P. 23
sport Thursday 21 december 2017
U.S. hopes for gold rest on trio of Olympic rookie goaltenders
By TERESA M. WALKER eryone’s going to be on
AP Sports Writer the right page when push
WESLEY CHAPEL, Fla. (AP) comes to shove and it’s
— Maddie Rooney, Nicole time to perform,” said for-
Hensley and Alex Rigsby all ward Hilary Knight, a two-
are Olympic rookies. Even time Olympic silver medal-
though Robb Stauber has ist. “I’m extremely excited
coached Americans in the for our goaltenders. They’re
Winter Games before, Py- great young women who
eongchang will mark his have great potential, and
debut as head coach on you’ve already seen them
the biggest stage for wom- own the world stage.”
en’s hockey. All three want to be in net
They all have something starting Feb. 11 when the
else in common. United States opens Olym-
They are all goaltenders, pic play against Finland.
used to the pressure of “Obviously, there’s three
being a team’s last line of of us fighting for one spot,”
defense. Stauber , who Hensley said. “At the same
played 62 games in the time, all three of us are
NHL with Los Angeles and very supportive of each
Buffalo, believes simply other because nobody
being a goalie prepares knows what a goalie goes
a player for pressure and through except for another In this Nov. 7, 2017, file photo, United States goaltender Maddie Rooney makes a save during the
high expectations. goaltender, so it’s really im- second period of the Four Nations Cup hockey game against Finland in Wesley Chapel, Fla.
“All of them have been in portant that the three of us Associated Press
big games before,” said support each other. But at what you think is a clear Canada on Dec. 3 and she and Hensley both played in
Stauber, who coached the same time, we’re push- picture, which takes time also made 24 saves in a 2-1 a 5-1 loss to Canada in Bos-
goalies for the U.S. women ing each other to get bet- clearly, then you build your overtime loss to Canada on ton on Oct. 25.
in 2014 at Sochi. “When ter because at the end of strategy off that clear pic- Dec. 15. Hensley has the biggest
you’re successful in that en- the day if we’re doing that, ture,” Stauber said. “We’re all rookies on this win yet. The 23-year-old
vironment, it’s never about that’s what’s going to be The Americans have lost Olympic team,” said from Lakewood, Colorado,
the big game. It’s about best for our team come four straight games to the Rooney, a 20-year-old made 28 saves last spring
staying in the moment, and February.” rival Canadians as part of goalie from Andover, Min- to help the Americans beat
they all know how to stay The Americans will be tak- their pre-Olympic exhibition nesota, who is taking the Canada 3-2 in overtime for
in the moment. Regard- ing all three goalies to Py- tour. season off for Minnesota- their fourth straight world
less of the Olympics, that’s eongchang. The final roster Rooney went 3-2 against Duluth. “Every chance you championship. Hensley
something they have to will be announced Jan. Canada this fall, dropping get, you want to prove went 3-0-0-0 with two shut-
do. Goalies that are able to 1, but the crucial decision the last two games. She you’re the best and you outs in that tournament.
find that peace of mind in will be who plays on Feb. was in net for a 5-2 victory want to get the start on “We’re used to being the
the most critical time play 15 in the preliminary round Oct. 22, then notched two each night.” No. 1, and I think that crav-
well. It’s very simple. They against four-time Olympic more wins over Canada The 26-year-old Rigsby has ing for that position is what
will play well.” champion Canada. The during the Four Nations been on the U.S. roster for pushes each of us to want
That’s a lot of confidence semifinals are Feb. 19, with Cup in November with the four world championships, that same spot here,” Hens-
in untested goalies as both the U.S. and Canada United States outscoring playing in the last three ley said. “At the same time,
the Americans try to end favored to reach the final. Canada 9-3 combined. tournaments. The goalie we have to be supportive of
their 20-year gold medal Stauber has made it clear Rooney also was in net for from Delafield, Wisconsin, each other because at the
drought. he doesn’t want to make an 8-2 win over Finland to was in net for a 2-0 loss to end of the day whoever’s
“We’ve got a great coach- that decision too early. kick off that tournament. Canada on Dec. 5 and she in net, that’s what’s best for
ing staff and great per- “Got to let these things Rooney made 24 saves made 33 saves Dec. 13 in a the team and that’s what
sonnel to make sure ev- play out and when you see in a 2-1 overtime loss to 3-1 loss to Canada . Rigsby we want is to win.”q
The word ‘Russia’ to appear on Olympic uniforms
By GRAHAM DUNBAR strictions around the use of will decide which eligible
AP Sports Writer “OAR” on approved uni- athletes can be invited to
GENEVA (AP) — The word forms. “Russia” cannot be compete in Pyeongchang.
“Russia” will appear on the more prominent than the Detailed eligibility criteria
Olympic uniforms worn by words “Olympic Athlete have yet to be published.
the athletes granted an from.” The logo proposed The fallout from Sochi dop-
exemption from the coun- by the IOC features the ing is still being felt less than
try’s doping ban at the Py- complete phrase around eight weeks before the Py-
eongchang Games. a circle, with Russia upside eongchang Games open
More than 200 athletes are down.The exact colors of on Feb. 9. Also Wednes-
set to compete in South the red, white and blue day, an IOC disciplinary
Korea as an “Olympic Ath- Russian flag also cannot be panel published more de-
lete from Russia” if they can used, the IOC said. tailed verdicts to explain
prove they are not tainted With the Russian Olympic why three Russian bobsled
by doping. Committee now suspend- gold medalists have been This image made available by the International Olympic
The International Olympic ed, an IOC panel chaired disqualified from the Sochi Committee on Wednesday Dec. 20, 2017, shows the proposed
Committee on Wednesday by former France sports Games and banned from logo to be worn by athletes granted an exemption from Russia’s
published guidelines for re- minister Valerie Fourneyron the Olympics for life.q doping ban. Associated Press