Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20210930
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A28    u.s. news
               Diahuebs 30 september 2021

                          U.S. diversity lottery winners wait on visas as time runs out

                                                                      to  “profound  reductions”  in  and  Europe.  After  the  pan-  was  put  into  place  as  a  dip-
                                                                      its  capacity  to  process  visas.  demic hit, the Trump admin-  lomatic tool,” Morrison said.
                                                                      While embassies and consul-  istration put a freeze on many  “The credibility of our  tool,
                                                                      ates  have  been  instructed  to  green cards issued outside of  we’re losing it. Instead, we’re
                                                                      try  to  prioritize  the  lottery  the United States, including  looking like fraudsters.”
                                                                      cases,  the  U.S.  likely  won’t  these  visas.  Some  of  the  af-
                                                                      issue  the  number  of  visas  it  fected lottery applicants sued,  Attorneys  for  the  applicants
                                                                      could  for  the  soon-to-be-  and  a  federal  judge  last  year  have  again  asked  a  judge  to
                                                                      ending fiscal year, the official  ordered the administration to  reserve  visas  so  they  don’t
                                                                      said.                        reserve  9,000  diversity  visas  expire. The U.S. government
                                                                                                   into the next year.          opposes the move, saying set-
                                                                      That is what worries Fuentes                              ting aside a large number of
                                                                      Matos.  As  the  deadline  ap-  The  Biden  administration  visas  will  give  the  plaintiffs
                                                                      proached  for  visas  to  be  is-  lifted  the  freeze  on  green  better  odds  at  getting  a  visa
            (AP) - Dorisnelly Fuentes  someone to help us because  sued,  she  grew  nervous  she  cards this year. But the State  than  lottery  winners  would
            Matos  may  have  won  the  we are here in the middle of  would  be  asked  to  quickly  Department  still  hasn’t  is-  normally  have.  U.S.  Dis-
            U.S.  visa  lottery  on  pa-  nowhere,” said Fuentes Ma-  attend a meeting with a U.S.  sued most of this fiscal year’s  trict Judge Amit P. Mehta in
            per, but she still isn’t close  tos,  who  is  waiting  in  Guy-  consular  officer  in  Guyana.  diversity  visas,  so  another  Washington said he will make
            to  reaching  the  United  ana  for  an  appointment  and  So she and her husband gave  group of lottery winners now  a decision before the visas are
            States.                      is one of thousands suing the  up their jobs, sold their home  faces a similar predicament.  set to expire Thursday.
                                         U.S.  government  over  the  and  bought  plane  tickets  to
            The 27-year-old Cuban eco-   delays. “We are stuck in this  travel  a  circuitous  route  via  Curtis Lee Morrison, an im-  Fuentes Matos is counting on
            nomics  student  was  notified  country, and we can’t even go  Spain and Panama to George-  migration attorney represent-  the judge to keep her hope of
            more than a year ago that she  back to Cuba.”             town, where they have been  ing  thousands  of  diversity  moving to the U.S. alive but
            won  a  coveted  spot  to  seek                           staying in a hostel and wait-  visa applicants, said some of  said she was only given per-
            one of up to 55,000 visas that  More  than  20,000  people  ing for the interview that still  his clients have sold cars and  mission to stay in Guyana for
            the  U.S.  government  gives  have  sued  after  they  were  hasn’t come.              homes to pay for costs asso-  three  months.  She  said  she
            out each year in a lottery to  declared  winners  of  the  visa                        ciated  with  the  application,  is one of four families there
            increase the country’s diver-  lottery and turned in the re-  Winning  the  lottery  is  al-  such  as  traveling  to  a  third  waiting for a consular inter-
            sity. She filed the paperwork  quired  paperwork  but  never  ready  a  stretch.  Millions  of  country for a consular inter-  view and doesn’t know what
            to  a  State  Department  pro-  got an interview or a shot at  people sign up each year, and  view. Applicants who are se-  she will do if it doesn’t come
            cessing  center  in  Kentucky  coming to the United States.  only  up  to  55,000  visas  are  lected as winners and submit  through.
            and  waited  to  be  scheduled  The  government  has  issued  awarded. The chance of get-  all  the  required  paperwork
            for  an  interview  at  the  U.S.  about  a  quarter  of  the  visas  ting  a  winning  ticket  is  in-  showing they are eligible are  She decided to enter the visa
            embassy  in  Guyana,  which  allotted  for  the  fiscal  year  finitesimal,  and  from  there,  still  finding  themselves  out  lottery in the hope of build-
            handles Cubans’ visa applica-  ending  in  September  after  they must wait in a line for a  of  luck  due  to  the  delays,  ing  a  better  life  for  herself
            tions.                       processing was halted during  consular interview. Even in a  he  said.  Morrison  said  cli-  and  her  husband,  who  was
                                         the  coronavirus  pandemic  typical year, not everyone will  ents found his firm via social  working  as  a  taxi  driver  in
            But  the  interview  never  and then resumed at a much  get one before the U.S. runs  media  and  despite  the  large  Havana.
            came. Now, the visas are set  slower pace as other visa ap-  out of visas for the year.  number of plaintiffs, the suit
            to  expire  Thursday,  leaving  plications  got  priority,  their                      did not have class-action sta-  “We  left  nothing  in  Cuba,”
            her and her husband in lim-  attorneys said.              For years, the U.S. was large-  tus.                      Fuentes Matos said. “We are
            bo.                                                       ly  issuing  the  diversity  visas                        going  through  very  difficult
                                         A  State  Department  offi-  that were allotted, with most  “When the diversity visa pro-  times.”
            “We are desperate, asking for  cial  said  the  pandemic  led  going  to  people  from  Africa  gram  was  put  into  place,  it

                        U.S. bans swimming with Hawaii’s nocturnal spinner dolphins

            (AP)  —  U.S.  regulators  noes, stand-up paddleboards,
            on Tuesday banned swim-      drones or other objects.
            ming  with  Hawaii’s  spin-  NOAA  also  is  proposing  a
            ner  dolphins  to  protect  regulation  that  would  pro-
            the  nocturnal  animals  hibit  entering  certain  areas
            from people seeking close  between  6  a.m.  and  3  p.m.
            encounters with the play-    in parts of the Big Island and
            ful species.                 Maui that are considered es-
                                         sential  daytime  habitats  for
            Swimming with dolphins is a  spinner dolphins.
            popular tourist activity in Ha-
            waii. Several companies offer  Spinner dolphins hunt in off-
            tours that take swimmers to  shore waters at night. During
            areas frequented by dolphins  the day, they use areas close
            with the aim of giving them  to  shore  that  have  optimal
            an opportunity to get in the  environmental   conditions
            water with the animals.      to  socialize,  nurture  their
                                         young,  hide  from  predators
            The  National  Oceanic  and  and  rest  in  preparation  for
            Atmospheric  Administration  nightly hunting.
            rule under the Marine Mam-
            mal Protection Act prohibits  Hawaii’s  spinner  dolphins
            swimming  with  or  getting  get  their  name  from  their
            within  50  yards  (46  meters)  habit  of  leaping  in  the  air
            of  a  spinner  dolphin  that  is  and  spinning  around.  Some
            within  2  nautical  miles  (4  scientists  say  such  behavior
            kilometers)  of  the  shore  of  is not always playfulness and
            the  main  Hawaiian  Islands.  can instead be an attempt to
            The rule applies to boats, ca-  alert others to danger.
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