P. 9

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 21 december 2017

            Russian spy agencies prevented 60 terror attacks, Putin says

                                                                                                   agencies such as the KGB  rights  groups,  Memorial,
                                                                                                   were  an  “inalienable  part  said  that  the  celebrations
                                                                                                   of our history.”             of the Cheka’s anniversary
                                                                                                   Putin  served  with  the  KGB  represented  “the  mockery
                                                                                                   for  16  years  and  briefly  of the memory of millions of
                                                                                                   headed the main state se-    victims” of Soviet-era purg-
                                                                                                   curity agency that followed  es. “It’s a shame of today’s
                                                                                                   it, the Federal Security Ser-  Russia,”  it  said  in  a  state-
                                                                                                   vice,  or  FSB,  before  his  as-  ment.
                                                                                                   cent to the presidency. He  Putin made no reference to
                                                                                                   said in his speech that “no  such criticism in his holiday
                                                                                                   matter how the times were  speech,  praising  Russian
                                                                                                   changing,  the  majority  of  security agencies for “out-
                                                                                                   people who chose that dif-   foxing  foreign  intelligence
                                                                                                   ficult  profession  were  true  services and dealing blows
                                                                                                   patriots  and  defenders  of  to  organized  crime  and
                                                                                                   the state.”                  corruption.”
                                                                                                   Earlier  Wednesday,  Ma-     The  Russian  leader  under-
                                                                                                   ria  Alekhina,  a  member  lined that the fight against
                                                                                                   of  the  Russian  punk  band  terrorism  is  a  top  priority,
                                                                                                   Pussy  Riot,  was  detained  noting  that  Russia  would
                                                                                                   after she unfurled a banner  continue working to “reso-
                                                                                                   that read “Happy Birthday,  lutely  neutralize  hotbeds
                                                                                                   Hangmen!”  outside  the  of  international  terrorism”
                                                                                                   Moscow  headquarters  of  following  its  campaign  in
            President Vladimir Putin, second right, Sergei Naryshkin, head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence
            Service, second left, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, left, Federal Security Service (FSB) Director   the FSB.      Syria.
            Alexander  Bortnikov,  attend  meeting  with  intelligence  officers  on  their  professional  holiday  in   Alekhina  and  Pussy  Riot  “It’s necessary to strength-
            Moscow, Russia, Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2017.                                              bandmate Nadezhda Tolo-      en  both  external  and  in-
                                                                 (Mikhail Klimentyev, Kremlin via AP)  konnikova spent nearly two  ternal  security  contours
            By V. ISACHENKOV             sional holiday Wednesday,  ing the 100th anniversary of   years  in  prison  for  an  anti-  protecting   Russia   from
            Associated Press             saying they have thwarted  the creation of the Bolshe-    Putin  protest  inside  Mos-  terrorism,  conduct  work
            MOSCOW (AP) — President  more than 60 terror attacks  vik secret police, the Che-      cow’s  Cathedral  of  Christ  to  uproot  the  criminals’  fi-
            Vladimir  Putin  hailed  Rus-  in Russia this year.       ka,  Putin  emphasized  that   the Savior in 2012.        nancial  and  recruitment
            sian  spies  on  their  profes-  In  a  Kremlin  speech  mark-  it and Soviet-era successor   One of Russia’s top human  networks.q
            Catalonia’s divided residents head to the polls again

            By KARL RITTER               public is adorned only with  polarized  by  this  fall’s  dra-  rather,  against  those  who  to govern my country.” The
            Associated Press             Christmas decorations.       matic events.                don’t,  because  he  finds  other  side  has  also  been
            BARCELONA,  Spain  (AP)  The  movement’s  leaders  Friendships have been bro-          them  complicit  in  Spain’s  galvanized.  Catalans  who
            —  In  Barcelona,  Catalo-   are  in  jail  or  have  fled  the  ken,  families  split.  Many  crackdown.           oppose     independence
            nia’s cosmopolitan capital,  country  after  staging  a  Catalans  who  had  mixed  During  the  October  ref-      previously  kept  a  low  pro-
            there is no sign of the inde-  brazen  Oct.  1  referendum  feelings  about  indepen-  erendum,  Spanish  police  file. Coming out as a union-
            pendent  country  that  the  on  secession  that  was  de-  dence,  or  didn’t  care  used  rubber  bullets  and  ist,  they  say,  would  have
            region’s former leaders pro-  clared  illegal  by  Spain’s  about the issue much, now  truncheons  against  voters,  resulted  in  scorn,  insults
            claimed with great fanfare  government  and  highest  feel  compelled  to  take  a  who formed human barriers  and  even  accusations  of
            nearly two months ago.       court.                       position.                    to keep them out of polling  treason  from  pro-indepen-
            The  Spanish  flag  still  flies  But  as  voters  return  to  the  Gabriel Brau, a 50-year-old  stations.  “What  happened  dence  friends  and  neigh-
            alongside the Catalan one  polls  Thursday  —  this  time  photographer  with  little  in-  on Oct. 1 affected me in a  bors. But in the aftermath of
            above the regional govern-   to  elect  a  new  regional  terest in politics, said he will  powerful  way,”  Brau  said.  the referendum they for the
            ment  building.  The  square  government in an election  vote for the first time since  “I  was  thinking,  ‘What  if  first time gathered for mass
            where  a  jubilant  crowd  called  by  Spain  as  a  way  the 1980s, and it will be for  they  did  that  to  my  son?’  rallies similar in size to those
            celebrated what it thought  out  of  the  crisis  —  Cata-  one  of  the  parties  that  fa-  That  is  not  democracy.  ...  achieved  by  the  indepen-
            was the birth of a new re-   lonia has been left deeply  vors  independence.  Or  I  don’t  want  these  people  dence movement.q
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