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A28    u.s. news
                       Diasabra 15 Mei 2021

                      Onetime wunderkind Massachusetts mayor guilty of corruption

            (AP)  —  A  former  Massa-                                                             shoes for his girlfriend.    ment's  witnesses  who  had
            chusetts mayor first elect-                                                                                         cooperation agreements with
            ed at the age of 23 by tout-                                                           "These  weren't  occasional  prosecutors,  suggesting  they
            ing himself as a successful                                                            purchases,  this  is  shameless  were lying in an effort to help
            entrepreneur  was  con-                                                                continued  stealing  without  themselves.
            victed  Friday  of  stealing                                                           any  regard  for  the  fact  that
            money  from  investors  in                                                             he  is  betraying  people  who  One man, who pleaded guilty
            his start-up to bankroll his                                                           trusted  him,"  Assistant  U.S.  in the extortion scheme, told
            lavish lifestyle and solicit-                                                          Attorney Zach Hafer said.    jurors  about  how  he  col-
            ing bribes from marijuana                                                                                           lected an envelope filled with
            vendors  who  wanted  to                                                               Throughout  the  trial,  pros-  $25,000  in  cash  that  a  mid-
            operate  in  the  struggling                                                           ecutors  portrayed  Correia  dleman had put in a shed be-
            mill city.                                                                             as a serial liar, who they said  hind his home. The witness,
                                                                                                   misled voters in order to get  Hildegar  Camara,  said  he
            Jasiel  Correia  was  found                                                            elected just like they said he  opened the envelope in front
            guilty of extortion, fraud and                                                         duped investors.             of Correia and got spooked,
            filing false tax returns after 23                                                                                   telling the mayor, "If you take
            hours  of  jury  deliberations                                                         In a clip shown to jurors from  this or I take this, we're going
            over four days in a trial that                                                         a 2015 debate during the race  to go to jail."
            highlighted  Correia's  swift                                                          for  mayor,  Correia  prom-
            rise  and  fall  in  Fall  River,                                                      ised taxpayers that he would  Another man, who was hop-
            where he had dazzled voters                                                            "take your money and spend  ing  to  operate  a  marijuana
            at a young age with his prom-                                                          it wisely" — because he said  business  in  Fall  River,  de-
            ises to turn the city around.                                                          that's what he had done in his  scribed how Correia showed
                                                                                                   business.  His  lie  about  how  up  at  his  family's  store  and
            Correia,  now  29,  was  also                                                          he  previously  sold  another  asked  for  $250,000,  saying
            acquitted  on  three  counts,                                                          app  for  big  money  allowed  he  needed  it  for  legal  de-
            including  accusations  that                              self and spent it on things like  him  avoid  questions  about  fense fees. After Correia and
            he forced his chief of staff to  "Correia made a lot of prom-  fancy  hotels,  casinos,  high-  how  he  could  afford  such  a  Charles  Saliby  eventually
            give him half of her salary in  ises, a lot of bold statements  end  restaurants  and  expen-  lavish lifestyle on his $17,000  agreed on a lower bribe, Cor-
            order to keep her city job.  in business, in politics and in  sive gifts for his girlfriend.  annual  salary  as  a  Fall  River  reia's chief of staff told Saliby:
                                         government,"  Mendell  said.                              city  councilor,  prosecutors  "You're family now," accord-
            Correia, who insisted he was  "The jury found today, in its  Investors who took the stand  said.                    ing to Saliby's testimony.
            innocent  and  attacked  the  verdict, the truth."        told jurors they handed over
            charges  as  politically  moti-                           their  cash  because  they  be-  After the Democrat took of-  Correia was acquitted of two
            vated,  never  took  the  stand.  Correia's  lawyer  had  argued  lieved  Correia  was  bright,  fice as mayor in 2016, pros-  extortion  counts  related  to
            After  leaving  Boston's  fed-  his  client  wasn't  a  criminal,  trustworthy  and  headed  for  ecutors  say  Correia  quickly  a  scheme  involving  a  Rolex
            eral courthouse fitted with a  but merely an inexperienced  great  things.  One  investor  turned  to  "old  school  pay-  watch and one count of brib-
            electronic-monitoring brace-  businessman  who  believed  said he thought Correia was  to-play  political  corruption,"  ery  stemming  from  accusa-
            let,  Correia  told  reporters  that he was free to use inves-  a "boy wonder" and that Cor-  by  soliciting  bribes  from  tions  that  he  convinced  his
            that his "fight is not over" and  tors' money as he deemed fit  reia  assured  him  he  wasn't  marijuana   vendors   seek-  chief of staff to kickback part
            predicted  he  would  win  on  while  he  was  producing  the  going to "take a dime" out of  ing  to  operate  in  Fall  River.  of her salary to him.
            appeal.                      smartphone app.              the company so all the money  Marijuana  business  owners,
                                                                      could go to the development  who were given immunity to  Correia's  lawyers  argued  it
            "Eventually  the  real  truth  Before Correia became may-  of the app.                 testify  against  Correia,  told  wasn't a bribe but a loan from
            will come out," Correia said.  or,  prosecutors  say  he  lured                        jurors about how Correia or  a mother-like figure to Cor-
            "I will be vindicated and my  investors  to  support  his  app  Instead, prosecutors say Cor-  middlemen negotiated bribes  reia. And though his chief of
            future will be very long and  called  "SnoOwl"  by  falsely  reia  looted  a  bank  account  in exchange for letters of ap-  staff pleaded guilty to charges
            great."                      claiming  that  he  had  previ-  filled with investor money to  proval  from  the  city  they  including extortion and brib-
                                         ously  sold  another  business  pay for things like a helicop-  need in order to get a license.  ery, she never took the stand
            Acting  U.S.  Attorney  Na-  for  a  big  profit.  Prosecutors  ter tour of Newport, Rhode                          to testify against Correia.
            thaniel  Mendell  called  the  say he used nearly two-thirds  Island,  a  Mercedes,  a  $300  Correia's lawyer attacked the
            verdict  "a  fitting  end  to  this  of  the  almost  $400,000  he  bottle of cologne and a $700  credibility and sought to shift  He's  scheduled  to  be  sen-
            saga."                       took from investors on him-  pair  of  Christian  Louboutin  the  blame  onto  the  govern-  tenced Sept. 20.

                          NJ Transit settles suits in deadly crash at commuter station

            (AP)  —  NJ  Transit  has  ily  of  a  woman  killed  slammed into a Hoboken,  2-year-old  daughter  at  day  and  continue  to  undertake
            reached  settlements  in  and  people  injured  in  a  New Jersey, station.            care.                        the necessary safety measures
            lawsuits filed by the fam-   2016  crash  when  a  train                                                            and  precautions  to  ensure
                                                                      NJ  Transit  spokesperson  The other people who settled  a  tragedy  like  the  fatal  train
                                                                      Nancy  Snyder  said  settle-  lawsuits with the agency for  crash at Hoboken never hap-
                                                                      ments  were  reached  in  the  injuries  were  Sheldon  Kest,  pens  again,"  they  said  in  a
                                                                      lawsuits  on  Wednesday  eve-  of  Tenafly;  Deepti  Chanana  statement.
                                                                      ning, reported.       Bhalla,  of  Hoboken;  and
                                                                                                   Bagyalakshmi Subramaniam,  More  than  100  people  were
                                                                      The  agency  did  not  specify  of Bergenfield.           injured  in  the  crash.  Inves-
                                                                      the  amounts  of  the  settle-                            tigators found that the engi-
                                                                      ments,  but  said  each  was  Attorneys  Tom  Kline  and  neer suffered from sleep ap-
                                                                      more than $500,000.          Bob Mongeluzzi, who repre-   nea.
                                                                                                   sented the De Kroon family,
                                                                      Fabiola  Bittar  de  Kroon  was  Subramaniam and Kest, said  NJ Transit has since increased
                                                                      killed by falling debris in the  their  clients  were  trying  to  medical  screenings  for  per-
                                                                      Sept.  29,  2016,  crash.  The  move on with their lives.  sonnel and installed positive
                                                                      34-year-old Brazil-born law-                              train control systems.
                                                                      yer  was  in  the  station  after  "They  remain  hopeful  that
                                                                      having  just  dropped  off  her  NJ  Transit  will  undertake
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