Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20200421
P. 26
Tuesday 21 april 2020
Some US manufacturers reopening amid fierce political heat
Continued from Page 25 acted strict shutdown or- Doosan Bobcat, spokes- while, cars are about to largest lockdown to allow
ders that helped tamp the woman Stacey Breuer said begin rolling off some as- some manufacturing and
Mobilized by the far right, virus down. The crisis has the reopening came after sembly lines in Germany, agricultural activity to re-
many Americans have exacerbated problems two weeks spent putting in Sweden and Slovakia. In sume. Iran began open-
taken to the streets in plac- at Boeing, which is in dire safety measures. Australia, the country's lon- ing intercity highways and
es such as Michigan, Ohio financial trouble and un- "There is definitely still some gest-running soap opera, major shopping centers.
and Virginia, complaining der federal investigation concern and do we feel "Neighbours," planned to In Italy, tensions have been
that the shutdowns are over two crashes of its 737 100% safe? Obviously not," restart shooting, and one growing between northern
destroying their livelihoods MAX jetliner that killed 346 said William Wilkinson, a city reopened beaches regions, which are pushing
and trampling their rights. people. Bobcat welder and presi- for exercise like swimming, to reopen industry despite
But Dr. Anthony Fauci, Washington Gov. Jay In- dent of a United Steel- running and surfing, but being hit hardest by the
the government's top in- slee, a Democrat, deemed workers union local. He not for sunbathing. virus, and the south, which
fectious-disease expert, aerospace manufactur- said workers there were "Living along the coast, I fears contagion if the lock-
warned on ABC: "Unless ing an essential business wearing face masks and know how important our down is eased. Premier Gi-
we get the virus under and expects Boeing "will keeping their distance beaches are to the men- useppe Conte is expected
control, the real recovery undertake rigorous safety from one another. tal and physical health of to outline this week what
economically is not going protocols," a spokeswom- Detroit's major automakers so many," said Danny Said, the next phase may look
to happen." an said. suspended operations a mayor of Randwick. like. Still, Gucci restarted
In the past few days, Flori- Businesses that start op- month ago but are nego- Hair salons, dentists, physi- some workshops for leath-
da gave the OK for beach- erating again are likely to tiating with union leaders cal therapists and tattoo er accessories and shoes.
es to reopen, and Texas on engender good will with in hopes of reopening in parlors were allowed to In Britain, where Prime Min-
Monday began a week of the Trump administration May. Some operations are reopen in Denmark, but it ister Boris Johnson is still
slow reopenings, starting at a time when it is doling being converted to build was not business as usual. recovering from a bout of
off with state parks; later out billions in relief to com- ventilators. Christel Lerche sprayed COVID-19 that put him in
in the week, stores will be panies. At Boeing, union Even with the outbreak chairs with alcohol at her intensive care, authorities
allowed to offer curbside representatives spent the easing in places, the head salon in suburban Co- have cautioned that the
service. Both states are led day walking through fac- of the World Health Orga- penhagen and provided lockdown is unlikely to be
by Republicans. tories to see what safe- nization, Tedros Adhanom hand sanitizer and plas- significantly loosened in
Boeing's shutdown went guards had been put in Ghebreyesus, cautioned, tic coat hangers — to be the short term.
into effect March 25 af- place. The union also ad- "The worst is yet ahead of cleaned after each use France also is still under a
ter workers tested positive vised its members that us." He did not specify why — to customers keen to tight lockdown, although
for the virus and an in- they could use their "red he believes so. But there get their hair styled for the starting Monday, authori-
spector for the company cards," which they carry are signs the virus is swelling first time in over a month. ties allowed families, un-
died. Washington was the behind their Boeing badg- in Africa, where the health No magazines were left for der strict conditions, to visit
first state to see a spike in es, to stop work in case care system is in poor con- customers to share. relatives in nursing homes
COVID-19 cases and en- of imminent danger. At dition.In Europe, mean- India eased the world's once again.q
Feds to track, share information on nursing home outbreaks
By CANDICE CHOI likely much higher, experts
Associated Press say, because many homes
NEW YORK (AP) — Calling have not reported their
nursing homes ground zero deaths and state counts
of the coronavirus crisis, may not include those who
federal officials said Mon- died without ever being
day they plan to start track- tested.
ing and publicly sharing in- For the federal tracking
formation on infections and of infections, Verma said
deaths in such facilities to homes could start report-
help spot trends and early ing by the end of this week
signs the virus is spreading and that questionnaires
in communities. from the U.S. Centers for
The move comes as crit- Disease Control and Pre-
ics, industry officials and lo- vention will collect informa-
cal leaders have called for tion on deaths as well as
more aggressive actions confirmed and suspected
by the federal government cases, including among
to track infections in homes workers. She also said nurs-
and contain outbreaks by ing homes will also be re-
helping them get great- quired to tell patients and
er access to testing and family members within 12
masks, especially given the hours of a confirmed infec-
vulnerability of elderly resi- A patient is wheeled out of Cobble Hill Health Center by emergency medical workers, Friday, tion.
dents. April 17, 2020, in the Brooklyn borough of New York. Associated Press. Verma noted that that
"It's our intention to make federal surveillance of out-
that information public," still being worked out on The Associated Press has breaks in nursing homes breaks at nursing homes will
Seema Verma, head of when or how the informa- been keeping its own tally and long-term care facili- be important for re-open-
the Centers for Medicare tion would be distributed. from media reports and ties nationwide. ing the country since infec-
& Medicaid Services, said Because the federal gov- state health departments, But the true toll of the most- tions in the homes could be
during a call with reporters, ernment has not been re- finding at least 8,426 deaths ly frail and elderly people early predictors of spread
adding that details were leasing a count of its own, linked to coronavirus out- who live in such facilities is in communities.q