P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 21 december 2017
             When it comes to holiday cards, which celebs do it right?

            By LEANNE ITALIE             great,” he said.
             Associated Press            Liam  Neeson,  who  stars  in
            NEW YORK (AP) — Holiday      “The  Commuter,”  really
            cards  of  the  paper  and   appreciates  a  certain  old
            stamp variety still get sent,   friend at the holidays.
            so what does that look like   “Steven  Spielberg.  Since
            celebrity to celebrity?      ‘Schindler’s  List’  he  never
            Hugh  Jackman  of  “The      forgets my birthday and he
            Greatest        Showman”     never  forgets  Christmas,”
            wasn’t  giving  up  any      Neeson said. “I adore him
            names,  but  he  told  The   for that. And there’s years
            Associated  Press  recently   I  forget  to  send  the  cards
            there does sometimes feel    and stuff like that, but Ste-
            like a competition this time   ven is so, he’s just very, very
            of year.                     loyal.  I  really  appreciate
            “Some  of  these  holiday    that, yeah.”
            cards are remarkable,” he    Christina  Hendricks,  who
            said.  “I’m,  like,  did  Annie   appears  in  the  Agatha
            Leibovitz shoot this? We do   Christie-based   “Crooked
            kind of rate them a little bit.   House,”  said  other  than
            It’s horrible to say.”       Neil  Patrick  Harris  and
            Jackman’s co-star, Rebec-    David  Burtka,  she  has  no
            ca  Ferguson,  wasn’t  shy   standouts  in  mind  on  holi-  This combination photo shows George Clooney at the 80th Academy Awards in Los Angeles on
            about  a  little  name  drop-  day cards.                 Feb. 24, 2008, left, and Matt Damon at the Los Angeles premiere of the Clooney-directed film,
            ping: Tom Cruise.            “Do people still do cards?   “Suburbicon,”  in Los  Angeles  on  Oct.  22,  2017.  Damon  and  Clooney  have  previously  worked
            Of her “Mission: Impossible   I’m so impressed,” she said.  together  in  the  2005  film,  “Syriana,”  the  “Ocean’s  Eleven”  films  and  2014’s  “The  Monuments
            —  Rogue  Nation”  co-star,   Harris and Burtka go all out,   Men.”                                                                Associated Press
            Ferguson  declared  that     though.  “They  always  do
            “Tom’s  quite  good  at  it.”   a  nice  one  with  their  kids.
            She  explained,  “Usually  at   They’re  very  theatrical.
            birthdays I’ll get Tom’s sig-  They like to dress up and do
            nature  cake.  He  says  it’s   costumes,” Hendricks said.
            dairy free, wheat free, glu-  Frenchman  Gilles  Paquet-
            ten free, sugar free. It’s b--  Brenner,  her  director  and
            -s---. He just wants to fatten   the  film’s  co-screenwriter,
            up  everyone  else  around   still isn’t used to the whole
            him. But I’m not much of a   holiday card thing.
            person  who  keeps  in  con-  “It’s so American,” he said.
            tact.  You  know,  I  shoot   “We would never do that in
            a  movie  and  I  move  on.  I   France.  We  kind  of  laugh.
            have my friends and I wor-   When  I  get  cards  from
            ship and maintain that.”     American people that ac-
            Patrick  Wilson,  who  ap-   tually  do  that,  it’s  sweet
            pears in next month’s train   but it’s just kind of, oh they
            thriller  “The  Commuter,”   still do that.” Matt Damon,
            has  a  favorite  celebrity   who gets small in “Downsiz-
            card sender.                 ing,”  hears  from  the  usual
            “The  most  fun  holiday     colleagues in cards.
            cards  I  would  get  were   “You  would  think  that
            these  painted  cards  from   Clooney  would  send  out
            Phil Collins that were pret-  something  funny,  but  he’s
            ty   awesome,     although   so  serious  now,”  Damon
            now  that  I  think  about  it  I   deadpanned  of  his  “Sub-
            haven’t  gotten  one  in  a   urbicon”  director.  “You
            few  years.  Phil,  come  on.   know,  he’s  married,  he’s
            Yeah, ‘cause he paints as    got kids. He’s really settled
            well. They were like of dogs   down, so I’m not really ex-
            and  things.  It  was  pretty   pecting anything.”q
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