Page 9 - min.ttc sept 2,2015
P. 9


LOCALWednesday 2 September

DJ Afrojack Headlining Friday Night at the Electric Festival!

ORANJESTAD - World-re-         easy to see why his skills are  gle reached platinum sta-      to become one of the first    for Leona Lewis’ ‘Collide’
nowned artist DJ Afrojack      some of the most sought         tus in the U.S. Afrojack then  ever DJ’s to sign an annual   and his 2011 underground
will be headlining Friday      after in the world.             went onto develop his own      residency in Las Vegas, at    track ‘Rock the House,’
night, September 4, 2015,      Starting off in his hometown    imprint in the production      the legendary Wynn Hotel.     which topped the Beatport
on the Main Stage at the       of Spijkenisse, Nick van de     world with his label ‘Wall     The residency saw Afrojack    dance music charts after
Electric Festival on Aruba.    Wall aka Afrojack, quickly      Recordings’ – a platform       perform over a dozen          just three days. The same
Grammy award winning DJ        made a name for himself         by which other passionate      times a year at Wynn clubs    year he headlined both
and producer, Afrojack, of     with a slew of hard-hitting     EDM artists could grow.        including Encore Beach        EDC (Electric Daisy Carni-
The Netherlands, is one of     underground releases, be-       He also wanted his label       Club, Surrender, Tryst and    val) NY & Las Vegas to over
the most influential names     fore exploding on the mu-       to retain the ‘club music’     XS.                           300,000 people, as well as
in electronic dance music      sic scene in 2011 with the      brand, something he strives    From there the success        UMF (Ultra Music Festival)
today.                         release of ‘Take Over Con-      for with every Afrojack re-    continued; as well as mak-    in Miami, Tomorrowland (in
At only 27, he has played a    trol’ – an instant worldwide    lease. 2011 also saw Af-       ing club hits and collabo-    Belgium) and Coachella
large role in the worldwide    club and chart hit the sin-     rojack sign a landmark deal    rating with the likes of Da-  (LA) in addition a colossal
explosion and popularity                                                                      vid Guetta (co-writing and    40 city ‘Jacked’ tour of the
of dance music with The                                                                       producing the world-wide      United States, all packed
Hollywood Reporter calling                                                                    smash ‘Titanium’), he also    into 2012.
him “a global icon” set “to                                                                   began to team up with         Last year got off to a monu-
conquer the world” and in                                                                     and write for A-list pop      mental start when Afrojack
2014 Forbes placing him at                                                                    artists around the world,     signed an exclusive world-
#6 on its annual list of ‘The                                                                 including Madonna and         wide deal with Def Jam Re-
World’s Highest Paid DJs.’                                                                    Chris Brown. In 2011, he co-  cordings (formerly known
A talented producer and                                                                       wrote and produced ‘Give      as Island Def Jam) and
artist Afrojack is versatile                                                                  Me Everything’ for Pitbull    Universal Music Group. The
and creative with his sound                                                                   and Ne-Yo, which to this      deal saw Afrojack’s talent
whether creating club hits                                                                    day has sold more than 5      be recognized and sup-
or producing and remixing                                                                     million copies worldwide.     ported by the renowned
for the likes of Beyoncé,                                                                    Not to mention his produc-    music label.
Pitbull or Madonna. Af-                                                                       tion work for Beyonce’s
rojack is adept at shifting                                                                   ‘Run the World (Girls),’ his     Continued on page 16
between genres and play-                                                                      Grammy nominated remix
ing with his sound and it’s
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