Page 23 - AMIGOE DEC 01 2020
P. 23
Tuesday 1 december 2020
Urgent Care Aruba (UCA) Accepts Major
International Travel Insurance Plans
plans may differ. If you do not have health Medication/ Vaccines/ IV
Depending on your plan, insurance, you can still visit Fluids Administration, Minor
you may be responsible UCA. We offer competitive Surgical Procedures (Su-
for co-payments, co-in- and affordable self-pay tures/ Stitches), EKG (Elec-
surance, or deductibles. rates. Costs per visit may trocardiography). Foreign
If your plan is not currently vary depending on your Body Removal, Nebulizer
accepted, UCA provides needs and diagnosis. Treatment, Incision & Drain-
affordable self-pay rates. Feel free to walk in – once age, Ear Wax Removal (Ear
A valid insurance card/ you’ve been evaluated by Wash), Vaccinations, Ultra-
documentation, photo ID our physicians, we will let sound/ Radiology, Gyne-
and credit or debit card you know what costs you cology, Virtual Care, Tele-
number is required for per- expect and will work with medicine, Telehealth, Re-
sons presenting with in- you in order to provide you mote Care, Mobile Health
surance. Eligibility will be the right treatment options, Care Unit, COVID-19 PCR
verified with your insurance and on the path to recov- Testing conducted by our
carrier electronically at the ery. own clinical Laboratory
time of your visit. The credit Medlab also located at
card number will be used About Urgent Care Aruba the Noord Medical Center,
to secure your account to- (UCA) Noord 63.
wards future balances that Established walk-in center
may become due once since 2013. An alternative Contact
your insurance carrier has to the crowded ER, there- For more information,
decided what amount is fore delivering quick, reli- questions, or price con-
your responsibility. able, and efficient solutions tact telephone number:
If you have questions about for any clinical challenge, +297 5860448, WhatsApp:
your coverage, you are big or small. Located at +297 5975549, email: info@
NOORD - It is your worst ternational travel insurance also able reach out to us, the Noord Medical Center,, www.ur-
nightmare to experience plan. and we will aid you with Noord 63., like us on
health issues during your coordination of care. Facebook: Urgent Care
relaxing holidays where UCA has had a positive ex- Services offered Aruba and Instagram: @
immediate urgent atten- perience with their patients No Insurance? No problem. Consultation & prescription, Arubadoctor.q
tion is required for non-life- when they seek reimburse-
threatening illnesses and ment back home for self-
injuries. At Urgent Care pay care. We recommend
Aruba, we believe that ev- for you to consult with your
eryone deserves access to health insurance provider
the highest quality health- for detailed coverage in-
care available. That is why formation about your cur-
we accept most major in- rent plan since individual
Monument Funds Aruba is turning 25
ORANJESTAD - 2020 was a year with challenges lands. This prize is awarded to an organization that
for Aruba but also for Stichting Monumentenfonds takes the challenge of restoring a preserved mon-
Aruba (SMFA). Many things changed due to the ument in the Dutch Kingdom and giving it a new
Covid-19 crisis and this was no exception for the purpose or use. The prize has been postponed until
Monument Funds. Despite the difficult situation next year, but we hope for this building to become
the foundation was able to finalize some projects the winner of this great prize in 2021.
which are of great importance to maintaining the
monuments of Aruba. After the shelter-in-place SMFA also managed to finalized the restoration of
period, SMFA opted to continue with its planned the ‘Forno di Kalki’ in Rancho in July 2020. SMFA
projects in order to contribute to the economic de- also signed an agreement with Foundation Ran-
velopment of Aruba. cho, which gives the foundation the greenlight
to have this monument incorporated in their tours
Projects with the sole purpose of educating and bringing
At the beginning of the year, SMFA celebrated the consciousness to the history of community of the
finalization of the restoration of Uncle Louis Store in Rancho.
San Nicolas. This monument dated from the early Mid 2020 there were also public tenders for the
50’s has been completely renovated and serves maintenance of three buildings, Henriquez Pand
now as the office of the Department of Nature & at Weststraat 15, the California Lighthouse and the
Environment. This is the third building renovated by ex-Botica Aruba at Steenweg 19.
SMFA in San Nicolas. This project is also taking part
in the ‘Pieter van Vollenhoven’ prize in the Nether- Continued on Page 9