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A6   U.S. NEWS
            Thursday 21 december 2017

            Mistrial declared in Nevada armed standoff with US agents

                                                                                                                                Las Vegas.
                                                                                                                                Six  men  who  acknowl-
                                                                                                                                edged  carrying  assault-
                                                                                                                                style weapons faced a trial
                                                                                                                                and a retrial.
                                                                                                                                Two    were     acquitted,
                                                                                                                                two  were  convicted  of
                                                                                                                                some  charges  and  two
                                                                                                                                are  free  after  pleading
                                                                                                                                guilty   to   misdemean-
                                                                                                                                ors  to  avoid  a  third  trial.
                                                                                                                                None was found guilty of a
                                                                                                                                conspiracy charge.
                                                                                                                                In  the  case  against  the
                                                                                                                                Bundys,  the  judge  hinted
            This undated combination of file photos shows from left; Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and his sons Ammon Bundy and Ryan Bundy
            and co-defendant Ryan Payne.                                                                                        last week that trouble was
                                                                                                     (Multnomah County SO/AP)   afoot.
                                                                                                                                She  sent  the  jury  home  to
            By KEN RITTER                can West.                    refusal to pay grazing fees.  expanses.                   review  sealed  documents
            Associated Press             Jurors  in  Portland,  Oregon,  The  71-year-old  rancher  “It  looks  even  worse  be-  following   closed-door
            LAS  VEGAS  (AP)  —  A  U.S.  acquitted  the  two  Bundy  says  his  family  has  grazed  cause it isn’t the sort of jury   hearings  over  complaints
            judge in Nevada declared  sons  of  taking  over  a  U.S.  cattle for more than a cen-  nullification  we’ve  seen   about  the  conduct  of  FBI
            a  mistrial  Wednesday  in  wildlife refuge in Oregon for  tury  in  the  area  and  insists  before,  but  actual  incom-  and Bureau of Land Man-
            the  case  against  a  states’  more than a month in early  public  land  belongs  to  petence (or worse) by the    agement  agents  during
            rights  figure,  his  two  sons  2016 amid calls for the U.S.  states, not the U.S. govern-  prosecution,”  Bartrum  said   the standoff.
            and  another  man  ac-       government  to  turn  over  ment.                         in  an  email.  “It  certainly   Jurors  got  a  glimpse  of
            cused  of  leading  a  2014  public land to local control.  Government  agents  be-    erodes a lot of confidence   the  claims  when  Ryan
            armed  standoff  with  fed-  In  the  Nevada  case,  Na-  gan  rounding  up  his  ani-  in the federal government’s   Bundy,  who  represented
            eral agents during a cattle  varro  faulted  federal  pros-  mals. The four on trial were  motives.”                himself,  spoke  at  opening
            grazing dispute.             ecutors  for  failing  to  turn  accused of enlisting armed  Acting  U.S.  Attorney  Ste-  statements  about  seeing
            Chief  U.S.  District  Judge  over  all  evidence  to  de-  gunmen  to  force  govern-  ven Myhre had no immedi-    government  snipers  and
            Gloria Navarro in Las Vegas  fense  attorneys,  including  ment  agents  to  abandon  ate answer about whether      surveillance cameras posi-
            dismissed a jury seated last  records about the conduct  the effort.                   prosecutors would retry the   tioned on hilltops surround-
            month  for  the  long-await-  of  FBI  and  Bureau  of  Land  “A mistrial is a very bad re-  case. If so, the Bundys and   ing  his  family  home  in  the
            ed  trial  of  Cliven  Bundy,  Management  agents  dur-   sult  for  the  government,”  Payne  still  would  face  15   days  before  armed  sup-
            his sons Ryan and Ammon  ing the standoff.                said  Ian  Bartrum,  a  Univer-  felony  charges  including   porters  answered  his  fam-
            Bundy and self-styled Mon-   “The government is obligat-  sity of Nevada, Las Vegas,  assault and threats against   ily’s calls for help.
            tana  militia  leader  Ryan  ed to disclose all evidence  law  professor  who  has  fol-  federal  officers,  firearms   A  whistleblower  memo  by
            Payne.                       that  might  be  favorable”  lowed the case closely.      counts, obstruction and ex-  a lead U.S. Bureau of Land
            It is the latest in a string of  to  the  defense,  the  judge  Bartrum  had  cast  the  trial  tortion.            Management       investiga-
            failed  prosecutions  in  Ne-  said.                      as a test of whether U.S. au-  Prosecutors  also  failed  to   tor  that  was  released  last
            vada  and  Oregon  against  The case stemmed from an  thorities could enforce their  win full convictions against   week  alleges  widespread
            those  who  have  opposed  armed  confrontation  that  own land policy in Western  others  at  the  tense  con-     bad  judgment,  bias  and
            federal  control  of  vast  capped  a  decadeslong  states  where  the  govern-        frontation  near  Bunkerville,   misconduct,  as  well  as
            swaths of land in the Ameri-  dispute over Cliven Bundy’s  ment owns or controls vast  about 80 miles northeast of   “likely  policy,  ethical  and
                                                                                                                                legal violations among se-
            Suit blames parents of man accused of killing 4                                                                     nior  and  supervisory  staff”
                                                                                                                                in  the  days  leading  up  to
            PHILADELPHIA  (AP)  —  The  The  claim  is  in  a  wrongful  corpse abuse in the July kill-  cies but didn’t prevent him   the standoff.
            family  of  one  of  the  men  death lawsuit filed Tuesday  ings.                      from  getting  access  to  a   The  memo  said  agents
            found shot and buried on a  in Philadelphia by the par-   Tuesday’s  suit  names  the  gun.                         who  planned  and  over-
            Pennsylvania farm is blam-   ents of Mark Sturgis.        two cousins, as well as San-  An  attorney  for  DiNardo’s   saw  the  cattle  roundup
            ing  the  parents  of  one  of  Cousins  Cosmo  DiNardo  dra  and  Antonio  DiNardo.  parents  tells  the  Philadel-  mocked  and  displayed
            the killers, alleging they let  and  Sean  Kratz  pleaded  It  claims  the  parents  knew  phia  Inquirer they did  “ev-  clear prejudice against the
            their  mentally  ill  son  have  not guilty last week to multi-  their son had mental health  erything humanly possible”   Bundys,  their  supporters
            access to guns.              ple charges of murder and  issues  and  violent  tenden-  to help their son. q         and Mormons.q
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