Baseball Writer a musical choice — Ali- and it helped calm him
NEW YORK (AP) — The re- cia Keys, AC/DC, Shania down." The 40-year-old Co-
quests come by the hun- Twain, Stevie Wonder and sell, who splits the Mets PA
dreds: the son of an emer- a tune from "The Little Mer- job with Marysol Castro,
gency room nurse, the hus- maid" are among them, said the tapings take about
band of a doctor, a hospi- along with the "Meet the 10 minutes apiece to do at
tal patient. Mets" theme song. his Long Island home and
Colin Cosell studies them, Many people use Cosell's he delivers them by email.
sorts them. Normally he'd call-up recordings for their He goes in order -- health
be at Citi Field, rousing the phone ringtones or outgo- care workers and those in-
crowd as public address ing messages. Others add volved in the coronavirus
announcer for the New them into videos. fight get first priority, fol-
York Mets. Now he's busy Some just like the good lowed by kids.
working at home, trying to feeling they bring of being "It's been a great way to
cheer one fan at a time. at a ballgame that's not keep in touch with the
His creative contribution In this Sept 11, 2019, photo provided by Colin Cosell, Colin Cosell being played these days. fans," Cosell said. "This has
during this health crisis — smiles inside the public address booth during a baseball game Cosell clearly has struck a been a way of doing that
crafting audio clips for ev- between the New York Mets and the Arizona Diamondbacks at positive chord. at a scary, disconcerting,
eryone who asks — echoes Citi Field in New York. "Thanks for adding a little uncertain time for every-
the booming introductions Associated Press. joy while in quarantine," a one."
big league hitters get when Frank Sinatra. "I was starting to hear from person posted on Twitter. Cosell, by the way, does
they step up to home plate. A welcome voice amid the a lot of medical workers "Received this awesome- an incredible, spot-on imi-
"As personalized and cus- virus. and first responders. That's ness," one wrote. "Colin, tation of his grandfather.
tomized as possible," Cosell The grandson of famed when it began to hit home," you're a saint for doing this," No one has asked Cosell to
said. sportscaster Howard Cosell he said. praised another. channel Howard in a mes-
So instead of "the first has recorded nearly 600 "They said these 30 seconds Cosell said they've meant sage, but he's got a no-
baseman, No. 20, Pete introductions since he be- take them away from the equally as much to him. tion how his prickly Poppa
Alonso!" to the thump of gan a month ago. They're maelstrom of being a hos- "A few stories have brought would feel about this chari-
"The Ocean" by Led Zeppe- about a half-minute each pital worker during a pan- tears to my eyes," he said. "I table endeavor.
lin, it could sound like this: and all done for free. demic," he said. heard from someone work- "I like to think he would be
"Leading off for the Mets, Recently, Cosell noticed Stepping up, indeed. ing in an ER who said it was proud," Cosell said. "He'd
the center fielder, No. 44, the calls were coming from Fans reach Cosell through pretty tough in there, and probably also call me a
Fran Kowalski!" to a song by a certain group. Twitter at #CallMeUpColin that he broke away and fool for doing it for free."q
Sirio Maccioni, who opened famed eatery Le Cirque, dies
By MARK KENNEDY Being elite means being the best."
AP Entertainment Writer He and his restaurant helped
NEW YORK (AP) — Italian restaura- launch the careers of many illus-
teur Sirio Maccioni, who opened trious chefs, including Daniel Bou-
the celebrated French restaurant lud, David Bouley, Terrance Bren-
Le Cirque and watched it grow nan, Alain Sailhac, Rick Moonen
into arguably Manhattan's favor- and Jacques Torres.
ite dining room of the rich and fa- Maccioni, born and raised in Italy,
mous, has died in Italy. He was 88. was forced to go to work after his
Maccioni's son, Mauro, told The father was killed during World War
Associated Press that his father II. He worked in hotels and restau-
died in the family's villa in Tuscany rants in France, Switzerland and
early Monday. He had suffered Germany before moving to the
from the effects of a stroke and United States in 1956.
Alzheimer's disease, the son said. "I didn't do this out of inspiration or
Le Cirque was famed for its deca- desperation. I realized very early
dent Grand Marnier souffles and that I couldn't afford to be young,"
terrines of rabbit rillette. The starry he said. "I did completely give my
guest list included Frank Sinatra, life to this business. Is it worth it?
Henry Kissinger, Princess Grace, This Nov. 12, 1999 file photo shows restaurateur Sirio Maccioni, owner of Le Maybe not. But I had no choice,
Bill Blass, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, Cirque 2000, standing inside the celebrated French restaurant in New York. and I've never felt exploited."
Diana Ross and Nancy and Ron- Associated Press. He attended Hunter College dur-
ald Reagan. Le Cirque opened Street. In 2017, the restaurant filed Mayor Rudolph Giuliani once rec- ing the day. At night, he worked
in 1974 at the Mayfair Hotel. "We for bankruptcy. Le Cirque has ognized it as being one of the at The Colony, one of New York's
weren't really prepared, but the branches in Las Vegas, Dubai and city's most glamorous and hos- trendiest restaurants, where Frank
rest is history. We were the first India. pitable restaurants. The James Sinatra, the Duke and Duchess of
'place to be seen' that also had The restaurant received a four- Beard Foundation gave Maccioni Windsor, and Aristotle Onassis fre-
good food," Maccioni told The star review from the New York its Lifetime Achievement Award in quently dined. After a few years,
AP in 2000. The restaurant moved Times in 1987, which was renewed 2014."I consider myself a working he moved to a club at the Pierre
and reopened as Le Cirque 2000 in 1997. The Times gave it two stars restaurateur, but I'm proud to be Hotel before opening Le Cirque.
in 1997 in the New York Palace in 2006 and three stars in 2008. The called elite," Maccioni told The He is survived by his wife, Egidi-
Hotel. In 2006, Le Cirque moved newspaper downgraded the res- AP. "I encourage all my people to ana, and their three sons, Mario,
again and opened on East 58th taurant to a single star in 2012. be elite; be an elite dishwasher. Marco and Mauro. q