P. 5
U.S. NEWS Thursday 21 december 2017
California fire crews, homeowners brace for return of winds
The blaze is 60 percent jumped a major highway.
contained and now the “We’re basically waiting
second-largest in Califor- and seeing,” Bromberg
nia history. Officials said the said of Wednesday’s fore-
new winds could cause it cast. “I can’t believe these
to grow into the state’s big- winds keep coming back.
gest fire ever. We thought it was over.”
Brian Bromberg, 57, and Around his property, even
his fiancée, Wendy Frank, though the flames went
were staying at their home through more than two
in Upper Ojai on Wednes- weeks ago, Bromberg said
day despite the winds and the ground was still smok-
several brushes with death ing and smoldering.
the first week of the fire. “It’s scary,” he said. “It’s
Bromberg defended their like it never ends.” Those
20-acre (8-hectare) prop- who remain evacuated
erty with buckets of water are watching the blaze
for hours as flames burned from afar, hoping their
their neighbors’ homes homes survive another pos-
and embers began hit- sible onslaught. “My hus-
ting theirs on Dec. 5. The band has the feeling, ‘Why
In this photo provided by the Santa Barbara County Fire Department, Santa Barbara County couple could feel the heat aren’t they letting us back
Firefighters haul dozens of pounds of hose and equipment down steep terrain below E. Camino from the flames as they in?’” said 82-year-old Curry
Cielo to root out and extinguish smoldering hot spots in Santa Barbara, Calif. Officials estimate fled the property with their Sawyer, whose Christmas
that the Thomas Fire will grow to become the biggest in California history before full containment, four horses and later drove tree is up still waiting for her
expected by Jan. 7, 2018. through a wall of fire as it grandkids to decorate it.q
(Mike Eliason/Santa Barbara FD/AP)
By AMANDA MYERS eye on the sky.”
Associated Press The Zappalas and their
LOS ANGELES (AP) — After cat, Madeline, haven’t left
a welcome lull in powerful home since the evacua-
winds that drove Southern tion order was issued be-
California’s massive wild- cause authorities wouldn’t
fire, crews and homeown- allow them back in. They’re
ers were bracing Wednes- starting to run out of food
day for the return of poten- and are hoping that if they
tially dangerous gusts that make it through the next
could revive the flames. wave of winds, the ordeal
Some residents are watch- will be over.
ing from afar at hotels and “It’s a critical day,” Zappa-
evacuation centers, while la said. “You’re always ner-
others are waiting in their vous when the winds come
homes and hoping for the up.”
best. Communities remain
Katy and Bob Zappala threatened in Ventura and
have stayed in their home Santa Barba counties.
in Santa Barbara, about Firefighters used two days
100 miles (160 kilometers) of calm conditions to build
northwest of Los Angeles, containment lines and set
despite a mandatory evac- controlled fires to clear dry
uation order that’s been in brush ahead of so-called
place since Saturday. sundowner winds expect-
“Our cars are packed, we ed to whip up Wednesday
have all our clothes and afternoon.
jewelry, so we’re ready to “We are still on guard,” fire
leave at a moment’s no- information officer Rudy
tice should we have to,” Evenson said. “It’s been a
Katy Zappala, 74, said very unpredictable fire and
Wednesday. “We’re ready we just don’t know what
to leap in and leave, and these winds are going to
we’re just keeping a good do.”