P. 25

BUSINESS                 Thursday 21 december 2017

            Stocks end mixed after bouncing around for much of the day

                                                                                                   makers.                      index lost 2.22 points, or 0.1
                                                                                                   Stocks  have  jumped  over  percent,  to  2,679.25.  The
                                                                                                   the  last  four  weeks  as  the  Dow  Jones  industrial  aver-
                                                                                                   tax   legislation   moved  age fell 28.10 points, or 0.1
                                                                                                   closer to passing, but they  percent,  to  24,726.65.  The
                                                                                                   haven’t  done  much  over  Nasdaq composite slid 2.89
                                                                                                   the  last  two  days  as  Con-  points, or less than 0.1 per-
                                                                                                   gress  voted  on  the  bill.  cent,  to  6,960.96.  The  Rus-
                                                                                                   Stocks  set  all-time  highs  sell  2000  index  of  smaller-
                                                                                                   Monday  and  slipped  on  company  stocks  rose  3.33
                                                                                                   Tuesday.                     points,  or  0.2  percent,  to
                                                                                                   It’s been a very strong year  1,540.08.
                                                                                                   for  the  market,  and  ordi-  Investors  have  sent  stocks
                                                                                                   narily  investors  might  sell  higher  in  recent  weeks  as
                                                                                                   some  of  their  holdings  in  the  tax  bill’s  prospects  im-
                                                                                                   late  December  and  take  proved.  It  would  cut  the
                                                                                                   some  profits  before  they  corporate  tax  rate  to  21
                                                                                                   make  new  investments  in  percent  from  35  percent,
                                                                                                   January. But with a tax bill  which  could  increase  cor-
                                                                                                   passing at the very end of  porate  profits.  Other  pro-
                                                                                                   the  year,  TD  Ameritrade  visions  are  intended  to
                                                                                                   Chief  Market  Strategist  JJ  encourage  companies  to
            Trader William McInerney works at the New York Stock Exchange. U.S. stocks bounced around   Kinahan  said  that  pattern  invest more money in their
            Wednesday and finished little changed after Congress passed the Republican-sponsored tax bill.  might not hold.     businesses.
                                                                         (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)  “This could be a year where  In a note earlier this week,
            By MARLEY JAY                The    Senate     narrowly  the bill soon.                you see the selling pressure  after  the  bill  was  largely
            AP Markets Writer            passed  the  tax  bill  after  Smaller      companies     at  the  beginning  of  the  complete, Barclays analyst
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  U.S.  midnight  and  the  House,  climbed,  as  they  might        year  because  people  are  Maneesh  Deshpande  said
            stocks  bounced  around  which  passed  a  similar  bill  benefit  the  most  from  the   delaying their selling, wait-  the  bill  will  reduce  the  ef-
            Wednesday and finished lit-  Tuesday  but  had  to  go  corporate  tax  cut.  Bond     ing for a better tax environ-  fective tax rate for S&P 500
            tle changed after Congress  back  and  make  changes,  yields  rose,  which  hurt      ment,” he said. “There are  companies to 20.7 percent
            passed  the  Republican-     followed  suit  in  the  after-  companies  that  pay  big   always  unintended  conse-  from  26  percent  because
            sponsored  tax  bill.  Smaller  noon.  President  Donald  dividends,  including  utili-  quences with tax plans.”   of  changes  taxation  for
            companies fared the best.    Trump  is  expected  to  sign  ties  and  household  goods   The Standard & Poor’s 500  profits made overseas.q
            US home sales climb 5.6 percent in November to 11-year high

            By JOSH BOAK                 ally  adjusted  annual  rate  fallen  to  a  17-year  low,  for two-and-a-half years.  at the real estate company
            AP Economics Writer          of  5.81  million  units.  Home  while  more  people  in  the  The shortage is a concern,  Zillow.  In  November,  there
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —  sales  were  last  this  strong  younger millennial genera-  but not necessarily enough  were  1.67  million  proper-
            Americans       purchased  in  December  2006,  when  tion  appear  to  be  forming  to derail the sales momen-     ties  for  sale,  a  9.7  percent
            homes at the fastest pace  properties  sold  at  annual  their  own  households  and  tum. “The housing market is  decline  from  a  year  ago.
            in nearly 11 years, as sales  pace of 6.42 million.       looking  for  places  to  buy.  on relatively stable ground,  There  is  only  3.4  months’
            climbed 5.6 percent in No-   The  strong  demand  for  Yet the demand has done  despite the ongoing inven-          supply  of  homes  on  the
            vember.                      buying  homes  is  a  sign  of  little  to  resolve  an  increas-  tory  squeeze  and  difficult  market,  the  lowest  level
            The National Association of  an    increasingly   vibrant  ing vulnerability of the U.S.  conditions for buyers at the  ever  tracked  by  the  Real-
            Realtors  said  Wednesday  economy  after  a  steady,  real  estate  market  as  the  lower ends of the market in  tors.  The  limited  inventory
            that sales of existing homes  eight-year  expansion.  The  number of listings has been  particular,” said Aaron Ter-  has  caused  home  values
            rose last month to a season-  unemployment  rate  has  declining on a yearly basis  razas,  a  senior  economist  to rise faster than wages.q
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