Page 10 - min.ttc sept 2,2015
P. 10

                                                                                        Wednesday 2 September

Loyal Families Honored by the Aruba Tourism Authority

PALM BEACH - Recently           a token of appreciation to
the Aruba Tourism Author-       guests who visit Aruba for
ity had the great plea-         10-to-19 and 20-to-34 con-
sure of honoring two very       secutive years.
nice families whom are          The honorees were Mr.
loyal and friendly visitors of  Frank and Mrs. Donna
Aruba, at the La Cabana         Monte of New Jersey, as
Beach Resort & Casino as        Distinguished Visitors, and
Distinguished Visitors and      Mr. Clemente and Mrs.
Goodwill Ambassadors.           Maria Diaz Castejon of
The symbolic honorary titles    Maracaibo, Venezuela, as
are presented in the name       Goodwill Ambassadors.
of the Minister of Tourism as   Both families are loyal
                                members of the La Ca-
                                bana Beach Resort & Ca-
                                sino and they love Aruba
                                very much because of
                                the friendly people, the
                                climate, the beaches, the
                                restaurants, and of course
                                the relaxation. They say be-
                                ing on Aruba and staying
                                at the La Cabana Resort
                                is like being in paradise for
                                them. The certificates were
                                presented by Ms. Darline
                                S. de Cuba representing
                                Aruba Tourism Authority
                                together with Mrs. Sharine
                                Charles representative of
                                La Cabana Beach Resort
                                & Casino.q
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