P. 24

            Thursday 21 december 2017 TECHNOLOGY

             Facebook improves how blind can “see” images using AI

            By RYAN NAKASHIMA                                                                      on imposters. Starting Tues-  For  the  visually  impaired,
            Technology Writer                                                                      day,  Facebook  will  notify   the company is also work-
            MENLO PARK, Calif. (AP) —                                                              you  if  someone  has  up-   ing  on  identifying  text  in
            When Matt King first got on                                                            loaded  your  face  as  their   manipulated  photos  like
            Facebook eight years ago,                                                              profile  picture.  And  just  in   memes,  though  its  tech-
            the  blind  engineer  had                                                              time for alcohol-laden holi-  nique  isn’t  quite  ready  for
            to  weigh  whether  it  was                                                            day  parties,  you  can  also   primetime.  Even  small  ac-
            worth  spending  an  entire                                                            be  notified  if  someone  in   curacy  problems  can  ruin
            Saturday  morning  check-                                                              your  friend  network  has   the  punchline,  according
            ing whether a friend of his                                                            posted  a  compromising      to  Facebook  accessibility
            was  actually  in  his  friend                                                         picture  of  you  without  ex-  director Jeff Wieland.
            list. Such were the tools at                                                           plicitly tagging you.
            the time for the visually im-                                                          That check is not perfect. If   For  Janni  Lehrer-Stein,  a
            paired  —  almost  nonexis-                                                            you don’t want a drunken     volunteer   who    advises
            tent.                        In this photo taken Monday, Dec. 18, 2017, engineer Matt King,   karaoke  picture  of  your-  Facebook,  the  new  facial
            Today,  thanks  to  text-to-  who is blind, demonstrates facial recognition technology via a   self  online,  for  example,   recognition  capability  will
            audio software, it just takes   teleconference at Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif.   you  can’t  veto  the  result-  help her enjoy more of her
            a  few  seconds  for  him  to                                         Associated Press  ing photos posted by your   daughter’s  recent  gradu-
            accomplish the same task.    2010 to suggest the identi-  as an accessibility special-  friends,  although  you  can   ation  photos.  Lehrer-Stein
            And  because  of  a  new     ties of people in photos. But   ist.  In  addition  to  the  im-  ask  them  to  take  it  down.   had  lost  her  sight  by  the
            face  recognition  service   after  incorporating  feed-  proved  facial  recognition,  Serious  violations  or  dis-  time  she  was  46,  and  has
            the social network is rolling   back  from  billions  of  user   Facebook  has  in  recent  putes  can  be  flagged  to   long  used  audio-to-text
            out  Tuesday,  he  can  now   interactions, Facebook felt   years  also  automated  de-  Facebook staff, which they   software  on  Facebook.
            learn  which  friends  are  in   confident enough to push   scriptions  of  what’s  hap-  will  review  according  to   Knowing  who  is  in  each
            photos,  even  those  who    its use into new territory.  pening  in  a  photo.  (Those  their community standards.  photo  makes  a  big  differ-
            haven’t  been  tagged  by    “What  we’re  doing  with    remain  relatively  primitive,  Facebook  lets  the  per-  ence,  says  the  sixty-some-
            another user.                AI  is  making  it  possible  for   as  they’re  limited  to  only  son  posting  a  photo  have   thing mother of three.
            The    facial   recognition   anybody  to  enjoy  the  ex-  about  100  or  so  concepts  the  final  say  this  way  in   The  technology  gives  her
            technology,  which  uses     perience,”  says  52-year-   and  roughly  a  dozen  ac-  order  to  deal  with  situa-  enough   information   to
            artificially  intelligent  algo-  old King, who lost his sight   tion verbs.)          tions  like  public  speaking   “engage” in special family
            rithms,  doesn’t  appear  to   in college due to a degen-  For  the  sighted,  the  new  events,  where  the  speak-  moments captured in pho-
            have changed much since      erative  eye  disease  and   facial  recognition  settings  er  shouldn’t  have  control   tos, she says. “Even though
            Facebook began using it in   now  works  at  Facebook     will  also  help  crack  down  over what’s shared.        I can’t see them.”q
             ‘Pokemon Go’ unleashes its critters in Apple’s AR playground

            SAN  FRANCISCO  (AP)  —      ed reality. AR is a technol-  den  movement  or  if  play-  played  a  key  role  in  build   ago, but Apple’s technolo-
            “Pokemon  Go”  is  moving    ogy  that  projects  life-like   ers approach too quickly.  Google  Maps,  one  of  the   gy is more advanced than
            into  a  different  dimension   images into real-world set-  John Hanke, CEO of “Poke-  most frequently used apps   what  the  game  has  been
            on  the  iPhone,  thanks  to   tings  such  as  parks  and   mon  Go”  creator  Niantic,   on  Android  phones.  Ap-  using. Apple is hoping app
            software  that  allows  the   streetscapes.               believes iPhones equipped    ple’s AR technology works    makers will find compelling
            game  to  play  new  tricks   The  new  approach,  an-    with  Apple’s  AR  software   on iPhones dating back to   ways to deploy its AR tools,
            with  its  menagerie  of  digi-  nounced   Wednesday,     now offer the best way to    the 2015 iPhone 6S, a line-  helping to hook the masses
            tal  critters.  An  upcoming   adds  depth  to  the  play-  play  the  game.  That’s  an   up  that  encompasses  an   on  a  technology  that  so
            game  update  relies  on     ing field and lets Pokemon   ironic  twist  because  Ni-  estimated  200  million  to   far  has  been  embraced
            built-in   Apple   software   monsters  grow  or  shrink  to   antic  spun  out  of  Google,   300 million devices, includ-  by  a  sliver  of  smartphone
            called ARKit that gives the   fit  their  environment.  The   whose  Android  software   ing  iPads.  “Pokemon  Go”   users. If AR takes off, many
            iPhone’s new ways to serve   game’s creatures will now    powers most of the smart-    has  offered  an  AR  option   analysts believe Apple will
            as  a  portal  into  augment-  flee when they detect sud-  phones in the world. Hanke   since its release 17 months   branch out in a few years
                                                                                                                                and  release  a  new  line  of
                                                                                                                                devices  designed  specifi-
                                                                                                                                cally for AR.q

                                                                                                                                 In  this  Monday,  Dec.  18,
                                                                                                                                 2017,  photo,  Pokemon  Go
                                                                                                                                 is  played  at  a  park  in  San
                                                                                                                                          Associated Press
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