Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210930
P. 29
world news Diahuebs 30 september 2021
Climate activist Nakate seeks immediate action in Glasgow
(AP) — Ugandan climate she said. “”If you are to go financial conditions and de-
activist Vanessa Nakate net zero by 2030 it has to start scribing the devastating im-
said Wednesday that youth now.″ pact of climate change at
delegates meeting in Mi- home in Uganda. While she
lan want to see immedi- Though the activists have said she was overwhelmed by
ate action from leaders at traveled to Milan from 180 the support she has received
the U.N. climate talks in countries, Nakate said many after her speech, she rejected
Glasgow, Scotland — not have the feeling like their the media’s tendency to dub
cheap, last-ditch grasps at suggestions for the final draft leaders of the movement.
polluting fuels before get- that will be published on
ting down to business. Thursday are not welcome. “It’s how people portray the
She said the dynamic was climate movement,″ Nakate
Nakate is among 400 activ- “concerning.” said. “It is not just one face or
ists invited to Italy’s financial two faces. It’s communities.
capital for a three-day Youth- “It really feels like everything It is people who are organiz-
4Climate meeting that will has been decided for us,″ Na- ing in different countries. I
draft a document to forward kate, a 24-year-old with a de- think that is the true face of
to the 26th Climate Change gree in business administra- the climate movement. The to promote “a culture of re- Francis has made care for
Conference of the Parties, tion. Swedish activist Greta people who are standing up sponsible sharing.” “our common home” of the
which opens on Oct. 31. Thunberg similarly accused for the planet and a better fu- Earth a hallmark of his pa-
the organizers on Tuesday of ture.” Francis thanked the activists pacy and devoted an entire
“If leaders and governments bringing in “cherry-picked” for their “dreams and good encyclical to the issue in
are going to talk about net delegates and pretending to In 2020, Nakate was cropped projects” and encouraged 2015. The Scottish bishops
zeroes or cutting emissions, listen. out of an Associated Press them to form an educational conference has said it expects
halving emissions by 2030 photo at the World Economic alliance to help “rebuild the Francis to attend the Glasgow
or 2040 or 2050, that means But she said young people Forum in Davos, Switzer- fabric” of humanity through climate summit, though the
it has to start now,″ Nakate were speaking up, and had land. The AP apologized and care for the planet. Vatican hasn’t yet confirmed
told The Associated Press. created their own working acknowledged mistakes in his presence.
group on fossil fuels. how it initially responded. “This vision is capable of
”It doesn’t mean, if we are challenging the adult world, “It is time to take wise deci-
going to do it by 2030, be- “Hopefully it’s something Pope Francis on Wednesday for it reveals that you are sions so that we can make
tween now and 2030 let’s they can accept,″ she said. praised young environmental prepared not only for action, use of the many experiences
open a coal power plant, you activists for challenging glob- but also for patient listening, gained in recent years, in or-
know, let’s frack some gas, or Nakate gave an emotional al leaders to make good on constructive dialogue and der to make possible a culture
let us construct an old pipe- opening speech to the gath- promises to curb emissions mutual understanding,” he of care, a culture of respon-
line. That is not the real cli- ering on Tuesday, calling out and insisted that political said. sible sharing,” Francis said in
mate action that we want,″ leaders for failing to meet leaders make wise decisions the message.
Lava from La Palma eruption finally reaches the Atlantic
(AP) — A bright red river ings, mostly homes and farm miles) and asked residents in feet) at one point, from con- days to land at airport on La
of lava from the volcano buildings, in its unstoppable the wider area to remain in- tinuing to grow, because that Palma, an important tour-
on Spain’s La Palma is- march to the sea. doors with windows shut to has caused tremendous dam- ist destination along with its
land finally tumbled over avoid breathing in any gases. age,” Ángel Víctor Torres, neighboring Canary islands,
a cliff and into the At- The meeting of molten rock president of the Canary Is- despite a huge ash cloud that
lantic Ocean, setting off and sea water finally came at No deaths or serious in- lands regional government, Spain’s National Geographic
huge plumes of steam 11 p.m. on Tuesday. By day- juries have been reported told Cope radio. Institute said reached up to
and possibly toxic gases break, a widening promonto- from the island’s first erup- seven kilometers (nearly 4½
that forced local residents ry of newborn land could be tion in 50 years, thanks to Torres said his government is miles) high.
outside the evacuation seen forming under plumes the prompt evacuations of working to house those who
zone to remain indoors on of steam rising high into the over 6,000 people after the have lost their dwellings. Au- Laura Garcés, the director of
Wednesday. area. ground cracked open follow- thorities have plans to pur- Spain’s air navigation author-
ing weeks of tremors. chase over 100 currently un- ity ENAIRE, said she doesn’t
The immediate area had been Even though initial air qual- occupied homes. Torres cited foresee any major problems
evacuated for several days as ity reading showed no dan- The flattening of the terrain one village, Todoque, home for other airports on the ar-
authorities waited for the lava ger in the area, experts had as it approached the coast had to 1,400 people, which was chipelago because of the ash.
that began erupting Sept. 19 warned that the arrival of the slowed down the flow of the wiped out.
to traverse the 6½ kilometers lava at the ocean would likely lava, causing it to widen out While the red tongue of lava
(four miles) to the island’s produce small explosions and and do more damage to vil- La Palma, home to about lolled off the coast, the two
edge. On the way down from release toxic gases that could lages and farms. The local 85,000 people, is part of the open vents of the volcano
the Cumbre Vieja volcanic damage lungs. Authorities es- economy is largely based on volcanic Canary Islands, an continued to belch up more
ridge, the lava flows have tablished a security perimeter agriculture, above all the cul- archipelago off northwest magma from below.
engulfed at least 656 build- of 3½ kilometers (about two tivation of the Canary plan- Africa. The island is roughly
tain. 35 kilometers (22 miles) long Experts say it’s impossible
and 20 kilometers (12 miles) to determine how long the
Just before it poured down wide at its broadest point. eruption will last. Previous
a cliff into the sea at a local eruptions in the archipela-
point known as Los Guirres, Cleaning crews swept up go have lasted weeks, even
the lava rolled over the coast- ash in the island’s capital, months.
al highway, cutting off the last Santa Cruz, while more
road in the area that connects small earthquakes that have “We don’t know when this
the island to several villages. rumbled under the volcano will be over,” volcano sci-
for weeks were registered by entist Stavros Meletlidis of
“We hope that the channel to geologists. Spain’s National Geographic
the sea that has opened stops Institute told state broadcast-
the lava flow, which widened Favorable weather conditions er TVE. “Volcanos are not
to reach 600 meters (2,000 allowed the first flight in five friends of statistics.”