P. 2

            Thursday 21 december 2017
            Israel, US team up to block UN vote on Jerusalem

            By JOSEF FEDERMAN                                                                                                   allies  in  Washington  and
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Western  Europe  and  culti-
            JERUSALEM  (AP)  —  Israel  is                                                                                      vate  ties  with  developing
            intensively  lobbying  coun-                                                                                        nations that have tradition-
            tries  around  the  world  to                                                                                       ally been supportive of the
            oppose  a  U.N.  resolution                                                                                         Palestinians.
            criticizing President Donald                                                                                        He has portrayed these ef-
            Trump’s decision to recog-                                                                                          forts as both a savvy strat-
            nize  Jerusalem  as  Israel’s                                                                                       egy aimed at opening new
            capital,  Israeli  officials  said                                                                                  markets for Israeli technolo-
            Wednesday.                                                                                                          gy exports, as well as coun-
            Thursday’s vote in the U.N.                                                                                         tering  what  Israel  says  is  a
            General Assembly will indi-                                                                                         deep-seated bias against it
            cate  whether  Prime  Min-                                                                                          at the United Nations.
            ister  Benjamin  Netanyahu                                                                                          This  year  alone,  Netanya-
            has succeeded in his efforts                                                                                        hu  has  visited  China  and
            to drum up new pockets of                                                                                           hosted India’s prime minis-
            support  in  the  developing                                                                                        ter, Narendra Modi. He also
            world, as well as the extent                                                                                        has attended two summits
            to which Israel and the U.S.                                                                                        in  Africa,  meeting  with  a
            are  —  or  are  not  —  alone                                                                                      host of leaders from across
            on  the  question  of  Jerusa-                                                                                      the continent, and in Sep-
            lem.                         Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends the weekly cabinet meeting at his office in   tember,  became  the  first
            The    Palestinians   have   Jerusalem. Israel is intensively lobbying countries around the world to oppose a U.N. resolution   sitting  Israeli  prime  minister
            turned  to  the  General  As-  criticizing President  Donald  Trump’s decision  to  recognize  Jerusalem  as  Israel’s  capital,  Israeli   to  visit  Latin  America  with
            sembly  after  the  U.S.  ve-  officials said Wednesday.                                                            stops in Argentina, Mexico
            toed a resolution this week                                                                 (Abir Sultan/Pool via AP)  and Colombia.
            in the Security Council call-  on  Thursday’s  vote.  U.S.  net  meeting  in  Washing-  cusations  of  U.S.  intimida-  The  votes  cast  by  these
            ing on Trump to rescind his  Ambassador  Nikki  Haley  ton  that  opponents  were      tion.                        countries  will  provide  an
            decision. While General As-  threatened  U.N.  member  likely to face a cutoff in U.S.   Israel’s deputy foreign min-  indication  about  whether
            sembly  votes,  unlike  Secu-  states  with  possible  retali-  funding.  “For  all  these  na-  ister,  Tzipi  Hotovely,  said  the diplomatic outreach is
            rity Council resolutions, are  ation  if  they  support  the  tions, they take our money   that the U.S. and Israel were  paying off.
            not  legally  binding,  they  resolution,  saying  Trump  and then vote against us,”   making  “immense  efforts”  Votes  by  other  key  allies
            serve  as  a  barometer  of  takes the vote “personally”  Trump said. “We’re watch-    to block the resolution.     with  traditionally  close  ties
            international  sentiment  on  and the U.S. “will be taking  ing  those  votes.  Let  them   “We have a very, very sim-  to  Israel,  including  Ger-
            key issues.                  names.”                      vote against us. We’ll save   ple  message:  Jerusalem  is  many,  Britain,  Australia,
            The  U.S.  and  Israel  are  Trump  went  even  further,  a lot. We don’t care.”       the  capital  of  the  Jewish  Canada  and  smaller  Eu-
            both  placing  great  weight  telling reporters at a Cabi-  The comments brought ac-   people for 3,000 years and  ropean  countries  like  the
                                                                                                   the  capital  of  Israel  for  al-  Czech Republic, the Neth-
                                                                                                   most  70  years,”  she  told  erlands,  Poland  and  Hun-
                                                                                                   Channel 10.                  gary,  could  also  provide
                                                                                                   An  Israeli  Foreign  Ministry  valuable  indicators  about
                                                                                                   official confirmed the gov-  support  for  the  U.S.-Israeli
                                                                                                   ernment  was  making  a  approach.
                                                                                                   “very  vast”  lobbying  cam-  Many of these countries ei-
                                                                                                   paign to minimize the reso-  ther abstained or opposed
                                                                                                   lution’s impact.             a  landmark  2012  vote  in
                                                                                                   He  said  Israel  is  trying  to  the General Assembly that
                                                                                                   persuade  allies  to  abstain  recognized  Palestine  with
                                                                                                   or  even  vote  against  it.  upgraded status as a non-
                                                                                                   He also said that Israel has  member state.
                                                                                                   asked Jewish organizations  The  Israeli  official  said  a
                                                                                                   in certain countries to lob-  single  vote  at  the  U.N.  on
                                                                                                   by  their  governments  on  Thursday  would  not  deter-
                                                                                                   Israel’s behalf.             mine the success of Israel’s
                                                                                                   The  official,  speaking  on  diplomatic  outreach.  But
                                                                                                   condition of anonymity be-   he said “this is certainly part
                                                                                                   cause  he  was  discussing  of it.”
                                                                                                   sensitive  diplomatic  con-  A  draft  of  the  U.N.  resolu-
                                                                                                   tacts,  refused  to  identify  tion obtained by The Asso-
                                                                                                   which  countries  Israel  has  ciated Press calls for affirm-
                                                                                                   approached or say how he  ing  that  any  actions  that
                                                                                                   expects  them  to  vote.  But  “have altered the charac-
                                                                                                   he said he thinks the cam-   ter, status or demographic
                                                                                                   paign will be “successful to  composition  of  the  Holy
                                                                                                   a certain extent.”           City  of  Jerusalem”  have
                                                                                                   In some ways, the vote is a  no  legal  effect  and  must
                                                                                                   test of Netanyahu’s foreign  be  rescinded.  It  also  calls
                                                                                                   policy. In recent years, the  upon  all  states  “to  refrain
                                                                                                   Israeli  leader  has  invested  from   the   establishment
                                                                                                   great  efforts  to  look  be-  of  diplomatic  missions”  in
                                                                                                   yond    Israel’s   traditional  Jerusalem.q
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