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A32   sports
               Diahuebs 30 september 2021

                          NBA releases protocols to teams for virus safety this season

                                                                      lab-based tests on game days.  was best suited for not only  The difference between vac-
                                                                                                   me  but  for  my  family  and  cinated  and  unvaccinated
                                                                      “A vaccine mandate for NBA  my  friends.  And,  you  know,  players  will  also  govern  the
                                                                      players would need an agree-  that’s why I decided to do it.”  rules surrounding what hap-
                                                                      ment  with  the  Players  As-                             pens  when  contact  tracing
                                                                      sociation,”  NBA  spokesman  Some  top  NBA  players,  in-  flags a player as being possi-
                                                                      Mike  Bass  said.  “The  NBA  cluding  Washington’s  Brad-  bly exposed to a person who
                                                                      has made these proposals but  ley  Beal  and  Golden  State’s  is  positive  for  COVID-19,
                                                                      the players’ union has reject-  Andrew  Wiggins,  have  said  the NBA told teams.
                                                                      ed  any  vaccination  require-  they  remain  unvaccinated.
                                                                      ment.”                       Phoenix  star  Devin  Booker  Those  who  are  fully  vacci-
                                                                                                   missed the start of camp be-  nated  will  not  be  required
                                                                      Later,  the  NBPA  responded  cause  he  tested  positive,  re-  in  most  cases  to  quarantine,
                                                                      by celebrating the 90% vacci-  vealing  that  over  the  week-  though will need seven days
                                                                      nation rate and noting how it  end  but  not  saying  if  he  of   testing.   Unvaccinated
                                                                      exceeds the national percent-  is  vaccinated.  Others,  like  players  flagged  by  contact
            (AP) - The NBA released  exceptions  —  such  as  going  age.  “The  real  story  is  not  Brooklyn’s Kyrie Irving — an  tracing  will  need  to  quaran-
            tentative health and safe-   to buy groceries, taking chil-  why  vaccination  isn’t  man-  NBPA vice president — have  tine for seven days.
            ty  protocols  to  its  teams  dren to school and the like.  dated  in  the  NBA.  The  real  also  refused  to  divulge  their
            Tuesday,  detailing  how                                  story for proponents of vac-  vaccination status, though Ir-  The  NBA  and  the  players
            players  who  haven’t  got-  And  unvaccinated  players  cination is how can we emu-   ving not attending Nets me-  are  still  working  on  some
            ten  the  COVID-19  vac-     also will not be permitted to  late the Players in the NBA,”  dia day in person on Monday  final  topics,  all  with  hopes
            cination  will  be  tested  visit  “higher-risk  settings,”  union executive director Mi-  suggests he remains unvacci-  that this season — unlike last
            far more often than their  the  NBA  said,  such  as  res-  chele Roberts said.        nated.                       year — doesn’t see waves of
            vaccinated colleagues and  taurants,  bars,  clubs,  enter-                                                         game postponements or play-
            face  a  slew  of  other  re-  tainment  venues  and  large  LeBron James of the Los An-  Irving  did  practice  with  the  ers missing extended periods
            strictions.                  indoor gatherings.           geles  Lakers  says  he  doesn’t  Nets on Tuesday in San Di-  of time because of the virus.
                                                                      want to tell people what to do  ego,  where  they’re  holding  Remaining  topics  include
            Among  the  rules  for  unvac-  The  league  is  working  with  regarding  vaccinations.  But  training camp.       what would trigger needs for
            cinated  players:  They  will  the National Basketball Play-  James — who has more than                             fully vaccinated players to be
            not be able to eat in the same  ers  Association  to  finalize  50  million  Twitter  followers  The  status  of  Wiggins  and  tested.
            room  with  vaccinated  team-  the  protocols,  but  some  de-  and nearly 100 million on In-  Irving  is  particularly  thorny
            mates  or  staff,  must  have  tails were agreed upon weeks  stagram — did reveal Tuesday  since local ordinances in San  Some rules from last season
            lockers as far away from vac-  ago  —  including  provisions  that he is vaccinated. And like  Francisco  and  New  York  will still apply, at least to be-
            cinated  players  as  possible,  where  unvaccinated  players  many other big NBA names  would  require  them  to  be  gin  this  season.  All  players
            and  must  stay  masked  and  will be tested on all practice,  such  as  Portland’s  Damian  vaccinated  or  get  a  league  and  staff,  regardless  of  vac-
            at  least  6  feet  away  from  all  travel, team activity and game  Lillard, Lakers teammate An-  exception  —  Wiggins  has  cination  status,  must  wear
            other  attendees  in  any  team  days. Fully vaccinated players  thony Davis and Milwaukee’s  already  tried  that  and  failed  masks in almost all situations
            meeting.                     will not be subject to testing,  Giannis   Antetokounmpo,  — in order to play in home  inside  team  facilities,  dur-
                                         with very limited exceptions.  James said he got the shots to  games,   which   obviously  ing  travel  and  when  on  the
            Further, unvaccinated players                             keep his family safe.        make  up  half  the  schedule.  bench  during  games.  The
            will be “required to remain at  Fully  vaccinated  players  —                          Irving  is  due  to  make  about  bench rule will not apply to
            their residence when in their  the category that at least 90%  “I  think  everyone  has  their  $35 million this season, Wig-  head coaches, who are not re-
            home  market,”  teams  were  of the league falls into — will  own choice to do what they  gins nearly $32 million.  quired to mask during games.
            told in the draft of the rules,  largely  be  back  to  business  feel  is  right  for  themselves
            a copy of which was obtained  as usual. Unvaccinated play-  and  their  family  and  things  “Any player who elects not to  Also, it was previously agreed
            by  The  Associated  Press.  ers  will  be  given  coronavi-  of that nature,” James said. “I  comply with local vaccination  that  anyone  in  proximity  to
            They will also need to stay on  rus rapid tests on days where  know that I was very (skepti-  mandates will not be paid for  players  —  stat-crew  staffs,
            team  hotel  properties  when  teams  are  practicing,  travel-  cal) about it all. But after do-  games  that  he  misses,”  Bass  team  attendants,  even  NBA
            on  the  road.  In  both  cases,  ing  or  having  similar  team  ing  my  research  and  things  said Wednesday.   referees  —  must  be  vacci-
            there are limited permissible  events,  plus  they  will  need  of  that  nature,  I  felt  like  it                nated.

                          For CFP to expand by ’24, plans needs approval in 4 months

            (AP) — The college sports  change before the end of the                                for a vote. But the commis-  said. “It’s too complex.”
            leaders  who  run  the  Col-  term,  into  the  12  years,  we  A 12-team plan was unveiled  sioners were unable to come
            lege Football Playoff have  have  three  or  four  months.  in  June,  but  an  eight-team  to a consensus last week.  Hancock  said  when  and
            about  four  months  to  If it’s going to change in year  playoff  is  still  on  the  table,                       where  to  play  extra  playoff
            come to an agreement on  13, then we have a couple of  along  with  simply  staying  at  “I  never  expected  a  rubber  games  was  discussed,  along
            a new format if expansion  years. So, we have the luxury  the  current  four,  Hancock  stamp  on  this,”  Hancock  with media rights.
            is  to  be  implemented  for  of time.”                   said.
            the 2024 season.
                                         The  management  commit-     The  Board  of  Managers,
            If  they  can’t  get  it  done  by  tee, comprised of the 10 FBS  comprised  of  11  presidents
            then, any change to the way  conference   commissioners  and chancellors representing
            major college football decides  and  Notre  Dame’s  athletic  each  conference  and  Notre
            its  national  champion  will  director,  gathered  at  a  hotel  Dame,  were  originally  ex-
            have  to  wait  until  the  cur-  outside Chicago for a meet-  pected  to  attend  in-person,
            rent  television  contract  with  ing that had been on the cald-  but instead joined online for
            ESPN runs out after 2025.    endar for several months.    the  final  two  hours  of  the
                                                                      meeting, Hancock said.
            “We have time,” CFP Execu-   Hancock said they discussed
            tive  Director  Bill  Hancock  lingering issues that need to  There  was  some  hope  that
            said  Tuesday  after  a  four-  be  hammered  out  before  a  the  management  committee
            hour meeting with the man-   decision  on  whether  to  ex-  would  be  ready  to  recom-
            agement  committee.  “Be-    pand  is  made.  Most  impor-  mend  a  new  format  to  the
            cause if the event is going to  tantly, how many teams?   board this week and put it up
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