Page 25 - bon-dia-aruba-20200421
P. 25
U.S. NEWS Tuesday 21 april 2020
Massachusetts becomes coronavirus hot spot as cases surge
Continued from Front For most people, the coro- tients opened Monday in all as the cases surge un- to stay at home and gat-
navirus causes mild or mo- Massachusetts, joining two less they are an essential hered with friends or play-
Massachusetts is hoping to derate symptoms, such as other sites that have been worker or have an essential ed soccer and golf, Mayor
bend the curve by using a fever and cough, that clear up and running. A fifth one need. Marty Walsh said.
group of “contact tracers” up in two to three weeks. is expected to open in The densely populated city They were “not understan-
to alert people who may For some, especially older about a week. just outside Boston, with ding the severity of what’s
have come in contact with adults and the infirm, it can There were more than 150 a large Latino immigrant happening here in this
someone who tested po- cause more severe illness, patients on Saturday at a community, has Massa- country and in Boston, in
sitive for the virus so they including pneumonia, and medical center called Bos- chusetts’ highest rate of Massachusetts,” Walsh said
can self-quarantine or be death. ton Hope set up at the ci- infection, nearly four times on CNN. “It’s just wrong,”
tested themselves. As the number of hospita- ty’s convention center. The the statewide rate. The ci- he said.
As of Thursday, contact tra- lizations and deaths drop- 1,000-bed hospital could ty’s more than 40,000 resi- The city has outfitted public
cers had gotten a hold of ped in New York, which reach capacity as the ca- dents live across just about work trucks with speakers
765 people who had tested had been the epicenter ses peak, officials said. 2 square miles in crowded that are circling hard-hit
positive and those people of the outbreak in the U.S., “If the surge really hap- housing units, and many neighborhoods broadcas-
identified more than 1,000 Democratic Gov. Andrew pens, which it feels like it’s work in essential services ting messages about social
people they had been in Cuomo pledged to send here and escalating, then like grocery stores, said City distancing, washing hands
close contact with, WBUR 400 ventilators to Massa- in fact we will be filling all Manager Thomas Ambro- and covering faces.
reported. chusetts, if needed. of our beds,” Jeanette Ives sino. “The worst is yet to come
“We don’t have any other “You were there for us and Erickson, co-director of the Boston has been ram- for a lot of people,” Walsh
really good tools until we we are going to be there field hospital, told The Bos- ping up efforts to slow the said Monday. “Even when
have a vaccine,” said And- for you,” Cuomo said Sun- ton Globe. spread in neighborhoods we’re beyond the curve,
rew Lover, an expert at the day. In Massachusetts’ hardest- with the highest rates of in- we’re going to have posi-
University of Massachusetts Two field hospitals desig- hit community, Chelsea, of- fection. But as temperatu- tive cases of coronavirus,
Amherst’s School of Public ned to deal with an expec- ficials are urging residents res climbed Sunday, some we’re still going to have loss
Health & Health Sciences. ted surge of COVID-19 pa- not to leave their homes at people ignored directives of life.”q
Some US manufacturers reopening amid fierce political heat
By COLLEEN LONG, GENE figures are believed to be
JOHNSON and MIKE much higher, in part be-
CORDER cause of limited testing
Associated Press and difficulties in counting
SEATTLE (AP) — Boeing the dead. In other devel-
and at least one other U.S. opments:
heavy-equipment manu- — Massachusetts has
facturer resumed produc- emerged as an alarming
tion Monday amid pres- hot spot of contagion,
sure from President Don- with over 1,700 dead and
ald Trump to reopen the officials hoping to bend
economy and resistance the curve through aggres-
from governors who warn sive contract tracing.
there is not enough testing — New York, with the
yet to keep the coronavi- worst outbreak in the na-
rus from rebounding. tion, reported that hos-
Boeing said it is putting pitalizations in the state
about 27,000 people back have leveled off and the
to work this week build- day's death toll, at 478,
ing passenger jets at its was the lowest in three
Seattle-area plants, with weeks, down from a peak
virus-slowing precautions of nearly 800. Still, the city
in place, including face Anti-stay-at-home demonstrators protest in front of the Blaine House, the governor's mansion, canceled three of its big-
masks and staggered Monday, April 20, 2020, in Augusta, Maine. gest June events: the
shifts. Doosan Bobcat, a Associated Press. Puerto Rican Day parade,
farm equipment maker the virus, which has killed and egging on protesters Nothing Democrats" are the Israel parade and the
and North Dakota's larg- around 170,000 people who feel governors are "playing a very danger- gay pride march.
est manufacturer, an- worldwide, according to a moving too slowly. ous political game" by — A meatpacking plant in
nounced the return of tally kept by Johns Hopkins While some states — most- complaining about a test- Minnesota was shut down
about 2,200 workers at University. ly Republican-led ones - ing shortage. At the same after an outbreak there.
three factories around the The reopenings in the U.S. have relaxed restrictions, time, Vice President Mike But Iowa Gov. Kim Reyn-
state. Elsewhere around are a drop in the bucket many governors say they Pence told governors that olds refused to order the
the world, step-by-step compared with the more lack the testing supplies Washington is working closing of any slaughter-
reopenings were under- than 22 million Americans they need and warn they around-the-clock to help houses in her state that are
way in Europe, where the thrown out of work by the could get hit by a sec- them ramp up testing. seeing alarming increases
crisis has begun to ebb in crisis. In a dispute that ond wave of infections, The death toll in the U.S. in COVID-19, saying: "With-
places such as Italy, Spain has turned nakedly po- given how people with no stood at more than 40,000 out them, people's lives
and Germany. Parts of litical, the president has symptoms can still spread — the highest in the world and our food supply will
the continent are perhaps been agitating to restart the disease. Trump took to — with over 750,000 con- be impacted."
weeks ahead of the U.S. the economy, singling Twitter to complain that firmed infections, by Johns
on the infection curve of out Democratic-led states the "radical left" and "Do Hopkins' count. The true Continued on Page 26