P. 22
Thursday 21 december 2017
Giants acquire Evan Longoria from Rays for 4 players
By JANIE McCAULEY five seasons. hit 20 or more home runs in led the Giants last season and left-hander Matt Krook
AP Baseball Writer “He’s sorely needed and all of those years. with 73 runs scored de- to the Rays, who acquired
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — will be a great addition for Longoria grew up in South- spite a stint on the 10-day third baseman Matt Duffy
Evan Longoria expects us,” Giants general manag- ern California as an Angels disabled list. He previously from the Giants at the 2016
to win immediately with er Bobby Evans said. fan but has plenty of friends played for the Nationals trade deadline for Matt
the San Francisco Giants, It marked the first big off- who cheer for the rival and the Twins. Moore. The left-handed
whose run of success in season move by each or- Dodgers. “I’m going to be Bochy expects Longoria to Moore was dealt last week
even years is well docu- ganization. saying a lot of sorries.” bat third or cleanup, and to Texas.
mented — and the club’s Tampa Bay in effect is re- Also, he’s getting off turf, he can already envision As part of the assignment
new third baseman knows sponsible for $14.5 million noting, “I’m excited to be Longoria as part of a top in- bonus, Tampa Bay owes
all about that. of the $88 million Longoria playing on grass.” field with Gold Glove short- Longoria $1.5 million on
The Giants’ brass realizes is owed, and the Rays took In November 2012, Longo- stop Brandon Crawford, Dec. 15, 2025, and $2 mil-
adding Longoria to the on $13 million in guaran- ria received a $136.6 mil- second baseman Joe Pan- lion on Dec. 15 in each of
lineup and an already- teed money due Span. lion, 10-year contract with ik and Brandon Belt at first. the following four years.
talented infield gives San Longoria had $86 million in Tampa Bay that added six “When you talk about the San Francisco will pay
Francisco a far better remaining guaranteed sal- guaranteed seasons and elite third basemen of the Longoria salaries of $12 mil-
chance of bouncing back ary and buyout as part of a $100 million to his previ- game, Evan’s name is go- lion next year, $12.5 million
from a surprising last-place contract that runs through ous deal. If exercised, the ing to be there. He’s been in 2019, $13 million in 2020,
season in the NL West. 2022 and contains a 2023 option would make the one of the most consis- $16.5 million in 2021 and
An offense-producing club option. The $9.5 million agreement worth $144.6 tent third basemen in the $17.5 million in 2022.
third baseman the Giants in deferred money includ- million over 11 years. game,” Bochy said. “It’s Span gets $9 million plus
sought this winter, Longo- ed in that total was con- Rays general manager going to be one of the possible performance bo-
ria was traded from Tampa verted to an assignment Erik Neander said trading best infield defenses in the nuses next year, and the
Bay on Wednesday for out- bonus payable by the Rays Longoria “was in the best game.” Rays inherit a $12 million
fielder Denard Span, star in- from 2025-29. Tampa Bay
field prospect Christian Ar- will give the Giants $2 mil- In this Sept. 22, 2017, file photo, Tampa Bay Rays’ Evan Longoria follows through on a solo home
run against the Baltimore Orioles in the third inning of a baseball game, in Baltimore.
royo and two minor league lion by this Dec. 31 to cover Associated Press
pitchers. Longoria’s assignment bo-
“I’m looking forward to nus and an additional $3 long-term interest of our Arroyo, a first-round draft mutual option for 2019 with
bringing everything I can million by Oct. 31, 2022. franchise.” pick out of high school in a $4 million buyout.
and more to the clubhouse The 32-year-old leaves Still, he was the face of a 2013 about an hour north Longoria counts as
and the organization and Tampa Bay as the longest- small-market franchise and of Tampa in Brooksville, $11,165,300 annually for the
being back in the postsea- tenured player in franchise meant so much to the city. was one of the Giants’ top Giants’ luxury tax payroll
son and winning like I ex- history, after spending 10 “The decision itself was one prospects but didn’t play and Span $13,333,333 for
pect to do,” Longoria said. of his big league seasons that was incredibly difficult in the majors after June the Rays’ tax payroll. In ad-
“It’s an even year coming in a Rays uniform. He is the for us to make,” Neander 2 because of a broken dition, the Giants receive
up and I know the Giants club’s leader with 1,435 said. left hand. He batted .192 a $600,000 yearly credit for
win in even years. That I am games, 261 home runs and The 33-year-old Span has with three homers and 14 the cash transaction in the
looking forward to.” 892 RBIs. Longoria started hit .283 with 60 homers and RBIs in 34 games. The Rays swap. San Francisco, which
The position had been a all 30 of the Rays’ postsea- 432 RBIs over 10 years in have been watching him won World Series titles in
priority for San Francisco, son games at third. the majors, but San Fran- for years and believe he is 2010, ‘12 and ‘14, made its
and Longoria’s durability Longoria batted .261 with cisco was looking for more making significant strides at first big offseason move af-
means so much, too. He 20 homers and 86 RBIs last athleticism and steady de- the plate. ter missing out on Giancar-
has played at least 156 season. The 2008 AL Rookie fense in the outfield. In fact, “That’s the cost of doing lo Stanton and Japanese
games in each of the past of the Year and three-time manager Bruce Bochy had business,” Sabean said of star Shohei Ohtani. The Gi-
five years, all 162 in 2014, Gold Glover has played at approached Span about sending Arroyo in the deal. ants went 64-98 to avoid
and also hit 20 or more least 156 games in each of the possibility of playing left The Giants also sent right- the club’s first 100-loss sea-
homers in each of those the past five seasons and field going forward. Span hander Stephen Woods son since 1985. q
Jeter hears complaints of Marlins fans at town hall
By STEVEN WINE cause an affordable pay- sitting there saying all posi-
AP Sports Writer roll and stronger farm sys- tives. It shows me they care
MIAMI (AP) — Derek Jeter tem is the only path to sus- about the performance on
sat Tuesday night in the left tained success. the field and this team, and
field plaza at Marlins Park, Jeter calmly answered obviously they’ve been
facing the music with the questions until there were through a lot.”
downtown skyline behind no more, and after the Some 200 ticket-holders at-
him. 90-minute session, he said tended the town hall, the
The former New York Yan- he appreciated the fans’ first in a series, and the seats
kees shortstop fielded feedback — positive and arranged in the outfield
questions from season- negative. plaza were nearly full — a
ticket holders, many upset “They’re passionate,” Jeter refreshing change for the
about the direction of the said. “That’s the thing that is attendance-challenged
team under a new owner- most important, and that’s franchise. Jeter opened
ship group led by Jeter. the thing that stood out. I his charm offensive by ad-
He told them the Marlins would much rather have dressing the recent payroll
traded major league home Miami Marlins co-owner Derek Jeter speaks during town hall a situation where we’re purge.
run champion Giancar- meeting at Marlins Park in Sunrise, Fla., Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2017. answering questions from “You’ve seen the Marlins
lo Stanton, stolen base Associated Press fans who are passionate, make moves like this time
champ Dee Gordon and All-Star left fielder Marcell Ozuna for prospects be- as opposed to everyone and time again,” he said.q