P. 10

            Thursday 21 december 2017
            Congo forces backed deadly militia violence, report says

            By CARLEY PETESCH            ating  with  opponents  of  Human Rights report says.     tensions  over  Kabila’s  stay  than 3,300 deaths, and the
            Associated Press             President  Joseph  Kabila’s  The  unrest  in  the  once-  in  office  beyond  his  man-  United  Nations  has  report-
            DAKAR,  Senegal  (AP)  —  A  government.                  peaceful  Kasai  region  is  date  as  presidential  elec-  ed at least 87 mass graves.
            militia  backed  by  Con-    Testimonies  from  Congo-    a  concerted  scheme  by  tions are delayed.              The new report adds to al-
            golese  forces  rampaged  lese who fled to neighbor-      Kabila  to  retain  power  The violence in the Kasai re-  legations  that  Congolese
            through  a  hospital  and  ing  Angola  during  months  “through chaos and diver-      gion  has  been  called  one  forces  have  been  behind
            killed  more  than  100  pa-  of violence earlier this year  sion,” the report says.   of  the  world’s  most  over-  much  of  the  violence.  It
            tients,  including  pregnant  said Congo’s security forc-  The  violence  that  erupt-  looked crises, with well over  says  the  Bana  Mura  militia
            women,  a  new  report  es  carried  out  targeted  ed  between  another  mi-          a million people displaced  attacked  a  dozen  villages
            by  an  international  rights  attacks  against  the  Luba  litia  group,  the  Kamwina  and hundreds of thousands  this  year,  using  machetes
            group says, accusing secu-   ethnic  group  that  killed  Nsapu,   and    Congolese  of children said to be fac-    and  gunfire,  with  the  sup-
            rity forces of crimes against  hundreds  of  people  in  the  forces after the killing of the  ing starvation.      port of Congo’s army and
            humanity  in  trying  to  de-  central  Kasai  region,  the  group’s  leader  in  August  The   Catholic   church  police.
            stroy  populations  associ-  International Federation for  2016 has widened to reflect  months ago reported more
            Uganda lawmakers pass contentious ‘life presidency’ bill

                                                                                                   majority in Parliament, had  unusually  long  session,  ap-
                                                                                                   argued that the age barrier  parently because lawmak-
                                                                                                   discriminated  against  the  ers wanted to finish before
                                                                                                   elderly. But critics, including  Christmas. “It is a dark day
                                                                                                   many lawmakers who wore  and a backward move to-
                                                                                                   red bandanas as a sign of  ward disaster,” said Mwam-
                                                                                                   their opposition, insisted the  butsya Ndebesa, a political
                                                                                                   measure was part of what  historian at Uganda’s Mak-
                                                                                                   they   called   Museveni’s  erere University. “I don’t see
                                                                                                   plan to rule for life.       anything positive in that.”
                                                                                                   The new law also imposes a  Museveni  once  said  he
                                                                                                   two-term limit on the presi-  despised  African  leaders
                                                                                                   dency,  starting  in  2021.  It  “who  want  to  overstay  in
                                                                                                   means Museveni could rule  power,”  but  now  says  he
                                                                                                   until  2031,  when  he  would  referred to those who ruled
                                                                                                   be  87.  By  then  he  would  without  being  elected.  In
                                                                                                   have  served  45  years  in  recent  weeks  he  has  dis-
                                                                                                   power.                       cussed his health habits on
                                                                                                   Museveni  is  the  latest  in  a  Twitter,  saying  he  doesn’t
                                                                                                   number  of  African  lead-   “have time for sickness.”
                                                                                                   ers who have tried to pro-   Uganda  once  had  term
                                                                                                   long their time in office by  limits  but  they  were  jetti-
            Uganda’s long-time President Yoweri Museveni waves to supporters from the sunroof of his vehicle   changing  the  constitution  soned  in  2005  amid  accu-
            as he arrives for an election rally at Kololo Airstrip in Kampala, Uganda. One of Africa’s longest-  or  other  means.  At  least  sations that lawmakers had
            serving leaders, Museveni could rule until 2031 after lawmakers late Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2017   10  countries  on  the  conti-  been  bribed  to  amend
            passed contentious legislation that many in the East African nation saw as an attempt by the
            president to rule until the grave.                                                     nent have seen term limits  the constitution in  favor of
                                                                              (AP Photo/Ben Curtis)  dropped,  and  “leaders  in  Museveni. That left the age
                                                                                                   more than 20 countries ef-   barrier the only obstacle to
            By R. MUHUMUZA               legislation that many in the  from  holding  the  presi-  fectively  do  not  face  re-  a possible life presidency.
            Associated Press             East African nation saw as  dency.  President  Yoweri     strictions  on  their  time  in  Wednesday’s   vote   fol-
            KAMPALA,  Uganda  (AP)  an  attempt  by  the  presi-      Museveni,  a  U.S.  ally  who   power,”  according  to  the  lowed  heated  exchanges
            — One of Africa’s longest-   dent to rule until the grave.  took  power  by  force  in   U.S.-funded African Center  and even brawls as oppo-
            serving  leaders  could  rule  The bill removes a measure  1986, is 73 and would have   for Strategic Studies. Many  sition  lawmakers  put  up  a
            until  2031  after  Ugandan  in the constitution that pre-  been ineligible to run again   Ugandans on social media  spirited struggle to prevent
            lawmakers  late  Wednes-     vented  anyone  younger  in 2021.                         reacted angrily to news of  the bill from becoming law.
            day  passed  contentious  than  35  or  older  than  75  The ruling party, which has a   the bill’s passage during an  q

            Kenya watchdog says 92 people killed in election violence

            By RODNEY MUHUMUZA           ammunition that had been  nyan  security  forces  of  kill-  vote in a first in Africa.  report earlier this month de-
            Associated Press             assigned to them,” accord-   ing  scores  of  his  support-  Odinga   boycotted   the  scribed  rapes  of  men  and
            KAMPALA,  Uganda  (AP)  ing to the report of the in-      ers.  Police  have  denied  it.  court-ordered  repeat  vote  women  and  cited  victims
            —     Ninety-two    people  dependent Kenya National  They  also  called  a  recent  in  October,  saying  elec-    and  witnesses  in  the  slums
            were  killed  during  Kenya’s  Commission   on   Human  Human  Rights  Watch  re-      toral reforms had not been  of the capital, Nairobi, and
            months  of  election  turmoil  Rights.The  group  reported  port  alleging  gang-rapes  made.   President   Uhuru  the  opposition  strongholds
            and dozens of others were  86  cases  of  sexual  or  gen-  by  men  in  uniform  in  op-  Kenyatta  won  that  elec-  of Kisumu and Bungoma.
            sexually  assaulted,  a  hu-  der-based violence, saying  position  strongholds  “utter  tion with 98 percent of the  “Some  were  raped  in  the
            man  rights  watchdog  said  it  was  “extremely  worried”  falsehoods.”               votes.                       presence  of  family  mem-
            Wednesday.                   by  the  emergence  of  sex-  Odinga  lost  the  August  The  new  allegations  add  bers,  including  young  chil-
            Most  victims  “were  felled  ual violence “as a weapon  presidential  election  but  to pressure on the govern-    dren,”  that  report  said.
            by the bullet” and authori-  of  subjugation”  during  po-  successfully   challenged  ment to investigate allega-  “Most  women  said  they
            ties must account for “how  litical contests.             the results while alleging ir-  tions  of  violence  targeting  were  raped  by  policemen
            the  officers  under  their  Opposition  leader  Raila  regularities, leading the Su-  opposition supporters.       or men in uniform, many of
            command  used  the  live  Odinga  has  accused  Ke-       preme  Court  to  nullify  the  The  Human  Rights  Watch  whom carried guns.q
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