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                     Tuesday 21 april 2020
              NGOs urge UN to blacklist US, Russia for children’s deaths

              By EDITH M. LEDERER                dren,"  and  Sudan's  government  become  increasingly  politicized,  in Afghanistan, "yet the secretary-
              Associated Press                   forces and police for killings, rape  threatening to undermine the re-  general failed to list them."
              UNITED  NATIONS  (AP)  —  A  coali-  and  sexual  violence  against  chil-  port's  credibility  and  weaken  its  Sara  Kayyali,  a  Syria  researcher
              tion  of  13  human  rights  and  hu-  dren.                          strength  as  a  tool  for  promoting  at  Human  Rights  Watch  which  is
              manitarian  organizations  urged  U.N.  spokesman  Stephane  Dujar-   accountability  and  compliance  a founding member of Watchlist,
              U.N.  Secretary-General  Antonio  ric said the secretary-general's re-  with applicable international law."  said  since  the  Russian  air  force
              Guterres  to  put  the  U.S.-led  co-  port  will  be  issued  "mid-year."  He  Secretary-general  Guterres  has  became  part  of  the  Syrian  gov-
              alition  and  government-backed  had no comment on the Watchlist  been  issuing  two  lists  every  year,  ernment  alliance  in  2015,  over
              forces in Afghanistan and Russian  recommendations.                   one  of  governments  and  groups  5,000  children  have  been  killed,
              ground and air forces in Syria on  The organization's 32-page report  killing and injuring children in con-  according  to  the  U.N.  children's
              a  U.N.  blacklist  of  warring  parties  released Monday said the black-  flicts and a second of parties that  agency UNICEF.
              responsible  for  killing  and  injuring  list has served as an important tool  have  put  in  place  measures  to  Some attacks in rebel-held Idlib in
              children last year.                to  protect  children  by  identifying  protect children. Watchlist called  northwest Syria have been directly
              The    international   advocacy  warring parties responsible for vio-  on the U.N. chief to return to the  linked to the Russian air force, but
              group,  the  Watchlist  on  Children  lating their rights. This has enabled  previous practice of issuing a sin-  it has never been listed, she said.
              and Armed Conflict, also recom-    the United Nations to engage with  gle list.                           In  addition  to  its  recommenda-
              mended that the coalition led by  warring  parties  and  obtain  com-  It  questioned  why,  for  example,  tions  for  additions  to  the  list,  the
              Saudi Arabia and the United Arab  mitments to end and prevent vio-    the  Saudi-led  coalition  in  Yemen  Watchlist called for further investi-
              Emirates  and  its  allied  militias  be  lations,  leading  to  their  removal  was  put  on  the  list  of  taking  ac-  gations to determine whether the
              listed  for  attacks  on  schools  and  from the list.                tions to protect children, and why  following parties should be added
              hospitals  in  Yemen,  and  that  Is-  Watchlist  program  director  Adri-  it  was  taken  off  that  list  last  year  to  the  blacklist:  Afghan  forces
              raeli forces be listed "for killing and  anne Lapar said that to date the  when its aircraft were still carrying  and  pro-government  militias  and
              maiming children in Israel and the  U.N.  has  signed  32  action  plans  out attacks on schools and hospi-  Congo's  national  police  for  rape
              state of Palestine."               with  listed  parties,  including  12  tals that killed and injured them.  and other forms of sexual violence
              In addition, the Watchlist said the  government forces and 20 armed  The Watchlist's Lapar told a video  against  children,  the  Saudi-  and
              U.N.  chief  should  list  dissidents  groups.                        press briefing launching the report  Emirati-led  coalition  and  allied
              of  Colombia's  main  rebel  group  Of  those,  12  parties  have  fully  that "all violators should be held to  militias for recruitment and use of
              the FARC for recruiting and using  complied  with  their  commitment  the same standards."                children in Yemen, Israeli forces for
              children,  forces  backing  South  and  have  been  taken  off  the  In  Afghanistan,  she  said,  U.S.-led  attacks on Palestinian schools and
              Sudan's  former  opposition  leader  blacklist, she said.             international  forces  were  respon-  hospitals,  and  forces  allied  with
              and  current  Vice-President  Riek  But  in  recent years,  the  Watchlist  sible  for  286  child  casualties  in  Libya's  east-based  commander
              Machar "for rape and other forms  said,  the  process  for  determining  2018  and  235  child  casualties  in  Khalifa Haftar for killing and injur-
              of  sexual  violence  against  chil-  who  is  included  on  the  list  "has  2019 according to the U.N. mission  ing children.q

            Canada's worst mass shooting leaves at least 18 dead

            By ROB GILLIES                                                                         Justin  Trudeau  noted  how  town,  like  all  of  Canada,
            Associated Press                                                                       close-knit Nova Scotia is.   had been adhering to gov-
            TORONTO  (AP)  —  Canadi-                                                              "The  vast  majority  of  Nova  ernment  advice  to  remain
            ans  on  Monday  mourned                                                               Scotians  will  have  a  direct  at  home  because  of  the
            the shocking rampage that                                                              link with one or more of the  coronavirus pandemic and
            left at least 18 dead in rural                                                         victims. The entire province  most of the victims were in-
            communities  across  Nova                                                              and country is grieving right  side their homes when the
            Scotia, after a gunman dis-                                                            now  as  we  come  to  grips  attack began.
            guised  as  a  police  officer                                                         with  something  that  is  un-  Several  bodies  were  later
            opened fire on people hun-                                                             imaginable,"  Trudeau  told  found  inside  and  outside
            kered down in their homes,                                                             an  earlier  news  confer-   one  house  on  Portapique
            setting houses ablaze in the                                                           ence.                        Beach  Road,  the  street
            deadliest  mass  shooting  in                                                          "The pandemic will prevent  where  the  suspect  lived,
            the country's history.                                                                 us from mourning together  authorities said.
            Officials  said  the  suspect,                                                         in person, but a vigil will be  Bodies  were  also  found
            identified  as  51-year-old                                                            held  virtually  to  celebrate  at  several  other  locations
            Gabriel Wortman, also died                                                             the  lives  of  the  victims,"  within  about  a  50-kilome-
            in the weekend attack. Po-   This undated photo provided by the Royal Canadian Mounted   Trudeau  said,  adding  it  ter (30-mile) area from the
            lice did not provide a mo-   Police  shows  Constable  Heidi  Stevenson,  who  was  killed  in  a   would  take  place  Friday  neighborhood  where  the
            tive for the killings.       weekend shooting rampage by a gunman disguised as a police   night  through  a  Facebook  shootings  began,  and  au-
            Royal  Canadian  Mounted     officer in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia.          group.                       thorities believe the shooter
            Police  Chief  Superinten-                                           Associated Press.   Trudeau asked the media  may have targeted his first
            dent  Chris  Leather  told  a  knew  Wortman  and  some  homes  which  burnt  to  the  to  avoid  mentioning  the  victims but then began at-
            news  conference  Monday  didn't.                         ground."                     name  of  the  assailant  or  tacking  randomly.  At  least
            that  police  expect  to  find  "We're  relatively  confident  The  dead  included  a  po-  showing his picture.    four  forensic  vans  were
            more victims once they are  we've  identified  all  the  licewoman.  Another  offi-    "Do not give this person the  seen Monday morning en-
            able  to  comb  through  all  crime  scenes.  However  cer was wounded by gun-         gift of infamy," he said.    tering  the  neighborhood
            the crime scenes, some of  we  have  been  unable  to  fire and was recovering at  The  12-hour  rampage  be-       where  the  shootings  be-
            which were left in smolder-  fully  examine  all  the  crime  home, Leather said.      gan  late  Saturday  in  the  gan.
            ing ruins.                   scenes,"  Leather  said.  "We  "The  18  innocent  lives  rural  town  of  Portapique,  Authorities  said  the  sus-
            Leather  said  police  teams  have  had  five  structure  lost  will  be  remembered  about 60 miles (100 kilome-   pected  gunman  wore  a
            were  spread  out  at  16  fires,  most  of  those  being  throughout  Canada's  his-  ters) north of Halifax, where  police uniform at one point
            crime  scenes  in  central  residences, and we believe  tory," Public Safety Minister  police  told  residents  over-  and made his car look like
            and northern Nova Scotia.  there  may  be  victims  still  Bill Blair said .           night to lock their doors and  a  Royal  Canadian  Mount-
            He said some of the victims  within the remains of those  Canadian  Prime  Minister  stay in their basements. The  ed Police cruiser. q
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